Chapter 13: Quitting and Appointments

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Chapter 13: Quitting and Appointments

Andy's POV

As soon as I told Nikki I would quit the band I regretted it. The band is my life. It's my career. It's my passion. But, my family is more important.

"Andy, what did you want to talk to us about?" Ashley asked. I had invited the guys over to tell them I was quitting.

"There's no easy way to say this, uhm, I'm quitting the band."

"WHAT!" They screamed.

"Why?" Jake asked.

"I might have a chance to get back with Nikki if I quit. She wants me to quit and that's what I'm doing."

"You can't quit!" CC exclaimed.

"I don't have any choice."

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" Ashley grumbled under his breath. "You can't let my sister control you like that!"

"I can't risk loosing my family! She told me that once she divorces me, she will make sure I never see my kids again. She has the ammunition to do it too! I'm doing everything I can to make sure my family doesn't fall apart!"

"Why don't you pretend to quit." Jinxx said.


"Yeah, tell Nikki you quit but don't actually quit. I'm sure she doesn't actually expect you to quit so maybe she'll start to feel guilty and get back with you." Jinxx suggested.

"Wow, I didn't think of that." I said.

"Great, we all get to keep our jobs." Jinxx smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Face it Andy, we won't survive with a new singer. If you leave the band, there won't be a 'Black Veil Brides' within a year after." He said and I shrugged.


I took a deep breath and got out of my car. Today was Nikki's three month appointment and she invited me to come along. I walked into the waiting room to see Nikki sitting down.

"Hey." I said, walking up to her.

"Hi." She said, not looking up from her phone. I sat down next to her and pulled out my phone. 

"Nikki Biersack." She stood up and I followed her. She got weighed and measured and led to a room. I sat down in a chair and Nikki laid on the table, pulling up her shirt. My eyes glanced over to her small bump and a small smile creeped onto my face. That's my child in there. I was suddenly really excited again.

"Hello Nikki, Andy." Her doctor said, walking in.

"Hello." Nikki said as the doctor sat down. 

"Let's take a look a your baby, shall we?" She smiled, turning on the ultrasound machine. She covered Nikki's belly in a gel and moved the transducer around. "There's your baby!" The doctor announced, pointing to a white figure on the screen. She flipped a button and my child's heartbeat rang through the room.

"Oh my god." I whispered, tears coming to my eyes. Nikki looked over at me and I saw a small smile creep onto her face before she quickly took it away. I wanted to reach out and grabbed her hand so bad. I wanted to rub her belly and kiss her and hug her. But I couldn't.

The doctor printed out a photo, gave Nikki a towel to wipe off her belly and left the room. 

"Here." She said, handing me the picture as she cleaned up.

"Oh my god." I said again, the smile still on my face. She jumped off the table and walked out of the room. I followed her all the way to her car.

"Andy, this is my car." She said.

"I quit the band for you."


"I told the guys I quit the band yesterday. They're waiting until they find a new singer to announce it."

"Oh my god, you really quit the band?"

"Yeah. Will you forgive me now? Our family is more important to me than anything!"

"I gotta go." She said, opening her car door.

"Nikki, wait!"

'I'm sorry, I have to go." She said, turning on the car and driving away. I sighed and let out a scream, going to my car and banging my head on the steering wheel.



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