Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden the sound of gunshots filled my ears. I jumped out of the tent I shared with Daryl and Merle and yanked the pistol off my hip. Something was wrong, none of the group was at the tents, none of them were sitting around the fire, where the hell were they and why was I alone?

More gunshots sounded and I found it coming from the direction of the barn. I sprinted as fast as I could over to find my group shooting down walkers that were pouring out of the open doors. Hershel, Maggie and Beth were crying off to the side as they watched their family fall left and right. I wasn't happy about sleeping next to walkers, I knew Shane was right when he said we should have taken some actions with this, but not this way. 

Something told me this wasn't part of a plan, considering the lost and confused looks on too many members of my group. Merle and Daryl were side by side shooting with shotguns as walkers go closer to them. Rick and Andrea were a litter farther behind them with T-Dog and Glenn, and Shane was running around like a crazed mental patient, shouting things incoherently.

The walkers finally stopped coming at everyone, all the kids looking frightened at the pile of walkers laying on the ground. I sighed and scratched my head with the end of my pistol before wandering over to comfort Maggie and her sister. "You alright?" I asked placing a hand on her shoulder, that she ended up just shoving off before running off towards the house.

Beth followed suit before Hershel followed after his daughters, but not before yelling so everyone could here. "I mean it Rick, off my land!" 

I shook my head and stormed over to Shane knowing he was the brains behind this, and just got us all kicked off the farm. "What the fuck was that Shane?" I shouted at him, pushing him forcefully at his chest. Daryl and Merle were instantly at my side when they noticed my appearance. Shane just scoffed at me and placed his hands on his hips.

"Oh now you wanna talk to me Savannah, that's pretty rich coming from you" He said with a sarcastic smirk. I frowned and tilted my head wondering what he was going on about. 

"What are you talking about Shane, why wouldn't I talk to you?" I said with a sigh, mimicking his actions and placing a hand on my hip. Daryl and Merle still said nothing, but were there in case I needed them, like always.

Shane took a step forward until he was only inches away from me, causing me to raise an eyebrow at what he was doing.  "You sleep with me, I save your life and you decide to ignore me and treat me as if I mean nothing!" Shane screamed at me, this point any of the group members who were around stopped what they were doing to watch our interaction.

"You did what!?" Daryl shouted, pushing me away from Shane to stand between us, He looked back and forth as if he didn't know who to be angrier with, Me for sleeping with Shane, or Shane for doing it in the first place. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, this was not how I wanted my morning to go at all. 

"Savannah, you had sex with Shane?!" Daryl shouted again, looking at me with complete disgust. Shane opened his mouth to argue, but Daryl ended up hitting him with his left hook. Shane was now bleeding and moaning in pain on the ground, Rick pulling him up while looking at the group of us uncomfortable at what was going on. "Yes Daryl, it was at the CDC after you so gracefully tossed me on the ground like garbage" I told him.

Daryl's look of displeasure was still stuck on his face as he shook his head. "I can't believe you Savannah! With him!" He yelled pointing his finger to Shane who was stomping off angrily with Rick, who was trying to get Hershel's attention. I rolled my eyes and took a step away from Daryl, I understood he was mad, I would be furious if I found out he slept with Andrea or Lori, but I was stubborn so I wasn't going to apologize for something that happened before we got together.

"Why does it matter Daryl?! I slept with plenty of people before all this shit happened, why do you care now!" 

"I always cared Savannah! God damn! I've loved you my whole fucking life, I told you this!" Daryl was running his fingers through his hair as he paced in front of me. Merle was sitting about ten feet away on a  tree root messing with his gun, glancing our way every few moments.

"I know Daryl! Why do you think I fucked all those guys, because you never told me before three days ago!" I argued back, really not liking where this argument was going. For days Daryl and I were perfect, and now everything got completely turned around. 

"And you're still the same, a damn slut who cant close her damn legs" I gasped and my hand collided with Daryl's cheek quicker than I liked to realize. Daryl didn't move or speak, he kept his face tilted in the direction my slap had sent him. Tears were rolling down my face before I could even comprehend what was happening, they landed on my chest making a pool between my breasts and my green tank top.

"Fuck you Daryl" I said my voice cracking before I took off running away from him, away from the farm, away from everyone. I didn't know where I was going, but I was too fast for Daryl to catch up with me, and kept going running aimlessly trying hard to cover up my footprints to Daryl couldn't track me if he wanted to. 

I eventually came to the small town and sighed realizing I didn't go as far as I had wanted. There were no walkers around me so I just caught my breath and walked down the sidewalk, looking sadly at the quaint shops that once were. I holstered my gun on my thigh beneath my shorts and pulled my knife out instead. The town was normally empty when we came here on runs, but better safe than sorry.

After walking around aimlessly I decided to take a walk down the street to clear my head. After about five miles of walking I thought I heard a second set of feet walking expertly behind me. I whipped around to find nothing, but I switched my knife for my gun because I had the sneaky suspicion that someone was following me. I quickened my pace before I found myself jogging down the street.

At this point I was positive someone was following me, someone other than a walker, I heard no groans. Whoever was following me had stopped trying to cover their tracks and was full on sprinting after me. 

I turned around with my gun ready to kill whoever was stupid enough to try and chase me. When I was met with an unfamiliar face and the butt of a gun before everything turned to black....

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