Chapter 1: The Beginning?

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(Y/N's POV)
"Ayato-nii, whatcha doin?" A ten-year old me peeked at my brother, Ayato.

"I'm just finishing my homework for tomorrow and then after this I'm going to play voleyball with some of my friends." Ayato smiled at me, "Do you want to come with me to play volleyball?"

"OF COURSE NII-SAN!! I wanna see you play!" My eyes sparkled and nodding my head happily.

Ayato laughed and petted my head,
"Now hurry up and change your clothes, little one."

"I am not little!!" I pouted and hurrying up to my bedroom to change my clothes.

"(Y/N), you're done yet?" Ayato called out.

"I'm coming!!" I ran downstairs and saw my brother waiting for me. I hurried to put on my shoes and say goodbye to mom.

"Are you excited to see your nii-san in action?" Ayato asked while walking to the gym.

"Yeah! I can't wait!" I hummed happily.

We arrived at the gym, I was so excited that I can run around a field or more. Seeing my nii-san playing is like the best feeling in the world. It helps motivate me to play more volleyball, and who taught me? Ayato-nii, of course!

"(Y/N)!" I saw my bedhead haired friend calling out to me.

"So, you're here to see the practice Tetsu?" I asked, grinning.

"Of course, I am." Tetsurou grinned back.

Ayato smiled seeing me and Tetsurou talking to each other.

"(Y/N), I'm going to meet my friends now, you can watch with the practice with Kuroo."

"Ok, nii-san, good luck!" I waved at him, wished him luck while he waved back at me before joining his friends.

"So, shall we go milady?" Tetsurou teased. "We shall." After that, me and Tetsu laughed because how silly we are.

-Timeskip by Hinata's overhypeness-

"That practice was intense! What do you think about it Tetsu?"

"Well, I don't have much to say about it." He shrugged.

I turned around and saw my brother running up to me, panting. Me and Tetsu sweatdropped at him.
"Nii-san, you don't have to run, ya know!"

"It's fine! I still have energy anyways," 
I giggled at my 'oh-so-caring brother'. I hugged him, I don't really care about sweating and stuff, after all he's my brother that I always admired. Ayato smiled and ruffled my (h/c) hair.

Oh, I forgot there's Tetsu.

Tetsu is just standing there, trying to hold his laugh. I blushed in embarrassment and released my brother from the hugging. And all of a  sudden, Tetsu laughed so hard that he rolled on the floor.
"W-what's so funny??!" I fumed in anger and punched lightly at Tetsu.
"That's for laughing and making me embarrassed, idiot!" I pouted, blushing.

Ayato shaked his head and called, "(Y/N), it's time to go!"

"Okay! See you soon Tetsu!" I smiled, waving at him.

I walk with my brother going back home, we talked and giggled, ya know siblings stuff. Example, you both like video games and I usually beat him at it. (A/N: I used to like to play games, but guess what, now I only play otome games, the shame is on me.) Especially at (F/VG), well it's my favorite video game after all.

"Hey, (Y/N) wanna play (F/VG) later?" Ayato questioned, while walking.

"Suuure! And you know I will beat you at it~" I said it in a teasing voice.
Ayato smirked, "Well not today, missy."

I giggled and we were babbling, talking whatever is in our minds. Until...

We were crossing the road, and we're so into a topic, that we didn't realize there's a truck coming our way. Ayato-nii saw the truck was coming our way swiftly, so he pushed me out of the way and before I can go reached up to him.. The truck crashed, hitting my brother in the process and the first thing that I saw was BLOOD.

It was splattered, covering the whole street with redness. All I can do is stood there, not reacting or moving to help my brother. Many people came to the scene and saw my brother lying there. Some people asked me, if I'm alright, well, all I had were just minor injuries.

Some people tried to call the ambulance, and the police came as fast as they could. The ambulance came and took my brother to the nearest hospital. While the police captured the driver, which he was drunk for some reason and also the police called mom to pick me up. Mom came, and she heard about Ayato-nii, so then we rushed to the hospital where he was treated in.

-Timeskip to the hospital-

Mom and I sat outside, waiting for the news about my brother. The doctor came out and said that my brother didn't make it due to blood lost. Mom and I cried, hearing the painful news about my brother. If only the truck wasn't there, if only the truck didn't move that fast and killed my brother.

And that is the day where that changes EVERYTHING.

A/N ✏️:
Heyoooo rrrreaders!~
Sorrey if mah first chapter sucked, is mah first time doing a fanfiction of my own. So yeah, hope you enjoy the rest of le story!

-Additional note-
I was editing this chapter, and I never knew it had this much cringe and cliche. I also may change some of the plot in the story and has many grammar errors.
Still, I hope you'll support the story. Also, English is not really my first language, so please bear with me.

                                   🔹Wand-chan 👻


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