Chapter 24: Appointment

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Chapter 24: Appointment

Nikki's POV

The next day, Andy and I got up, dragging ourselves around the room to get ready. I didn't put in much effort. I slid on a pair of black leggings and a baggy t-shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and left my face makeupless considering I would probably be doing a lot of crying today. Andy had on a t-shirt and jeans and was brushing his teeth when I left the room to go take care of Carter. I fed him, changed his diaper, and dressed him for the day. I strapped him into his carrier and met up with Andy in the hallway.

"You hungry?" He asked and I shook my head. "Me neither, start the car. I'll grab Justine." He said, walking to her room. I walked down the stairs and grabbed the car keys, walking out the front door. I strapped Carter's carrier into the car and then got in the passenger seat, leaning over to put the keys in the ignition. I started it up and watched as Andy carried a very limp Justine outside. He strapped her in her car seat and then got in the drivers side. He loaded up directions to the hospital where the oncologist was located. We pulled into the parking lot and I sucked in a breath, holding it for a second. Andy grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over the top of my hand, causing me to let go of the breath I was holding.

"We can do this. We're going to get though this." He said, giving my hand a small squeeze. I nodded and unbuckled my seat belt, getting out of the car. I grabbed Carter's carrier and Andy grabbed Justine. We walked into the hospital and looked at the directory at the front.

"Third floor." Andy mumbled and we headed to the elevator. We got in and Andy pressed the button, the doors closing and the elevator slowly moving.

"Daddy." Justine grumbled, gripping his shirt in her tiny hand.

"Yes pumpkin?" He asked, stroking her back. 

"I'm tired." She moaned.

"I know, it's okay. We're going to make you all better." He said. I sniffled, trying to blink the away the tears that had appeared in my eyes. We walked out of the elevator and walked down the never ending hallway until we reached the heavy wooden door. I pushed it open, holding it so Andy could walk through. He went to go sit down with Justine and I walked up to the front desk.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" The nurse asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm here for an appointment for my daughter at ten." I said, gesturing to Andy sitting in the corner, holding Justine close to his body.

"And what is her name?"

"Justine Biersack."

"Appointment with Dr. Jefferson?"


"Okay, go take a seat and we will call you back shortly." She said. I nodded and walked over to Andy. I put Carter's carrier down on an empty seat and sat between Carter and Andy. I reached over and stroked Justine's long black hair.

"Mommy, my legs hurt." Justine whined.

"I know hon-" I reached out to rub her leg but she cried out the moment I touched them, almost falling out of Andy's arms. "I'll be back." I told Andy, standing up and rushing out of the waiting room and back out into the hallway. I began sobbing loudly and uncontrollably, falling to the ground. I can't even comfort my own damn daughter without hurting her! I punched the hard tile floor, pulling my fist back to my chest and cradling it. Well, that's going to bruise. I took a moment to compose myself and dry my eyes before returning to my family.

"Nik-" Andy started but I cut him off.

"Don't." I grumbled, staring straight ahead.

"Justine Biersack." A nurse called a few minutes later. Andy and I stood up, taking our kids through the doorway. "We just need to get her height and weight." She said, taking us to a corner with a scale and a stadiometer.

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