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  • Dedicated to ALL MY DARYL LOVERS <3

I could feel Savannah with me everywhere I went. I felt her in the snow that fell from the sky, she always loved the snow. She once told me when we were kids that she wanted to build an igloo and live in it forever, with me. She wanted to steal chips and soda from the gas station and stock it full of junk. I smiled slightly to myself as I remembered that day. Come to think of it, I remember every single day of my life since meeting that spit fire with bright blonde hair.

I layed down in the pile of snow and raised my arms and legs out, making the silhouette of an angel. I picked myself up out of the snow, and brushed off my jeans. An angel. This was for her. I grabbed my knife out of my pocket and meticulously drew her name into the snow. She was always my angel in the darkness of our lives. She should be here with me, she should have never suffered the way she did. 

"I love you" I whispered into the wind before walking away from the spot in the snow and back to the house. Merle was lounging around inside with a fire burning in the fireplace. The same fire place we spent the harshest winters with our father. Yes, Merle and I were living in our old home, the same home our father beat the living hell out of the both of us. 

We have been here for almost a year. This was the only place i could feel close to her, my Savannah. This was where my life changed for the better, this was where I met her. I couldn't leave. Everyone at the farm probably thought the worse about both of us, but they could all go to hell. Any thought or care I felt for anyone dissipated the moment Savannah took her last breath.

I missed her every moment of the day, but the weird thing was -- I didn't cry. Not really anyway. I shed my tears as I watched her die, I sobbed myself for days, and after that I took her body with me and buried her in my backyard. I could see her hedge stone out in the yard, right under our tree. The place I first heard the softest most comforting voice since the death of my mother. 

I sighed before heading back towards the door. "You're gonna get sick if you keep staying out there baby brother" Merle yelled out to me, but I just waved him off. I needed to be with her.

I made her a cross out of sticks and placed it underneath the bare branches a while ago. I decorated it whenever I could find fresh flowers. Her knife; the one she had stabbed herself with, was jabbed into the ground beside it. Her bow and arrows leaning against the tree. I couldn't use them, every time I would hold them it would break my heart.

I lived with this guilt that was eating me up inside. The things I said to her, the way i treated her at the end of it all. But she knew I loved her.  I always loved her, just as she did me. She was the most beautiful soul that haunted me to this day. 

I would stand out here for days, every day -- rain or shine. I had no words, they had all gone. But whenever I felt that soft breeze blowing through my hair, that chill on my skin -- I knew she was here with me.

I thought many times about ending it all, joining Savannah in whatever after life she had entered. But in the end, I chose to fight on. I would fight on until my last breath, because of her. Because that was what Savannah would have wanted of me.... My love for her was what pushed me forward, her last words always ringing in my head as if she had only said them minutes before.

"I'll never leave you Dare" 

A/N Hey y'all! I had several people message me about writing an epilogue for this book. Well here's a small tidbit of where Daryl ended up after her death! Hope you liked it, even though it is sad :-(

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