Chapter 2: Meeting "him"

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(Second Person's POV)
It's been 3 years after the incident, during the time when you heard your brother died. You tried to forget about what happened, but every night you kept on getting nightmares.

You were traumatized of the accident, the scene still lingered in your head. You always blamed yourself, feeling that everything it's your fault to begin with.

Your mom, saw that you were not in a good state. She tried her hardest and she even used your favorite things to made you happy again, but still it didn't affected much.

Also after the very incident, you were scared you would hurt anyone. So, you wouldn't come out of your room most of the time. Your friends tried to cheered you up, encouraged you to forget about it. Little did that they knew, you tried, but your memory would remind you for what you "did."

Little by little, you lost in touch with your friends and became distant. With that, you grew cold, trying to avoid as much people as you could.

Also, since that day you stopped playing volleyball and, you also stop staying in touch with your childhood friend, Kuroo Tetsurou.

Before volleyball was your EVERYTHING, but now it's nothing but a piece of haunting memories about your brother.

Now, you're 15, today is your first highschool year in Karasuno. Well, you actually didn't want to attend this school but you have to. Why, you ask? To repay his lifesaving act he did for you, you wanted to fulfill your brother's dream. He said he wanted to join the Karasuno volleyball team and be the best out of the best.

(Y/N's POV)
I hope I will do fine at school, like I care about it either. I walk to my shoe locker and change my (f/c) shoes into the shoes that is in the locker as I think about school. I hear the bell ring, so I hurry to my class, which is class 1-3 and I see the teacher is on the way to the classroom. So, I run and open the door, panting.

Everyone are looking at me and the class became quiet. I notice they are looking/staring at me, but I just walk calmly and ignore them as I pass, walking to my seat. The teacher come afterwards, the class president asks everyone to stand up and bow,  greeting the teacher. The teacher greets us back a 'good morning'.

The teacher asks all of us to stand up individually to introduce ourselves. And now it's my turn to introduce myself.

I stand up, introducing myself saying boringly, "My name is (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you all. Nothing interesting about me to know, so keep your mouths shut." And I sit down at my seat and see other few people introduce themselves.

~Timeskip cuz too lazy to write the details~

It was lunch time, you sit alone under a tree in the backyard of the school. You are eating the bento your mom made for you, it was beef teriyaki with little slice carrots with mayonnaise and rice, of course. (A/N: If you don't want to eat this kind of food, you can change it.) You munch your food, staring at the blue sunny sky while white puffy clouds moving in the sky. Until, a person interrupt your daydreaming.

The person come into your view, it was a gray-haired boy with a motherly like smile on his face, and he wears the Karasuno uniform.

"Can I join you here?" The gray-haired boy asks politely.
"Sure, I guess.." I shrug, not caring he's there or not, because what's important now is filling my tummy with food, and who doesn't want to waste delicious food! 

Awkward silence fills the place -as the awkward person I am- with the boy sitting next to me, while I still finishing my food.

"Um...." The boy tries to make the awkward silence disappear, "Why are you alone here by yourself?"

I keep on the silent treatment for a while, trying to ignore him.

"I don't have friends here, and no one will care if I don't have one," I scowl.

The boy expression soften, and asks, "Can I be your friend then? Oh, I forget to introduce myself, my name is Sugawara Koushi, I'm a second year, nice to meet you."

A few moments later I speak up,"The name is (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you senpai, and sure why not be my friend."

The bell rings, signaling that lunch break is over. I rush packing my lunch box and stand up, only with the thought of 'I'm going to be late'. Forgetting that I left someone behind.

(Sugawara's POV)
I sigh, watching the (h/l) (h/c) girl running, rushing towards to inside the building. 'I should go inside too.'
I walked inside the building, only thinking about the lonely (h/c) girl. 'I pity her, why wouldn't anyone be her friend? She looked like a good person, and polite, too. Why am I thinking about her? Maybe, I'm just being considerate, that's all.' I thought to myself, as in having a conversation. 'Augh, what am I thinking? Why are you stressing about a girl you just met?? There's must be something wrong with me.' I slapped my cheeks, to keep me focus.

"Um, Suga why are slapping yourself?" Asahi appears out of nowhere.

"Ah! It was nothing! I was trying to keep myself awake that's all." I calmly lie.

"Okay.. Anyways we should go to class now, since the bell rang a few moments ago." Asahi tells me, believing the lie.

I walk with Asahi to class, and as I enter, I walk to my sit next to Daichi. The teacher starts teaching us about World War II. I keep my best to concentrate, listening to the teacher carefully.

But all day long during class, even volleyball practice and at home, I keep thinking about (L/N), feeling sympathy for her, and wanting to just caresses that beautiful (h/c) hair of hers.

'W-wait, what am I really thinking?? Is this...

Love at first sight?'


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