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"Plant killer you dumb ass"

Vixen's pov
"Plant killer?! We're supposed to get her alive not dead!" I yelled. J rolled his eyes still upset with me and busted the doors open. We all followed him inside and he stepped in the middle of the garden and spun is a slow circle laughing to himself.
"Don't you just love the smell of death," he inhaled. Deadshot looked weirded out and whispered," girl you're boyfriend is a weirdo."
"That's why he's a clown smarty," I chimed in.
"Well I don't know why you guys are standing here but imma go find red," Harley huffed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Joker's hand and followed Harley with Deadshot following behind. Straight ahead was a large door with a stained glass designs of vines and leaves and we heard faint sobbing coming from behind it.
"Please those girls are all I have." Harley and I looked at each other knowing that was Ivy.
"Please you're being pathetic."
My blood boiled at the sound of that voice. It was her. Before any of them can go through I said," this is my fight stay out of it unless I say it's ok." I kicked the door open before they could object and I walked straight towards Anna in mere seconds and punched her in the face. She stumbled back and just laughed making me arch an eyebrow.
"I was waiting for you to find me girl. I made this too easy I should've just killed you while I had the chance. Oh and look at that you brought backup." I shook my head brushing aside what she said.
"Why are you doing this! We've been friends for years I don't understand..." she faked a frown and looked at me then back to Joker.
"Oh you've done nothing to me it's him." I opened my mouth to speak but Deadshot beat me to it.
"Lady. You are the most confusing person I have ever met." "Agreed," said Harley.
"Um assassin lady. I don't know what you want with me nor do I care but you've caused great trouble for me and my lady. Now you make this easy and let me kill you quickly or I can do it slowly and messy. Hmmmm I can give you big smile too."
By the end of his little talk he was smiling and giggling to himself fantasizing how he'll torture her.
This is taking too long I'm getting it over with.
I pulled out my gun and aimed it Anna quickly shooting her foot making her scream in pain.
"You know you're all bark but no bite that was too easy right?" I said mocking her.
Still having my gun pointed at her I pointed at the others to get ivy out leaving just J and me alone with her. Joker walked up to her stepping on her injured foot making her fall to her knees.
" you see darling. You never answered my question and I'm getting quite impatient."
Anna looked up into his eyes and gave a low laugh.
"You took everything away from me. My family. You killed them because my dad betrayed you and my mom called the bats on you. So for revenge I wanted to take away something precious to you and Vixen fell perfectly into my plan so I decided. Why not?." I brought my arm down and furrows my eyebrows staring at them.
This doesn't make any sense. I thought she didn't want me going after him unless she knew something like this would happen.
"I've had enough of youre lies. I have zero tolerance for fake people like you in my life." I was about to shoot her but quicker than I can react she threw and knife into my thigh and punching Joker in the stomach knocking the breath out of him. My leg was screaming in agony and all I can think about was getting J out of her alive. Sucking up the pain I shot my gun a few times at her but she managed to dodge them all. My mouth hung in awe wondering how she was able to do that. She smirked at me in a way saying that she knew she was better than me. I heard J growl and when he looked at my thigh he turned red with pure hatred.
"I wanna kill ya really really bad." Her attention averting from to J and I used that time to pull the knife out of my thigh and hurled it at her arm hitting it. She yelled in pain and I saw the other tip of the knife go through her arm. J immediately grabbed ahold of her neck and covered her mouth with his hand that had the giant smile.
"Sweet dreams cupcake." And shot her between the eyes making her go limp. He threw her aside and lifted me up bridal style.
"She was so easy to take down and yet I still get hurt," I pouted. J smirked with me still in his arms as we got outside.
"My clumsy ass. Oh I almost forgot something." He pulled something out of his pocket and pressed a button and the whole place went up in flames.
I shook my head still wondering how he does these things.

Sorry if there's any spelling errors I wanted to try and post this fast for you guys also Idk if I like this chapter I was tired writing it xx I just realized Selina was supposed to watch Deadshot's daughter so all I did was cut her out of the chapter

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