Chapter 15: Falling For You

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(Y/N's POV)


I woke up.

(Third Person's POV)

Your (e/c) eyes immediately opened, realizing something is blocking you. You felt a sharp pain in your abdomen, and you tried to got up but you just can't handled the pain sweeping through your body.

"It's... Just a stupid nightmare (Y/N)," you reassured yourself, "A stupid nightmare."

You looked around your surroundings, firstly yourself. You wore a breathing mask, while a beeping was heard from the monitor. You were changed into those regular hospital clothing, those white dresses sort of kind.

You positioned yourself into a more comfortable position, until the nurse came in. The nurse saw you trying yourself to get up from your place.

"(L/N)-san, please rest! You just woke up from your coma!" She hurried herself towards you making sure you're alright.

You sweatdropped, but still thanked her for checking you. The nurse helped you getting out from the breathing mask and the nurse went to fetch the doctor, to make sure you're alright.

When the doctor came in, he told you something that irritated your ears,
"Ms.(L/n), I'm afraid you have a phobia, and you're lucky you survived it. If you play again, your phobia might get worse and you might not make it."

You panicked hearing the news," Is there anything else that you can do doc to fix my phobia?"

The doctor shook his head, "Sorry, I can't. Everyone on the medical team tried. You have to stay here for 3 months to recover then you can go out."

'Great, what happened if mom knows this... It will be bad.'


Afterwards, the doctor went out, telling your mom that she could come in. Your mom came in, then hugged you while crying tears of joy, relieved that you're alright.

"I-i was worried about you sweetheart!" Your mom panicked, "I thought you were—"

"I'm okay mom! See???" You fake smiled, hiding the fact knowing about the news. The doctor explained to your mom that you have recover by staying in the hospital for 3 months. Your mom it's fine with it since all she cared is about you to be healthy again, feeling better than before.

-Time skip brought by Haruka Nanase's love of water-

The next day after you've awoken your two buddies went to visit you, which are the lanky captain and the shy setter of the Neko team. They both were relieved that you were alright, even though Kenma doesn't really show it. You hugged them both as tightly as you can, which leaded them of suffocation. Both of them were surprised of your action, even you can see a faint smile going from Kenma.

"I know who you guys are to me now!"
You brightly grinned at them. "You're my childhood friends, right??"

They looked at each other, they both giggled. Actually Kenma giggled, and Kuroo trying to suppressed his laugh.

"What's so funny??" You scoffed, an irk mark was planted on your forehead.

"You just remember it now?" Kuroo patted your (h/c) haired and flicked lightly on your forehead. "You should your brain of yours wisely."

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