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After the whole...situation...happened I stayed in my room hugging my pillow mumbling things like 'what if he liked it' or 'am I starting to like him or is he starting to like me?' I felt like a teenage girl acting like this. I am a grown woman who should be mature about this, but at the same time I don't wanna go out there. My stomach rumbled since I haven't eaten anything ever since I locked myself in here.
Stomach why must you deceive me
I decided to sneak into the kitchen thinking that J was probably out doing whatever he does. I hid behind walls to see if I saw any movement out in the hall and I even did those spy rolls just for the fun of it.
Ok maybe I'm not a grown woman
I peeked my head into the kitchen and saw there was no one there. I opened the fridge and grabbed some pizza and popped it into the microwave. I even grabbed a tub of ice cream because there is always room for dessert. I grabbed my pizza and ice cream and almost dropped it when I turned around and saw J watching me. He was sitting at the island leaning forward with his hands intertwined under his chin.
"I see you finally decided to come out. Wasn't it a run for you to stay in your room." I blushed and looked away from him
"Psh well um I was hungry and thought no one was here."
What the hell girl you are never flustered he a grip on yourself
"Well now that you're here lets talk about last night."
God damn it almost got away with it
With my food still in my hands I swiftly made my way to him and said in his ear," there is nothing to talk about." Then continued down the hall. I made it to my room and was about to close the door until I foot stopped me from doing so and in came Mistah J.
"We're talking about it whether you like it or not."
I sat on my bed with a spoon of ice cream in my mouth.
"Ok fine why is it so important to you."
"Because I want you to quit toying with me. I know about your little plan to seduce me and honey it's not gonna work." I pulled the spoon out of my mouth making a popping sound and said," how did you find out."
"Well doll I forced a little birdy to tell me and she wanted me to tell you that she's deeply sorry."
Oh Harley what did he do to you.
But then I remembered about the picture he had of me.
" you keep mentioning the kiss and making a big deal about it but you have a picture of me in your desk wanna elaborate on that?" His eyes got dark and he grabbed me by the neck.
"How did you find out about that."
"Well when I first got here. Remember how I was in your office? Yea I decided to look around a bit. Nice to know you have a little obsession with me." With his hand still around my neck he got closer to my face.
"What makes you think it's an obsession? Maybe it's just an infatuation."
"If you were infatuated by me you wouldn't have your hand around my throat." He quickly let go but kept his face close to mine.
"Oh darling but remember hehehehehehehhee I'm not like normal people. I may have a little crush on you but that doesn't me I'm going to soften up and let you take me down cuz darling this plan is going to backfire on you and you're going to be begging to stay with me. Just watch." He roughly but quickly kissed my lips and said," now suit up we're gonna pay an old friend of mine a visit." Leaving me in my daze I finally snapped out of it
Fighting fire with fire huh J well two can play at that game
I decided to wear a more revealing shirt just to mess with him and grabbed my guns. He was already waiting outside of my room and I saw him look at my chest for a quick second and then grabbed my hand.
"Ok listen doll when we're out doing business you're my girlfriend got it." I tried to pull my hand out of his but he held on tighter.
"Why I don't wanna be known as your new bitch." He slammed me against the wall.
"Don't you ever say you're my new bitch because you're not you mean more to me than that." I nodded my head and quickly caught back up with him.
"So who are we going to see today?"
"We're going to go see my old friend Penguin."
"Ew why him why not someone like two face."
"Because he hates me as much as he hates batman." I nodded my head and we made our way to the fat bird.

We got out of the car and made our way up the steps to his door.
"You got your guns doll." I nodded my head not feeling like talking to him. He opened the door and we cautiously made our way inside.
The door was already unlocked interesting.
J grabbed my hand and the door slammed shut.
"Penguin get your ass out here now I don't have all day!" J shouted. A plump looking man came out and tried to give J a hug but he got pushed back.
"Ah Joker and this must be Vixen come with me and let's all have a drink." While we were following penguin to the kitchen J leaned down and whispered in my ear,"don't drink anything." I nodded my head again still choosing not to talk to him.
Why am I acting like this?
My mind drifted back to when he said I meant more to him than a new bitch.
Is that what's making me like this? I shouldn't really care but for some reason I can't help but feel...nice
Penguin placed the drinks in front of us and he just stared at me. J noticed how uncomfortable I was and slapped the bird on the back of the head.
"Stop staring at what's mine." Penguin laughed and said," Yours? Well I must say you picked a good one." I felt my eyebrow twitch from being irritated with this guy.
If he says something pervy about me again this drink is going down his pants.
"Penguin shut up and get back to business. Were you able to get your hands on my new toys?"
"Yes of course Joker now where's my payment." J raised an eyebrow and gave a his famous laugh.
"I don't give payment until I receive it."
"Well I have another suggestion if you don't want to pay me." The bird looked at me and said," you stay with me for a little." I scoffed and was about to dump my drink on him but J beat me to it and got behind Penguin putting him in a choke hold with a gun to his head.
"Don't you ever talk to her or about her like that or we're gonna have problems understand me?" Penguin nodded and joker let go of him. That didn't stop me from punching him in the face and knocking him out tho.
"Cmon J lets just go." We got in the car and drove off and I couldn't help but think
Did he really care about me?

Expect the Unexpected (joker love story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now