Chapter Twenty-Six

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Things seemed to be going pretty well here on the farm. We had protection, water and food. But most importantly we had each other. I've never felt closer to Daryl, it was like our relationship blossomed overnight and I couldn't be happier. Carl and Sophia both healed easily from their wounds, Carl was always running around on the farm, Sophia had the help with some crutches we found for her. Hershel was a good man, but I had this feeling like since we had nobody that was wounded anymore, that he would soon want us off his farm. And if that was the case, I wasn't sure where any of us would go.

Daryl, Merle and I always said if the time came we would have no problem leaving the group. But now i wasn't so sure. I became close with so many people in the group in such a short amount of time. I loved Sophia, I loved her as if she was my own daughter and after our fiasco in the woods I was going to do whatever it took to keep her safe. Carl was also like a little brother to me, even though me and his mother hated each other I still liked hanging around the kid.

Maggie and I were like long lost sisters with how close we became, and I wasn't even sure why seeing as we were two completely different people. She had the nice family who grew up on a farm, and I had a hard time hiding all the scars on my body from prying eyes. I guess opposites attract because we were always wandering around the farm together, sharing clothes and going on runs together. We even chatted about her "getting to know" Glenn as she put it. We all knew the two of them were having sex whenever they got the chance.

It seemed like things were going perfectly smooth, but just like every other time we thought we found something good....something had to ruin it.

I was sitting outside with the rest of the group eating breakfast. Merle was chatting with Carol, Sophia was plopped across his lap. Somehow Merle seemed to taken a liking to their little family of two, and I found myself smirking every time I saw him flirting with her. Daryl was sitting beside me, trying his best to hide the fact he was holding my hand in his lap. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the fact he was still so shy about us being together in front of the other members of the group.

Shane was glaring at the two of us like normal. Every since Daryl and I "Got together" after I was found in the woods, Shane seemed to avoid me. I felt bad since we did have sex at the CDC, but Shane wasn't Daryl and he never would be. I tried to replace lost love with intimacy with another person, it just ended up hurting me in the end. I know I needed to talk with him and apologize for pretty much blowing him off for Daryl, I just never knew what to say. Words and apologies weren't my strong suit. 

"Guys, There's walkers in the barn" I heard Glenn say from my left. My head snapped up to him before following my eye sight to the porch of the house, and I saw Maggie leaning against a pillar on the house shaking her head. Why the hell would they keep walkers in the barn? Were they asking to be devoured in  the night?

It didn't take long for all of the group to start sprinting towards the barn, with Shane at the helm. He seemed to be the most furious one out of the group, I couldn't blame him. We were sleeping yards away from things that could have easily killed us. Daryl gripped my arm and held me behind him, He knew I didn't need him to protect me but that didn't stop him from trying. A part of me loved him even more for that. Daryl has always been, and will always be, the only person to take care of me and protect me from harm. It's been that way since we were kids. 

"You can't be ok with this man!?" Shane shouted towards Rick who was trying to come up with the best solution to the problem. "Shane calm down!" Lori started yelling, her voice making me glare at her. 

"Don't tell him to calm down!" I shouted at her, finding myself sticking up for Shane for some unknown reason. Daryl raised an eyebrow at me before shaking his head and crossing his arms across his chest. Lori gaped over at me, this was really the first time I have spoken to her since I was lost in the woods a couple weeks ago. I didn't feel the need to insult the woman while her son was laying unconscious with a gun shot wound.

"You want to live next to monsters?" I yelled at her, taking a step closer. Lori stepped back and hid herself slightly behind Rick. Of course, she always hid behind her husband, that was something that would get her killed in the end. "Hershel sees those things as people! His family, his wife and stepson!" Dale called out putting in his two cents. 

Rick sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, probably sick of all the arguing. "I will talk to Hershel, I will figure this out!" he said stepping closer to Shane who was pounding on the barn doors, riling up the walkers. I could hear them growling, hungry to make us their next meal. I gagged when I saw their decrepit fingers stick through the opening in the doors.  I was tempted to walk over and cut their fingers off with the machete I had strapped to my side. I found it in a store with Maggie last week and I loved it. 

Rick finally got everyone to calm down and most of the group back at the tents. Shane was still sitting on a barrel outside the barn, keeping watch. Andrea was hanging around beside him so I guess I would have to talk to him some other time. I felt something warm in my fingers and looked to see Daryl had intertwined our fingers and was pulling me to the woods with his crossbow on his back.

"Where are we going?" I asked, he just tightened his hold on my hand and said "Hunting" I should have known.

We walked several yards into the woods before Daryl finally dropped my hand. I didn't have my bow with me, so I guess i would be observing this time. I hated hunting, but I was happy to spend any time alone with Daryl. We walked for a while in comfortable silence before my back hit the bark of a tree, and I looked up to see Daryl cornering me with a smirk on his face.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Daryl just nodded and moved his gaze down to my lips, licking his own.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to meet me, our lips crashing together feverishly. His hands gripped my hips tightly, no room between our bodies as we attacked each others mouths. I moaned when he hooked my leg around his waist and ran his fingers down the exposed skin at the bottom of my shorts. 

I let my hands wander, one hand running through his long greasy hair the other playing with the buckle on his belt. I felt him groan when my fingers were grazing the outside of his pants, gripping his visible excitement with my hand. "Fuck" He groaned and pushed me farther into the tree, while his teeth nipped at my neck. I gasped in surprise when he bit me harder then I expected, but the pain was overcome with pleasure. 

I didn't really want my first time having sex with Daryl to be against a tree in the woods, so I removed my hand from his pants and instead held his hand in mine. He gripped it tightly and held it firmly against the tree. Every time he touched me my body was convulsing wanting him more and more. I hated that I waited so long to tell him how I felt, we could have been this close all along.

"Fuck I love you" Daryl said pulling his lips from mine, and placing his forehead against mine, both of us breathing heavily. I smiled and pecked him quickly on the lips.

"I know. I love you too"

A/N: I wanna thank @restlesslovee for my new cover! I had a couple people make me covers for this so I'm going to switch them around every so often :-)

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