Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Ashley's POV

"Ashley, can you take Justine to go see Andy? I can't stand her begging anymore and I've run out of lies." Nikki asked.

"Sure, I'll take her in an hour." She nodded and ran upstairs. I pulled out my phone and called Andy.

"Hello?" He groaned.

"Get your shit together Andy. Get up, take a shower, put on some clothes and a smile. I'm bringing Justine."

"Really? Thank you so much Ash!" He exclaimed and hung up. I sighed. This is crazy. I wish they would just make up.


"Uncle Ash, why are we li-ing at your hause?" Justine asked from the backseat, still not able to talk correctly on account of being three. I took a moment to try to think of what to say.

"Uhm, well, because your daddy has a big surprise for you and mommy but he needs you guys not to be in the house to get it ready." I said, hoping she would believe it.

"Are we going to see the supise?"

"No, we're just going to see your daddy."

"Oh. Why isn't mommy coming?"

"Because this is you and daddy time."

"Otay." She said and continued playing with her Barbie doll in the backseat. I let out a sigh of relief that the questions were over. I pulled into Andy's driveway and unbuckled her car seat. She jumped out of the car and ran up to the door.

"Knock on the door Justine." I told her and she knocked ever so slightly. I pulled out my phone and texted Andy we were here in case he didn't hear the knock. The door opened a few seconds later and Andy appeared, smiling when he saw his daughter.

"DADDY!" Justine exclaimed.

"Justine!" Andy smiled, bending down to hug her. This was the best and happiest I had seen him in weeks. He let us in, Justine not letting go of him.

"Hun, go upstairs to your room and I'll be up in a minute."

"Otay!" She said and ran upstairs. Once she was out of earshot, Andy turned to me.

"What the fuck is going on Ashley?" Andy asked.

"Nikki is still really upset about what happened."

"She's acting like a child about it!"

"I know. You knew the woman you were marrying Andy."

"I just wish this would all be over!"

"Me too bro." I sighed.

"Is she staying at your place?" He asked and I shook my head. "Where is she staying."

"I don't know." I lied. "She met with me in a park and handed Justine to me."

"I just wish she would talk to me. If we could talk this out everything would be better."

"I know. She's just being stubborn. She'll get over it."

"I hope it's soon." He sighed.

"Me too. I'll be back in two hours." I said, walking to the front door.

"Ashley, thank you so much." Andy said.

"No problem." I smiled and walked out to my car.

Andy's POV

I walked upstairs to where Justine had started building a block tower. Luckily, Nikki hadn't taken all of Justine's toys.

"Daddy, come help." Justine said. I kneeled down and we kept building the tower higher and higher until it was on the edge of falling. I moved out of the way as she ran into the tower, giggling as it fell over as she always did. I missed her. My little girl.

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