Chapter 12: The Beginning

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(Y/N's POV)

"Shoot, I'm late!!" I ran through the busy streets, ignoring the complaints from some people around me.

I knew I shouldn't stayed up late last night, watching (o/a) (ongoing anime).
I hate being late to be honest. It's like when the moment you're the one who's late, things get pretty awkward. Or, people ignore you, doesn't give a bulls**t about you.

"Oof!" I bumped to a random person.
"Hey, watch where you're going brat!" The person shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry!!" I replied hesitantly, still running from being late. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize there was a person infront of me.

I saw the school gates starting to close, I frantically ran as fast as I could. Hoping as fast as Hinata can do.

'Almost there!' I heard the bell rang from the distance and just in time, I ran through swiftly to the school gate.

I panted, feeling a relief that I was not late, almost at least. I went to the classroom, still feeling exhausted about the running from home to school. I sat next to my good ol' buddy, Nishinoya. Nishinoya noticed my tired face and asked, "(Y/N)-chan, what happened to you?? Did you ran here or something?"

I sighed, "Yeah, I unfortunately DID."

The homeroom teacher came in with papers in her arms, slamming the stack of papers on the desk. The slamming startled some people in the classroom, she smiled with a hint of fakeness to it and said, "Kids, I hope you don't forget we have a math test today."

All the students groaned, the aura of the room changed into distress. "If you haven't learned, then," she handed the paper to each of us, "It's your responsibility, not mine."

GRRRRRRRRREAT. Another thing I forgot about today the test. The freaking stupid test.

"Why does it have to be math??" I facepalmed on my desk, feeling stress on my back.

"Hohoho, is it you haven't learn the test for today (Y/N)-chan? It's okay, cause...." He has a smirk on his face, "YOUR FRIEND IS HERE TO HELP."

"Well whatever." I mumbled under my breath.

"Now, you may begin the test," The homeroom teacher clapped her hands together, signaling us to start on it.

And that's where the bad luck begin.

-Time skip to the end of the day-

"YOSHHH FINALLY IT'S OVER!!!" I happily smiled, relieved the day was finally over.

(Third Person's POV)
You felt satisfied of yourself, exception for the beginning of the day. Nishinoya said his goodbye to you, going to the gym. You wanted to go home as soon as possible so you can do your homework, and then some relax time. You bumped into someone, making the stranger books fell down, scattering on the floor.

'Great, what's going on with me bumping to people today??'

"I'm sorry! I didn't watch where I'm going!" I helped picking up the scattering books, until I realized who I bumped into. It was Ennoshita.

"Ah.. (L/N)-san is okay, I—"

"Just call me (Y/N)," You cut him off, not trying to rude.

"Well then.. Um... (Y/N)-san," Retrieving his books from your arms, "I was looking for you, we need your help in the gym if you don't mind."


'Well, I wanted to go home, but these guys needed my help and maybe I can also meet Suga—. NO NO NO. What are you thinking?? I must not think about him, and—'

"(Y/N)-san?? Hellooo??" He waved his hand infront of your face.

"I'm sorry I was just deep in thought," You replied to him eagerly, "Sure, I guess I can help you out. I don't have much to do anyways."

"Thanks (Y/N)-san, I'll tell the others that you'll be coming," He smiled, "Oh, and thanks for helping gather my books."

"Well no probz bro," You grinned in response, you saw tint pinks on his cheeks, but you shrugged like nothing has happened.

-Time skippu to the gymn we go!-

"Here it is.." You opened the door, and almost hit by a volleyball, your face showing calmness but in the inside you were scared for you laife.

"Sorry!!" You saw the orange fluffball came towards you, picking up the volleyball, "Ohhhhh! (L/N)-san, everybody is waiting for you!"


He nodded enthusiastically, grabbing your arm with his right hand while his other one holding the volleyball. You saw the rest of the volleyball team, some of them were practicing their spikes, some were resting in the benches, talking and other stuff. Hinata brought you to the members who are resting, telling that you're here. He grinned at you, walking back towards the practice.


You glanced to the source of the melodic voice. You smiled at him, feeling quite happy to meet him.

"Hey, Suga-kun."

"What are you doing here?? I thought you can't stand these stuff." He looked at you worrying it might happened again like last time you came to the gym.

"A-ah, it's fine. That was just... A warm up ya know!" You tried to convince him, you're going to be alright.

"Fine, but if you feel anything bad, just," he paused for a while, "tell me."

You nodded, remembering that you don't know exactly why you're in the gym.

"Um, Suga-kun?" He hummed his response, you asked, "Why am I here?"

"W-well..." Before he could respond the doors of the gym swiftly opened. Revealing people you've never seen before, people with red uniform came into the scene. Two of the members saw you, and were shocked at what they're seeing.



A/N :
Heyoo~ finallllllly updated a chapter xD
I feel bad because most of this book is full of author notes, while the chapters just reached 12 of it. Btw, thank you again for supporting, if u can plzzzzzz vote, or comment something, I would really REALLY appreciate it!

Jaa mata ne~~

-Wand-chan 👻

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