Chapter Seven.

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Age 22:

I inwardly groaned as I heard the moans coming from down the hall, cries of ecstasy were lingering throughout the house. I pulled my hood over my head and sank farther into the couch hoping to drown out the sound. "OH MERLE!" Someone screamed and I gagged as I heard the girl shout that over and over again. I shook my head before grabbing a beer from the fridge and heading out the back door. I sat down on one of the wooden chairs that were on our back porch, and pulled my knees into me on the seat.

A little after Daryl had moved in with me at the apartment in town Merle came crawling claiming he had a fight with his building manager....I think that was code for getting kicked out for cooking meth in the bathroom. But I loved Merle so of course I let him move in with us, he just slept on the couch most nights. It got really crowded really fast, Merle complaining that the couch hurt his back and tried kicking Daryl out of his bed. Daryl fought with Merle over space for their things in their tiny bedroom, many nights I just let Daryl sleep with me like he used to, to avoid any more confrontation than necessary. And the fact that I was sharing a small bathroom with two grown men wasn't making our situation better.

I loved the two of them dearly, but that tiny apartment I felt was making the walls seem smaller than they actually were. About a year after living there we pulled our money to find a bigger place, a house just outside of town...the opposite end of town from where we grew up of course. Between the three of us we had enough to pay the rent and bills for our current house. It had three bedrooms, so none of us were fighting over where to put our stuff. And it had an extra half bathroom in the garage for when the guys had to do their business. I loved it here, it was so quiet....except on days like today where Merle brought home his "Friends". I'm pretty sure he paid this one this time....I wouldn't put it past Merle.

i sipped my beer slowly as I looked around the woods of our house, I heard the sound of a woodpecker on a tree close to the house, and the hooting of an owl off in the distance. I sighed and set my beer on the side table before closing my eyes and leaning closer into my comfortable chair. I loved sitting out here on the porch just enjoying the nature and sounds of wildlife. We often had our friends over and had bon fires in the yard, or just sat on the porch and got drunk like I currently was doing. 

I chugged the rest of the beer and headed back inside to toss it in the garbage. I wasn't expecting to get an eye full when I walked back inside. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed as I was witnessing Merle getting serviced against the counter in the kitchen. "whoops sorry princess, thought you were at work" Merle said chuckling as he gripped the back of the woman's head. She didn't even seemed fazed that I was standing only feet away, and continued bobbing her head. I didn't even have a response for them and instead went out front to my car to find a cigarette which I desperately needed after that view.

I didn't drive a spectacular car, just a black 2001 ford focus that I got a good deal on a dealer in town. Part of that good deal had to do with the fact I had previously slept with the salesman earlier in the year. But Daryl kept my car running good as that was his job in town anyway. I slid into the passenger side and dug through my glove box, finally finding the sweet menthol's I had been searching for. I grinned before taking one out of the pack, tossing the pack onto the seat and closing the door. I climbed up the back of my car and sat Indian style on the roof of my car. I lit the cigarette with my lucky black lighter and leaned back against one of my hands. 

The sun had sank farther into the tree line, and was barely illuminating our small front yard. We had a short gravel driveway that was surrounded by a few small trees. The sound of vehicle driving over gravel made me turn around quickly, even though my dad hasn't touched me since I was sixteen, I still was pretty paranoid. I smiled when I saw it was just Daryl's pickup truck, that big blue truck that I had ridden in many times before. Daryl parked his truck next to Merle's black Harley and turned off the ignition. He jumped out of the truck quickly, covered in grease from head to toe, must have been a busy day at the shop. 

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you" I called out to Daryl who was walking up the steps on the porch. He jumped slightly before visibly relaxing seeing it was only me. "Why not?" I heard his tired voice call out before walking back down the stairs towards my car. "Merle has company, it's the kitchen this time" I said chuckling as I breathed out some smoke from my cigarette. "Damn, Im starving" He said leaning against the trunk of my car that now had my feet dangling on. 

"Long day?" I asked handing handing him over the last of my bud so he could finish it. He took it eagerly and finished the remnants of it before pulling another one out of his pocket and lighting it. "Busier than we have been in a while" He said leaning his elbow on the trunk of the car and blowing out the cigarette smoke. I nodded my head before gently hopping off the roof of my car and landing beside Daryl. "I swear your like a damn monkey sometimes" Daryl said with a smirk as I leaned against the car beside him. Even though I haven't lived in my childhood home where my favorite tree still stood in the backyard, I still loved to climb things. Daryl found me about twenty feet high in a pine tree a few weeks ago. 

Whenever I felt the need to relax, I would often climb on my car of even find my way onto the roof of our house, it was just something I did. "It'll come in handy for quick getaways" I said laughing as I nudged daryl's his with mine. He raised and eyebrow before stomping his cigarette out on the ground. "For what?" He asked with a small laugh. 

I just shrugged, "I don't know, if Merle decides to get another blow job outside I can just climb a tree" I said jokingly, but semi serious, this was Merle we were talking about and I really was getting annoyed of walking in on him and the sluts of the town. "Good plan" Daryl said smiling. I looked past him to the house to see Merle walking out of the front door with his arm around the shoulders of the woman from earlier. The woman's hair was disheveled and she was wiping something from the corners of her mouth. I outwardly gagged earning a glare from the woman and a smirk from Merle and Daryl. 

"Don't hate princess" Merle said with a wink as he helped the woman onto the back of his bike before climbing on in front of her. "I don't even know why you call me that" I said with an eyebrow raised as the pair of them slipped on matching black helmets. Ever since we were kids Merle always seemed to call me princess and I never knew why, if anything I always felt like the frog more than the princess. "You'll never know....princess" He said before taking off down the driveway and out of view. 

I shook my head before turning back to Daryl who was still smirking. "Do you know why he calls me that?" I asked walking with him into out now empty house. Daryl just smirked even more before closing the front door behind us. "Not a clue" He said. I rolled my eyes before wandering into the kitchen and pulling out some meat from the microwave, before sliding the plate over to Daryl who looked like he would eat anything at this point. His eyes widened before taking the fork I handed him and shoveling the plate of food into his mouth. 

"I skinned and cooked up that doe you brought home the other night" I said taking the seat next to him at the table. I learned real fast the proper way to skin a deer, squirrel, rabbit or really whatever meat the guys brought home. I eventually got so good at it, the Dixon's just left the dead animals for me on their weekend hunting trips. "Damn I don't know how you cook it this good" Daryl said with a mouth full of deer. I laughed and grabbed a beer out of the fridge and sliding it over to him, which he quickly grabbed and poured down his throat. 

"Not a clue'" I said repeating his words from earlier. I squeezed his shoulder and went to grab a quick shower before heading out to work at the bar for the night....

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