Chapter Twenty-Five

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It felt amazing to be able to take a shower and wash the almost week old walker blood off my body. The Greene's, who owned the farm we were at, were nice enough to let me wash myself properly, Maggie even let me borrow some clothes since we were around the same size and height. I didn't think I would find another friend who happened to be a girl in the apocalypse, but I found one in Maggie. She saved me and Sophia out in the woods and I will be eternally grateful to her. 

I was combing through my freshly washed long hair when I passed by Sophia's room. Carol was inside laying beside Sophia, clutching her hand to her chest. Sophia was still sleeping, but Hershel said she would be fine just needed some rest. I quietly walked inside and took a seat opposite of Carol, and pushed some of Sophia's hair out of her face. 

Carol looked up at me and I noticed she had slow tears rolling down her face. "I haven't had a chance to thank you Savannah" she said softly. I just shook my head and looked back to Sophia. "Don't thank me Carol, I almost got her killed" I said, immediately feeling like shit once more that I let her get bit. "I chopped off her fucking foot" I said letting out a humourless chuckle. 

"That saved her, I don't blame you and neither will she" Carol said reaching over to grab my hand. I just kept my hand in my lap and looked at her. "Tell me that when she's being chased again and can't walk on her own" I said bitterly and stood off the bed, walking out of the room. I decided to shut the door behind me to leave Carol with some privacy with Sophia.

I think I will always blame myself for what happened with Sophia, I will always feel bad that I couldn't fully protect her. Seeing her scream in agony as the walker tore through her foot, the painful cry when I slowly cut through her foot with a dull knife, that image will haunt me every day.

I passed by Carl and saw he was looking a lot better, Shane had managed to get all the supplies they needed for his surgery so he would be perfectly fine too. This farm was a sanctuary for us, without them a lot of us would have died this past week. I nodded at Rick who was sitting beside Carl's bed. Rick smiled lightly and placed his hand on Lori's back who was sleeping in the bed beside Carl. I sighed and made my way outside into the heat. 

It looked like our group had made camp along some trees beside the house. The tents and a campfire were set up with the vehicles parked around them. I saw Dale on watch on top of the RV like normal, T-Dog and Merle were cooking something over a pot. Shane was cutting some firewood a bit away from the camp. I couldn't help but laugh seeing Glenn nervously try to chat with Maggie on the other end of the porch, and I winked at her when she caught my eye making her laugh.

But where was Daryl? I haven't talked to him since this morning when he told me he loved me. I couldn't help but blush remembering the kiss we shared, the undeniable electricity I felt when he touched me and the fact that the love I felt wasn't just one sided. He loved me too, and that in itself brought a smile instantly to my face. 

"Looking for someone?" I heard that southern voice say from behind me. I smiled and turned around to see Daryl leaning against a pillar on the porch, his arms crossed against his chest and his crossbow on his back. "Yes actually, have you seen Shane?" I asked with a smirk knowing it would anger him. Daryl narrowed his eyes at me before quickly grabbing me and throwing me across his shoulder making me yelp in surprise. 

"Daryl what are you doing?" I asked through giggles. Daryl for some reason got this confidence about him and slapped me hard on the ass, earning a loud squeal from me. He carried me to his tent and climbed inside, tossing me onto his sleeping bag in the process. He zipped it back up and climbed on top of me. 

"Hi" I said with a smile, suddenly feeling nervous since this was really the first moment alone we have had together since this shit has started. Daryl smiled and gently pushed some of my hair out of my face. "Fuck I missed you. What the hell happened out there?" Daryl asked, laying himself beside me but keeping his arm around my waist. I turned to face him and shrugged my shoulders.

"We just got lost. Turned around, attacked by walkers, Sophia got bit" I said closing my eyes once again reliving the horrific sight. I felt his thumb brush across my cheek and I opened my eyes to see him leaning against his elbow and looking at me with worry. "That wasn't your fault Vannah, don't blame yourself" He mumbled to me, keeping his hand cupped on my cheek. I leaned into his touch and kissed his palm softly.

"I cant help it, I just felt I failed her" I told him. Daryl instantly shook his head and moved closer to me. "I know you better than you know yourself Vannah, and if you keep blaming yourself we both know it wont end well" He said quietly, a look of worry strewn across his hardened features.

Daryl was right though, In my life I blamed myself for a lot of shit, and the only person who suffered from that was myself. Scars on my arm were proof of that one. "I'm not going to hurt myself again Daryl, there's enough things now to do that for me" I said sighing, rolling onto my side to look at Daryl better. He was sweaty and dirty, still wearing the same clothes he wore the day we left the CDC. But he was still the most handsome man I would ever lay eyes one. Then again I'm a bit biased to him since I have loved him for as long as I can remember.

"What are you thinking?" I whispered noticing he grew rather quiet and was looking off into space. But he looked back at me when he heard my voice and shook his head. "Just that I'm glad you're safe" He said and bent down placing his lips gently on mine. I actually got to savor this kiss since the last one he practically attacked me. This one was different, it was slow, sweet and and somehow full of passion despite the fact we were barely moving at all. 

"Can you try to stay out of trouble Vannah? I know you wont listen if I tell you to stay close to me and Merle. I know you can handle yourself, but for my sake can you please be careful?" Daryl's pleading voice asked me when we pulled apart. 

I sighed and nodded my head knowing he has probably been through hell worrying about me the past week I was gone. I would try to stay out of trouble, but I wasn't going to stop protecting the people I cared about, i wasn't going to sit around and do nothing....that just wasn't in my nature. And Daryl knew this, which is why the only response I got back from him was a simple shrug of his shoulders. 

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