Chapter Eleven.

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I was getting tired of the groans....they were all I heard throughout the day, and the night as well. Hundreds of walkers were constantly stumbling around outside the building I was held up in, they were the reason I was stuck here. I have been stuck in this department store for five days now, and not only were the groans getting to me, but also the emptiness. I was bored, hungry and very very lonely. During my days I found myself trying on random clothes in the store to see if the fit, I played with the sporting equipment...quietly of course, I didn't need the walkers outside to know I was in here. 

I had run out of anything canned that was in my bag before, and i found myself eating stale M&M's to keep my blood sugar up. I felt like a caged animal, with no way to escape. There literally was no way to get out of this building, the front entrance was a huge no seeing as how the second I stepped outside I would become dinner. The back doors all led to the same tragic end of me becoming human filet mignon. That led the roof...The roof was probably four stories high and the fall wouldn't kill me directly, just break everything in my body so I couldn't walk, so once again it just led to me being eaten alive. 

So here I am stuck, reading a boring fashion magazine I found in a dressing room. I was turning the page from reading about how pink was the new black when I heard the shots ring out. Gun shots were sounding from above me, and I almost jumped with glee knowing another human was here in the city. But my happiness was short lived realizing how idiotic they were to shoot their gun in the city, walkers loved noise so whoever was shooting out there wouldn't be shooting for long. But I took a chance and ran up to the roof to see what was going on....

I had to be careful running up the stairway seeing as it was pitch black, I didn't want to become dinner but I sure as hell didn't want to die from falling down the stairs. I winced at the bright sunlight when I pushed open the metal door, and ran out onto the gravel stones that laid on the roof. "Man, you cant do this!" I heard someone yelling somewhere close to me. "Come back man!" They called again, and i could have sworn I knew who that voice belonged to. The voice sounded like it was coming from the building to my right, so I walked over to the edge to try and get a better look. 

"Hello?" I called out trying to find the source of the voice. There was a small building directly in front of me so I couldn't really see the other building where I was standing. "Ugh, Fuck!" the voice called louder as I walked along the edge of my building, I knew it was a man as they were groaning to themselves. My eyes widened when I finally got a view of who was sitting on the rooftop beside was Merle. "MERLE!" I shouted loudly over to him, waving my arms around my head to get his attention.

Merle's head shot up and looked over at me, his own eyes going wide. "Princess, that you over there?" He yelled over from where he was laying on the ground. "It's me, are you ok?" I asked a little quieter after looking down and seeing the walkers down below were getting a little too excited by our raised voices. "Dumb bitch handcuffed me to this damn pipe!" He called over, shaking one hand that I could now see was stuck behind him. "I'm so glad your alright Savannah, Daryl and I looked everywhere for ya" Merle said with a slight groan as he continuously tried to get out of his handcuffs. Daryl had to be ok, if Merle made it out alive he would never leave Daryl behind. 

Merle would never be able to fit his large hand through that handcuff, but I noticed some tools not too far away from him....I could easily pick that lock and free him. I looked down the alley that was separating our buildings, it wasn't too far away....maybe ten feet. "Merle hang on, Ill be right back" I yelled over and ran back into my own building to get my belongings, my bag now filled with more clothing I grabbed from the store. 

Merle was still yelling at himself when I got to the roof again. "Merle shut up, I'm coming to get you" I yelled over to him, a slight smirk on my face. "Might wanna hurry darling, them geeks are trying to get in" I heard him yell when I was tossing my bag over to his roof. I tossed my quiver over along with my bow before taking a deep breath and taking a long leap over to his roof, landing crouched on my feet. I jumped when the banging of a door beside me startled me. There were a bunch of walkers trying to get through the rooftop door, but the door was chained shut. 

I rushed over to Merle's side and hugged him tightly, I forgot he was even handcuffed because I was just so happy he was alive and sitting right in front of me. Merle chuckled and wrapped his one arm around me tightly. "Glad to see you too princess, but a little help here" He said jingling the hand connected to the pole. "Sorry" I mumbled and grabbed the bag of tools that was only a few feet away. I grabbed a pair of large pliers and places them against the chain of the cuffs. "Where's Daryl?" i asked while I pushed hard on the pliers to get them to cut the chain. 

"He's alright, back at our camp...bunch of assholes who chained me to this damn roof" He said bitterly while leaning his head back against the pole. I chuckled at Merle and glanced at him before looking back at the chain. "Knowing you Merle, you probably deserved it" I said with raised eyebrows. I laughed at the appalled look he gave me before I finally felt the chain snap in half under the pliers. "Thanks princess" He said softly before stretching his arm and helping me off of the ground. I slid my bag onto my back before grabbing my bow and quiver and sliding them onto my back as well. 

"So where is this group of yours?" i asked him as we made our way to a fire escape on the side of the building. "Right off the highway, by this water quarry" He said as he climbed down the stairs in front of me . I stopped climbing realizing he was in the group I was in before I came to Atlanta, and couldn't help smiling knowing I would get to see them again. "I know where it is" I said climbing with him inside of a window to the building. We took out a few walkers and eventually made our way back to my car that was still parked where I left it. 

"How the hell did you end up in Atlanta anyway?" Merle asked sliding into the passenger side of the car. I sighed before starting my car and slowly driving down the empty street towards the exit of the city, "Went looking for you guys, figured you got my note" I told him with a shrug as I leaned my head back against my head rest. "We didn't see any note, just Jess laying dead in the kitchen and your shit gone" Merle said looking over at me and then back to the road. I looked over to see Merle looking down at his fingers with a furrowed brow as if deep in thought. I felt bad thinking of the two of them going crazy looking for me, but that went away quickly as we were all now safe and I would soon enough get to see Daryl.

"So tell me who handcuffed you to the roof" I said with a small chuckle as I reached my hand over and nudged Merle in the arm. Merle frowned before a small smirk appeared in the corners of his mouth, "Officer friendly" Was all he said as I pulled into the dirt pathway that led to my old camp. I drove in and pulled in right behind Dale's RV, which I saw he was still standing on. Merle had jumped out of the car before I could say anything and he was running towards someone I couldn't see, the RV blocking my view. I sighed before opening the car door, grabbing my gear and heading back to my camp....

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