Chapter Eighteen.

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We were all momentarily stunned by the fact that the CDC doors actually opened. All of us forgetting about the walkers lingering behind us and the fights we all were breaking out into, to step slowly inside the seemingly empty building. But the cocking of a gun made us all strain our eyes to figure out where it came from. 

Merle on my left and Daryl on my right like always, we were ready for whatever was inside this building. Sophia had ran away from me and into her mother's arms who was looking as frightened as everyone else. When my eyes adjusted to the light I saw that a man with light blonde hair was standing not too far away with a shotgun pointed at us. Merle noticed the man and lightly shoved me in Daryl's direction. 

"Any of you infected?" The man called out. Rick being our "leader" stepped forward to answer. "One of our group was, he didn't make it" Rick responded.

I don't know why Rick felt it necessary to bring Jim up, he was laying on the side of the road probably either ripped apart or a walker by now. "What do you want?" The man asked again.

"A chance" said Rick.

"That's asking an awful lot these days"

"I know" Rick answered the man once more. I sighed in semi-relief that this place might actually be safe for the group. But I rarely trusted people I didn't know, and something about this man was off to me. He told us that a blood test was the price for staying here, which we all gladly agreed to. Daryl kept bumping into me he was walking so close, I guess he got the same weird feeling about this place as I did. The man I learned was Dr.Edwin Jenner, and was the sole man inside the whole freaking CDC. Which only added to more of my suspicions about him.

Why hadn't he left to go somewhere else? Why hadn't he tried to find more survivors? More questions piled into my mind by the minute. "Are we underground?" Carol asked from behind me. We were walking down a long hallway after grabbing all our bags out of the cars. 

"Yeah, you claustrophobic?" Jenner answered as he led us farther into the hallway and then stopped. Carol responded, which Jenner told her not to think about it before he suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway making Merle almost collide into his back. 

"There should be plenty of rooms for everyone. There's couches and cots in storage if you want them. Also go easy on the electricity, same goes with the hot water. Enjoy" Jenner said before wandering off to another part of the building leaving all of us by ourselves. 

"Did he say hot water?" Glenn asked me, who I noticed randomly popped up behind Merle. I smirked and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "That's what he said" I said with a smile before running off down the hallway with the rest of the group, all of us more than excited to take a nice hot shower. But all of us needed to succumb to Jennars blood test before we could do anything. I tossed my bag in a room with Daryl and Merle of course before following everyone into an office to take the tests.

I volunteered to go first, just wanting to get it over with quickly. It didn't hurt and it was over before it even began, pain being something I got used to in my life. This little prick of a needle was like nothing to me. Daryl went next, and gave me a small smile as he passed me into the chair. I must had dozed off at some point, because Merle was shaking me away what felt like only minutes later.

"Come on Princess, there's food" Merle said nudging my shoulder with his hand. I smiled and jumped up from the chair earning a chuckle from Daryl who was leaning in the doorway. "You ok?" he asked softly as we walked down the hall to the sounds of the rest of the group. I nodded and kissed Daryl's cheek before running up ahead and into the dining room. I heard Merle say something to Daryl but I didn't care or stop to hear it because I was just way too hungry.

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