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"My good ole friend deadshot."

Selina gave a low whistle and nodded her head while I just stood there clueless.
"Uh who's deadshot?" Selina and Harley gave me the 'really' look.
"He's a Bad ass hit man. He never misses," Harley winked at me," he can help us make a plan and take down her plants." Selina walked over and put her arm over her shoulder
"Where would he be? Is he hard to find?"
"Nah not really he's usually at home with his daughter."

We were in front of this guy's apartment and I was a little nervous because apparently he never misses and he has daughter. Plus his name is deadshot and you don't get a name like that out of nowhere.
"This guy isn't going to shoot me right?"
Harley let out a little giggle and said," of course not he's gonna see that you're with me. He doesn't shoot someone unless I say so." Harley excitedly knocked on the door and it swung open and there was a gun pointed at us.
"Whoa whoa Floyd drop the gun will ya it's just me and I brought some friends." He immediately lowers the gun and shook his head and chuckled
"You can never be too safe. You girls can come in."
We walked in and I looked around and it was a pretty small place.
"So what brings you girls over here I'm trying to lay low." Harley set down her bat and sat on the couch crossing her legs.
"Well I hate to tell ya this but we need you to help us break into the botanical gardens and get Ivy."
Floyd just stood there and gaped at Harley. He turn to me and Selina and pointed at Harley saying,"is this girl for real? I just got out of prison man I ain't trying to go back." I quickly stepped in and said," Floyd we need you. This girl Anna has targets on our backs and she threatened to kill Harley and bombed the place she stayed in." Floyd gave me a quick look over and studied my face.
"Hey you're that Vixen girl. Aren't you joker's girlfriend?" Selina groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Yes it's her are you going to help or not? I'll even stay here and watch your daughter. If I'm good at  taking care of cats I can handle a little girl." He looked at the three of us and we were basically pleading with our eyes. We could tell he was having an internal conflict and he finally sighed and dropped his hands to his sides.
"Fine fine I'll help but give me a minute to get the plan of the building and I'll tell y'all what we'll do." When he left to what I think was his bedroom the three of us high fived each other with victorious grins.

Five minutes later Floyd comes out in his deadshot outfit and the plan in his hand.
"Ok I called my daughter and told her you're watching her Selina so Harley and Vixen come here." He laid the building plan on the table.
"Ok this right here is the inner chamber and that is where she'll most likely be since it's farther in the building. That means this big area in front of it must be filled with her damn plants so we take those out and go into the chamber expecting something to take us out since it's not going to be a piece of cake. After that we take plant lady down and interrogate." I looked over at Harley very impressed.
Damn this dude really is skilled
"Ok lets go right now the sooner the better." Deadshot lended me some extra weapons just in case I needed them and when I was stuffing a knife into my boot there was a loud knock on the door. We all looked at each other cautiously and Floyd made his way to the door with a gun in hand and opened it. Standing there was...J?
"I can't believe you guys were going to go party without me." Joker said while letting himself in.
Floyd closed the door and walked over to J stopping him
"I was hoping you wouldn't come. I don't Know what you're thinking but I still don't trust you."
Joker gave a cackle and walked over to me pulling me to his chest.
"Now if Vixen here is going you don't need to worry about me because nothing will happen to her. Got it? Plus I need to talk to her later about locking me in the house," he said through gritted teeth. I gave an apologetic smile to Floyd and shrugged my shoulders.
Harley skipped over to us and started pushing Floyd towards the door.
"Yea yea quit your yapping we have business to attend to." Floyd and Harley left and I was about to follow but Joker pulled my arm back towards him and said in my ear," don't think your off the hook with that little stunt wait till we get home." Selina was on the couch and cleared her throat.
"Go I can't stand the sexual tension in here," Selina said winking at me. I blushed and quickly left the room catching up to Harley and Floyd. Joker was by my side again and he was laughing.
"Sexual tension huh?" I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me playfully.
"Not now lets just go."

Sorry it's taken me forever guys and that I left you on a cliffhanger!! This chapter isn't as good but it's still something for you guys!! XX

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