Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Nikki's POV

*One Week Later*

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV while Justine took a nap. I paused my TV when my phone started ringing.

"Andy!" I cheered when his caller ID popped up.

"Hey." He said in a weird tone of voice.

"Andy, what's wrong?"

"Nikki, I need to tell you something." He said, his voice cracking.

"Andy, what is it? You're scaring me."

"We went out to celebrate when you told me you were pregnant and I got drunk and I-I did a bad thing Nikki. I'm so sorry. I cheated on you."


"It was a mistake! It was a random girl and I felt guilty the moment I saw her. I kicked her off the bus as soon as I woke up. Please forgive me Nikki."

"What the actual fuck Andrew. You wait a week to tell me you cheated on me. Your pregnant wife, the mother of your children. You cheat on me and expect me to fucking forgive you just like that? Did that slut give you brain damage?"

"Nikki, please!"

"Fuck off Biersack." I said and hung up on him. I threw my phone down and started sobbing. I calmed myself down and turned the TV back on to try to distract myself. Andy started blowing up my phone with calls and texts so I blocked his number. I did not want to deal with him right now.

I decided to call Ashley. I didn't want to be here when Andy came home.

"Nikki, do you know what's wrong with Andy? He's all mopey and is crying. He refuses to come out of his bunk."

"Can I stay at your house after you guys get off of tour?"

"Uh, sure, why?"

"I don't want to be here when that asshole comes home." I said, starting to cry.

"Nik, what the fuck did he do to you?" He asked, obviously starting to get mad.

"He cheated on me last week."

"BIERSACK! YOU'RE DEAD!" Ashley yelled as I heard faint screams. I continued to cry and hung up the phone. I can't believe he would do this to me. I collected myself and played with Justine a bit and made dinner before putting her to bed. I went to bed as well, sitting in bed and staring down at my ring. I slipped it off of my finger and placed it on his nightstand. I ended up crying myself to sleep, so heartbroken.

Ashley's POV

"BIERSACK! YOU'RE DEAD!" I screamed as I dropped my phone on the floor. I raced back to the bunks and ripped open his curtain. I drug him out of his bunk and got on top of him on the floor, punching him in the face, hard. He just laid there, taking my punches. I watched as his face got more bruised and bloody with each punch.

"ASHLEY! GET OFF OF HIM!" CC exclaimed, him and Jake pulling me off while Jinxx went to make sure Andy was okay.

"I NEED TO KILL HIM! HE FUCKING HURT MY SISTER! HE CHEATED ON HER! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BIERSACK! YOU HAVE A CHILD WITH HER AND SHE'S PREGNANT WITH YOUR SECOND ONE!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. Andy just sat there as Jinxx tried to wipe away the blood.

"I'm sorry." He cried. He kept repeating those words. CC and Jake pulled me out to the lounge and sat me on the couch.

"Don't kill him." Jake said, sitting next to me on the couch and CC sat on the couch across from us.

"VIP in an hour, start getting ready." Our manager informed us thirty minutes later. Jinxx, CC and Jake began to get ready and I followed shortly after. After a lot of convincing and force, they got Andy ready and into the venue. I made sure Andy and I were on opposite sides of the table as we met the fans. After the fans were inside the venue, we hung out backstage, listening to the opening bands play.

"Black Veil Brides, five minutes until stage." The stage manager told us.

"I'm not performing with him." I stated.

"I'm not performing." Andy said. "I'm too upset."

"Okay, Ashley, you're acting like a child. I don't give a fuck if you want Andy dead right now. This is your fucking job. You are thirty two years old now act like it. You don't have to be near him or look at him. Just play your instrument and be an adult. Andy, I understand you're upset, but get over it for an hour. This is your job. This is how you put a roof over your family's head and food on their table. Now, put your family first, go out there and give the fans a good fucking show. Got it?" Jake questioned and we both nodded.

"Good, now go." He said. I grabbed my bass and we ran out onto stage. I stood as far away from Andy as possible, the tension between us very obvious. We made it through the show and went straight back to the bus. These last two months are going to be terrible.


What do you think is going to happen?


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