Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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My head was pounding, a low groan emitted from my throat as I tried desperately to open my eyes. When I finally blinked open my eyes, everything was still dark. I was blindfolded. My hands were tied in front of me, the stinging of harsh ropes digging into my skin. I had no clue where I was or what was happening, just that I had been taken. 

It felt like I was in a vehicle, I could feel the slight breeze from my left as if the air was coming from an open window. And when I leaned my head backwards I could see I was in the back of a car, two men in the front seat while out of the corner of my eye I could see a gun pointed to my head. "Looks like the princess finally woke up" Someone said. I inwardly groaned as nobody had ever called me that except for Merle, who knows if I'll ever see him again now. 

The man with the gun ripped off my blindfold and I gave him the most heated glare I could muster. "Fuck you" I croaked out at him, he only smirked in response. "Oh, I plan to" 

I cringed seeing what type of men I was dealing with, sick looks on all three of their faces. I needed to escape, but seeing as I was in a moving car it didn't look hopeful. The man beside me leaned back against his side of the car and started twiddling with his gun, the other two were talking about how far we were from their camp. 

I remembered I had always kept a knife in my boot, and when I shifted my foot around I could feel that it was still in there. These idiots apparently didn't think to frisk me for weapons. I groaned and put my head between my legs, feigning a headache so the man in the backseat with me didn't get suspicious. And when my opportunity arose I yanked it out and shoved it deep into the drivers temple, killing him instantly. 


"What the fuck"

"Stupid bitch"

Spurs were coming from the other two men as the car was speeding out of control, picking up speed as the dead weight of the man was pushing down onto the gas pedal. "You're a fucking idiot girl!" The man in front shouted, as he tried to steer the car and get the other man's foot off the gas, but was failing miserably, the car was now aiming for the woods, straight for a tree.

"If I die, I take sick pleasure knowing I brought you with me" I sneered to them and braced for impact as the car drove full speed into a line of trees. It felt like deja vu as I felt the car collapse into itself, the airbags deploy, the crunching of glass and soon everything was black.


When my eyes opened once more, it was dark. The moon being the only thing to give me any sort of light. It seemed like the other men in the car were coming to as well, the one beside me was groaning and cursing under his breath. I felt ten times worse then when I first woke up in this car, my entire body was screaming at me in pure agony and I just couldn't bring myself to move. 

The man in the front seat had finally stumbled out of the front seat, and was frantically looking around the street we were on. "You're gonna pay for that you little bitch" The man beside me sneered to me once he finally saw I was awake again. I tried to open my mouth and tell him to go to hell, but a soft moan of pain was all I could muster. 

"Oh you'll be moaning for something else later, I assure you" He said and climbed out of the car. 

All I wanted was to climb out of this car and run away, run far away from these disgusting excuses for men that had captured me. Majority of my pain was coming from my left leg, and seeing my bone sticking out in an unusual state made me realize I wouldn't be running anywhere anytime soon. My vision was blurry, but I could barely make out the silhouette of another car driving towards us. I prayed to myself that it was Rick, Merle just anyone from the farm. 

But when the man started speaking to them as if they were old friends, I knew my praying was useless. They had more men in a group and I would soon become some broken little play thing for them, they would have killed me earlier if they really wanted to. I felt a sob emit from my throat as I was completely an utterly helpless and at the mercy of these men. 

The door to my side of the car was ripped open and someone yanked me from the backseat. Their hands were rough and anything but gentle. I soon felt my body shoved into a second vehicle, the closing of more doors and my aching body and head was enough to make me pass out once more. I tried hard for my body to will itself into consciousness, but I had no such luck and everything around me soon disappeared.

Daryl's POV:

Why do I keep doing this? I keep fucking everything up with Savannah, and this time I think I may have gone too far. I never should have said those things to her, I should have just let everything that happened go but something in me just couldn't. I didn't believe it at first when I heard that Shane and Savannah had sex at the CDC, part of me wanted to ignore it, but instead I ran my stupid mouth and now she was gone.

I searched the woods for days looking for any sign of her, her tracks ended in the town a few miles up the road. I was at a loss and I didn't know what to do. She could be dead right now, or a walker and I would never know. I have searched every inch of the surrounding areas and I got zero answers. 

My heart was heavy as I thought about her. I loved her and wished with everything in me to take back the horrible things that I said. I haven't slept since that night, I barely ate and Merle was now the only person even speaking to me since I snapped at anyone who came near me. I was tired of this, tired of sitting around wondering if the woman I love is alive or not. Sure I worried about her before this shit started, but this was an entirely different level. I couldn't just call her and see when she was coming home, I couldn't peak into her room and see her sleeping...No she was just gone.

I peeled myself out of my tent and grabbed my crossbow determined to search more for her today. Everyone glanced at me when I walked into camp, but none of them said anything. That is until Sophia hobbled over to me. 

"Mr. Daryl, Is Savannah dead?" She asked softly, and I felt my throat close up at the mere thought of Savannah being no longer one of the living. Carol gasped and scolded her child, but I wasn't angry at the girl, she just knew better than to get false hope. 

"I don't know" I grunted and walked over to my truck, once again ready for another hunt for the woman i loved. Merle ran over and wordlessly climbed into the passenger seat, already knowing what we were doing. 

We drove for an hour in silence, me gripping the steering wheel so tightly my fingers actually started to ache. I could tell Merle wanted to start a conversation about anything to fill the silence, but he stayed silent for another hour until we came across a crashed car. "What the hell" I mumbled to myself and pulled up beside it. 

Merle and I both jumped out of the car with our weapons in hand and started inspecting the car, maybe Savannah found it and had an accident or something. The tail lights were blinking and the airbags were hanging limp from the dash. There was an older man lying dead against the steering wheel, with something sticking out of his head. It was then I realized Savannah had definitely been here, her knife was what had killed the man. 

I growled and looked around noticing a pair of tire tracks leading from the back of the car to the end of the  street we were driving down. Something was wrong, Savannah wasn't alone and she definitely wasn't here on her own free will, no, somebody took her. I felt tears well up in my eyes realizing finding her was going to her harder than I ever expected. 

I sank down in the middle of the street and gripped my hair between my fingers. I couldn't do anything but cry, yell, beat the concrete. I felt broken that this was happening to her and I was the one to cause it all. Savannah was the other half of me, she stole my heart a long time ago and I felt like I was being ripped apart being away from her. 

But I would gladly give anything in this world, just to have her in my arms again. Only when I felt Merle's hand on my shoulder did I peel myself off the ground and hop in my truck. I slammed the door and waited until Merle climbed inside until I quickly drove down the street in hopes of finding Savannah. I swear I was going to kill whatever son of a bitch who took her.

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