Chapter 16: Carter Hudson Biersack

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Chapter 16: Carter Hudson Biersack

Andy's POV

*Five Months Later*

Nikki's attitude towards me has not changed. If anything, she's gotten meaner to me with hormone changes. I helped Ashley set up a few things to be prepared for the new baby.

Speaking of the baby, he is still nameless. Nikki refuses to sit down with me and discuss names. We tried once, but she rejected every name idea I had and wasn't supplying any so I got mad and left.  I just want my family to be back together. It's so sad when I'm hanging out with Justine and she has to go back home. Ashley tells me she cries all the way home until she passes out.

I've bought a few things for the baby and just dropped them off at Ashley's house. I'm scared for this baby to come, because Nikki will be able to go forward with the divorce. I don't care if she wants to leave me, I'm going to be kicking and screaming the entire way.

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV when my phone rang.


"Andy! Get to the hospital! Nikki's in labor!"

"Shit, I'll be right there." I exclaimed. I hung up and grabbed my keys, running out of the house. I sped to the hospital and ran into the waiting room.

"Ashley!" I called.

"Hey." He said, standing up.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's fine, she actually wants to see you."

"Okay." I said, receiving the room number from him. I ran down to Nikki's room and walked in.

"Nikki." I said, nervously walking into the room.

"Get the fuck over here." She groaned. I walked over and she grabbed my hand, squeezing it as tight as she could.

"Ow!" I whined.

"You fucking did this to me." She hissed, releasing her grip on my hand.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm trying to push a baby out of my fucking body, how the fuck do you think I'm fucking feeling?"

"Sorry." I mumbled.


After several hours of complete misery for the both of us, it was time for her to push. She gripped my hand so hard she almost broke it as the doctors encouraged her to keep pushing.

"It's a healthy baby boy!" The doctor announced as he pulled our son out. I started crying as they brought him over to Nikki for her to look at him.

"He's beautiful." Nikki sobbed as they took him away to clean him up. We sat for about five minutes before the nurses brought him back into the room.

"Here's your son." She smiled, picking him up and handing him to me before leaving.

"Hey, I'm your daddy." I smiled, holding him close to me. "God, he's perfect." I smiled.

"Let me see." She said, holding out her arms. I handed the baby to her and she smiled, crying again.

"Oh god, he looks like you."

"Really?" She nodded.

"Hi baby boy, I'm your mommy and I love you so much." She held him for a bit longer before handing him to me. 

"Put him back in the bassinet." I did as she said and walked back over to her. She reached up and pulled me down by my neck, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, missing her hugs. She pulled back a bit and gripped my face in both of her hands, kissing me passionately. I kissed back, missing her lips. As much as I didn't want to, I pulled away.

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