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I was laying in the shitty bed this place had just staring at the ceiling and popping bubbles with the gum J somehow got.
I swear that guy has his way with everything
I was humming to myself and was wrapped up in my own world that I didn't see a guard approach my cell.
"Hey girl get up time for food!" I stayed in the same position it just narrowed my eyes at him looking at the old food they gave me. He realized I wasn't going to say anything and just mumbled something about me being a bitch. A few more guards came by and opened my cell and grabbed me handcuffing my wrists and pulled me up. I also saw them do the same thing to J.
What the hell is going on
The doctor that visited me stood in front of us.
"Hello we are going to try something new today and see how you cope with other patients here."
I looked at J feeling uneasy and he looked at me feeling the same way. We were dragged to a cafeteria I guess you could say and they made us sit at different tables.
"Ok we're going to take off the handcuffs but don't try anything there's guards and way more patients around you." J and I looked at each other from across the room and he gave his signature smile and said," oh babe this is going to be interesting."
"J don't try anything it's too soon." He was about to say something back but the room started filling up with patients and the worst part about it for me was that they were mostly guys.
They put me in a sea of guys who probably haven't had any sexual contact for how long?? Fml
J noticed how I was basically the only girl and kept a close eye on me. There were some girls here and there but it was just mainly guys. I saw some of them about to approach me but I gave them a death glare making them back off. I sighed and flipped my hair resting my head in my hand and looked at J again. He sat there looking smug obviously seeing me rejecting these guys and mouthed good girl. I just flipped him off and looked at my nails to distract myself. Man my nails are dirty I didn't even do anything. I then heard giggling coming from Joker's side of the room and I saw a girl sitting at the table with J looking a little too comfortable. I felt myself clench my hand into a fist but placed it by my side to hide it.
Who is that freaking girl I swear...wait why should I care? Hahahahaha oh fuck it I know I'm jealous no need to deny it.
I looked at them again and I saw J turn his body towards her and I swear you could see flames dancing in my eyes. Realizing how I felt I unclenched my fist and looked down.
Fuck these feelings man. I know he has feelings for me but I guess I didn't realize it until I saw him with someone else...hmmm he did say I was his 'girlfriend' so might as well act like it then.
I started to stand up but a guard pushed me back in my seat and told me to stay seated so I decided to just glare at J until he notices. I gave the most menacing look I can make thinking about my jealousy and instead of Joker turning the girl looked my way. She hesitated and pointed my way making J look at me. I crossed my arms at him and raised my eyebrows motioning at the girl. I then made eye contact with the girl and flat out said," that's my boyfriend back off." The girl immediately got up and walked somewhere else and there was J who was smiling at me looking very pleased. Too pleased. In a mocking way he mouthed jealous.
Not wanting to admit any feelings to him yet I just mouthed back in your dreams clown boy.
The guards grabbed us and said that we were going to our session now. They took us to a room with a giant glass wall and before taking us inside they put a straight jacket on Joker and decided I was fine with just being handcuffed. We sat down at the table waiting for the doctor but J just had to be teasing and scooted his chair closer to mine and rested his head on top of mine. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't like it because I did.
"My sweet little Vixen I found it very attractive how you announced that I was yours."I felt my face heat up and I avoided eye contact with him.
"Well you said in public I was your girlfriend so that's who I'm being." He chuckled and put his red lips next to my ear. "Stop denying how you feel babe I can see it in your eyes. I may be a clown but I'm not stupid." He then kissed my jaw and pulled away when the door opened to reveal the doctor.
"Hello I'm Dr. Willis and I'll be in charge of your therapy sessions." I admit this Dr. Willis person was pretty which made me keep a closer eye on J.
"Well hello Dr. Beautiful..."
Oh I cant believe this guy.
I kicked him under the table and I can see him holding in a grunt which made me smirk in triumph.
I covered J's mouth with my hand and said," hello there isn't much to talk about here so can we leave?" I dropped my hand from joker's mouth when the doctor said no.
"Anyways Joker and Vixen, you two must be a really close couple seeing how intimate you guys were when I was behind the glass." I was about to say something but J cut me off and said," why yes doctor we are deeply in love she can't live without me." Then he looked me in the eyes and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.
Damn hormones
Knowing I had to play along I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck making sure I squeezed him a little as a warning and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Yes we complete each other," I said through gritted teeth and a fake smile.
When we get out of here you are in so much trouble J
The doctor asked us the usual questions about why we do what we do and what were our intentions and shit like that. J and I either gave short answers or didn't answer at all. Getting frustrated with us the doctor finally decided to let us go back to our cells. Before we got shoved into our cells J gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I sat on the floor of my cell with my mouth hanging staring at him not believing he did that in front of all those guards.
"Honey I suggest you close your mouth it's very inviting." I quickly shut it and whisper shouted," fuck you Mistah J!" Then I couldn't help but smile a little.
"Ah I see that smile peeking through Vixen you know you like me or if I'm lucky love me." I looked at him then quickly turned around making sure I flipped my hair to show some sass and fell face down into my pillow.
And I promised that I wouldn't fall... Well sometimes things happen unexpectedly for a reason.

There I finally gave you some more Joker and Vixen and stepped it up a little!

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