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The start of a friendship-

Third person's POV:

The ship finally lands and they all make their way out of it, Adelina not able to take of the smile of her face. The Jedi and his Padawan first, who bows with respect to a man Adelina had never seen, then she, along with Anakin who both bows slightly, and then, the 'Queen', along with Padmé and the other handmaids.

"It's a great relief to see you alive, your majesty." The man starts to say, but Adelina blocks his voice out, as Obi-Wan puts his hands over her shoulder. She glanced at Anakin and saw that Qui-Gon did the same with him. She stuck her tongue out to him, and he did the same before the two giggles uncontrollably. Padmé smiles at the two small kids and they smile back, Adelina showing all of her teeth, making Anakin giggle again.

"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor." Queen Amidala says, her voice steady, showing no emotions.

"What's a supreme Chancellor?" The youngest girl asks, looking up to Obi-Wan. He only puts a finger to his mouth, whispering a 'shhh' before he winked and stared to walk with the others for a few seconds before he stopped, his hands no longer on the half-zabrak shoulders.

"Sir?" She asks, confused.

"Go on, follow Anakin." Qui-Gon tells her with a smile, pointing the group with his chin.

"Thank you for saving my life, Mr. Obi-Wan, and thank you for not judging me even if you know who my father is, sir." The girl smiles before running to the only Gungan. "Hello, I'm Adelina Vert."

"He's Jar Jar Binks." Anakin tells her. "I'm not sure if you would've understood if he said anything, his native tongue is different then ours." He explains, Adelina nods continuing to walk before the boy stops and turns around to look at the Jedi, the Padawan and Palpatine. The girl stops, too, curious and looks at the trio with an eyebrow raised.

"Ani, Angel, cmon." Padmé says towards them. Anakin looks back to Qui-Gon who mentions him to follow them with a hand movement. Adelina shrugs and runs to catch up with the group, smiling at Jar Jar, Padmé and the Chosen one.
They all find themselves in a speedster as the 9 years old had explained to the 7 years old who looked amazed but confused. Adelina sat next to Ani and Jar Jar who thought the queen was 'pretty hot' as he said it. Adelina chuckled, shacking her head.

"Oh look, we're moving!" Adelina whispers in Anakin's ear, excitedly.

"I know, I'm a pilot." He tells her.

"Really? That's amazing!" Anakin nods, feeling accomplishment wash over him. Once they arrived, the queen was taken in a room, leaving Jar Jar, Anakin and Adelina alone. The little girl, bored out of her mind, lays down on the floor, counting to ten then restarting.

"What are you doing, Angel?" The young human boy asks her as the Gungan let his legs swing under the bench happily.

"Trying to make the time pass." The girl groans.

"Let's ask each other questions then!" Anakin suggests.

"Okay. You can go first."

"On what planet did you used to live on before?"

"I don't know." The girl whispers. Anakin looks at her weirdly before he shrugs it off.

"When I'll be the first one to go on all the planets, I'll bring you with me, and you'll be able to tell me which one it is!" He says eagerly. Adelina smiles wide.

"That would be awesome!" She exclaims, pointing the ceiling. Anakin looks at it, then at her, and back to the ceiling before finally settling on looking at her.

"What are you pointing?" He frowns.

"The stars."

"But there isn't any! And it's sunny outside, we can't even see them." The boy says, laying down next to her while looking at her.

"Close your eyes, Anakin." The boy did as she was told. "What do you see?"

"Nothing. It's completely black."

"Imagine something then." She waits a few seconds. "Now, what do you see?"

"My mom." He whispers, opening his eyes.

"Think of something that doesn't exist." Anakin closes his eyes and pictured a tall man with a single, sharp horn on his forehead. The man had four legs and he had the tongue of Jar Jar. "See? You use your imagination to see things. I use my imaginations to see things I'm not used to see. Stars, for example." Adelina explains.

"I didn't know Angels were also very intelligent." The young girl giggles, blushing.

"And I didn't know humans were so nice." Anakin cracks a smile, his cheeks slightly pink.

"Let's go see Padmé." He says out of the blue.

"Who is Padmé?" Adelina asks, an eyebrow raised.

"The other girl." Anakin explains. "You know... Tall, brown hair-"

"Oh! Padmé! Yes, why not?" And so, the two left the boring place, getting lost on their way to the handmaid. After 30 minutes, they finally find their way. A guard was in front of the door.

"A boy and a girl have come here to see Padmé."

"Let them in." A voice raises from absolutely no where. The children enter the room only to get stopped by a handmaid dressed in black.

"I'm sorry but Padmé isn't here right now." She tells them.

"Who is it?" Another voice raises from behind a thin wall.

"Anakin Skywalker and-"

"Angel." Anakin says as the tame time as the green eyed girl who says:

"Adelina Vert."

"They've come to see Padmé, your highness." The woman from before said. Anakin bows and Adelina quickly follows his leads and bows as well.

"I sent Padmé on an errand."

"We're on our way to the Jedi Temple." Anakin starts.

"To start our training." Adelina continues.

"We hope." Anakin adds. "We may never see her again, so we came to say goodbye."

"We will tell her for you." The Queen says. Adelina nods, a tiny bit sad even if she didn't know the girl pretty well.

"Thank you, your highness." Anakin bows and leaves the room, Adelina follows him out.

"Oh, oh."

"What?" Anakin asks with a frown.

"I forgot to bow!" She whispers, her eyes wide. The boy chuckles.

"If she didn't say anything, I think it will be fine." He reassures her with a smile. Back in a speedster, the two kids barely able to hide their excitements.

"Master Qui-Gon?" Anakin asks the Jedi.

"Yes, Anakin?"

"Will they make me do awful things?"

"No, Anakin." Qui-Gon laughs.

"Sir?" Adelina whispers, looking at Obi-Wan.

"Yes, Adelina?"

"Will I become a Jedi?" The Padawan raises his eyebrows slightly, before looking at his master with a pleading look. At this point, the small group but the pilot looked at Qui-Gon.

"That's for the council to decide." But something in his eyes reassured the girl and she was ready as she had ever been, not at all scared.

"I'm nervous." Anakin tells her in a whisper.

"Don't be. Everything will be fine." She smiles, giving him a side hug. "And besides, what's the worse that could happen?"

Angel (Anakin Skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now