Christmaszzzz Special 🎄 (Crossover AU)

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A/N :
I know I'm late for the Christmas but hey! At least I made the chapter for you guys! Dis is actually a crossover of one of my fav anime...
AND BEWARE SPOILERS ALERT SORTA. THANK U FOR 100 votes! Thanks for the ppl who've been voting and commenting in this fanfic!

Jaa ne!~

-Wand-chan 👻

Bzzt bzzt..

Bzzt bzzt..

You checked your phone seeing you've been messaged by someone.

(Y/N)-chan!!! You must come now I want to show you someone special to me~

K... Just wait im still otw there.

You replied the text, and went there as fast as you can even though you felt like freezing in this cold winter. You wonder who could be the special someone for Viktor, wondering you who it is, you just remembered something. You don't have a special someone to be with exception for your family, but you don't have to have a special someone to be with anyways.

You must be wondering why you're meeting Viktor during this time of year, even though he was going to spend this time with his boyfriend. (A/N: And he is stillll) Viktor is actually one of your closest cousins until he became popular in his ice skating career. You sometimes watch him ice skate, also learning how to ice skate was quite an experience. He visited Japan to check on you sometimes if he had the time to, and boy he had to use this time of year.

"(Y/N)-chan! Over here!" You saw Viktor in a distance, with two other people standing in each his side. You softly smiled and went towards his direction.

"Hey Viktor! Long time no see!" You both exchanged hugs and kisses on the cheeks as Viktor always does that, you thought it's a tradition in Russia.

Two people just stood there stunned, confused what is happening. One has a fringe blond hair, wearing a leopard jacket, while the one has Japanese features with his looking silky black hair and wearing red glasses.

"Let me introduce you to my friends (Y/N)-chan!" Victor happily introduced them, "This is Yuri Plisetsky, or you could call him Yurio. He's actually around your age."

"The other one here is Yūri Katsuki, and I'm actually training myself to be a coach by being his coach."

"Nice to meet you." Yuri bowed politely while Yurio just muttered it.

"Nice to meet ya too." You bowed in response until you heard barking sort of interrupting your introduction.

"MAKACHINNN!!!" You hugged the brown poodle, (A/N: I forgot wut kind of dog is Makachin is but still bless Makachin for being alive.) patting his soft fur, you squished his cute puffy cheeks.

"What should we do now?" Yūri asked.

"Maybe we could explore around here?" Viktor brightly smiled like a child getting a present from Santa, "Come on Yūri!" Viktor tugged Yūri's hand, dragging him somewhere.

You sweatdropped, seeing the the couple just gone by themselves. Now, you're stuck with Yurio, hooray for you. You've heard of him from Viktor, being one of the admires for Viktor and him one of the youngest people to be in the senior division in the skating career.

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