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6 years later-

Third person's POV:

"Adelina, sit down." Red orders to her small Padawan, using the force to bring a chair. The young, puzzled girl nods her eyebrows furrowed.

"You do the same, Anakin." The two kids groaned at Obi-Wan's words.

"We stayed in the ship! Like you told us to!" They shout at the same time, thinking they were in trouble. Red chuckles softly, shaking her head.

"It's a tradition for the master to braid the hair of his or her Padawan." The curly haired master explains.

"And when you aren't anymore, your master cuts your braid."

"So you'll cut my hair when the time comes?" The small girl asks, a single eyebrow raised.


"And I'll get to cut the hair of someone too?"

"Yes." Obi-Wan laughs.

"Awesome!" The younglings start a conversation as their new masters braid their hair. Once done, they both got up quickly, and starts to jump excitedly together around the room.

"Look at our Padawans go." Red chuckles.

"They look so happy." Obi-Wan says with a smile.

"That's because they are, Master." She teases with winks. "Cmon, young Padawan, we have to head outside." And with that, the two masters lead the way, their young Padawans right behind them, giggling and trying to gain their seriousness silently. When they stepped outside, the cheers and songs were un-ignorable. Both small children smiled to each other before dancing cheerfully together, making the people around them either coo over them, or laugh before joining them. The masters followed by their excited Padawans made their way to stand behind the queen. The queen gave the leader of the Gungans a purple energy ball. The man took it, putting it in the air before shouting:

"Peace!" The crowds cheered happily and Adelina did her best not to join them. No emotions. She had to make herself remember. Padmé turned towards the two new Padawans before cracking a smile. They both smiled back, forgetting all the bad things that had happened before this exciting event.


~6 years later~

"Ha! Gotcha!" The 12 years old girl exclaims, touching the 15 years old boy stomach with her wooden sword.

"Oh, no! You've hit me!" Anakin shouts, slowly falling to the ground over-dramatically, his own wooden weapon falling on the ground next to him. Adelina laughs, putting a foot on his stomach, her hand on her hip as she was holding her wooden sword in the other in the air, proudly.

"You shall all bow to me!" She says to no one in particular since the room they were in was empty except for a few people who were cleaning. Anakin joins in her laughter before making her trip by pulling her leg. She falls on top of him, laughing as she did so. Anakin suddenly smirked and her laughter immediately stopped. "No! Ana, please no! Don't tickle me!" But it was too late as her best friend started to tickle her. "Ana! No! Stop it!" She shouted, barely able to breath as she laughed to much.

"Who is the best?" He asks her, tickling her still.

"Me!" Anakin fakes a gasp and tickles her even more.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard what you said." He smiles evilly.

"Okay! Okay! It's y- Master Obi-Wan!" And with that, she quickly got up and ran away in the hallway the quickest she could.

"Angel, you come back here!" Anakin laughed.

"Ana, never!" She mocks, with a sprint.

"You asked for it!" He yells behind her, pouncing on her back.

"No fair!" Adelina shouts, still running. He had done it way too many times for her to stumble and fall like she used to when he went on her back.

"So fair!" He whispers in her ear before starting to tickle her again.

"Nooooo!" She screams, laughing before falling on the ground with a loud thud. Adelina got saved by a cough which made Anakin stop tickling his best friend immediately. The both of them looked up only to see Red who had her arms crossed over her chest.

"Tickle fight again?"

"She wouldn't admit that I'm the best!" Anakin grumbles.

"It's 'cause you aren't! I am! And my point got proven when I won!" Anakin bit back a smile. Adelina had never won against him in her whole life, and today was no exception. He simply let her win.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Master Red." The two Padawans said together.

"Well then, I was never here." She says mysteriously before winking and then leaving them.

"She's awesome." The girl says with a smile, turning to Anakin who was already looking at her.

"That she is!" He smirks once more before starting to tickle her again.



"Take your lightsaber out." Red says to her Padawan. Adelina nods and does as she was asked. She opens it with an innocent smile at the same time as her master. The Padawan's purple light hit the gold one of the master. Red nods with a smile of her own. She attempts to hit her shoulder, but the young girl is faster and dodges it, before quickly getting up and pushing the lightsaber away with force. "That's not bad, but is it really all you got?"

"I wouldn't want to hurt you, Master." Adelina smirks lightly.

"You really have spent a lot of time with Anakin, these past few days, huh?" The girl laughs, and Red takes her by surprise by quickly closing the lightsaber and touching Adelina's heart. "Don't get distracted." The apprentice nods, and gets back into it. "I find Anakin really annoying." Red continues. The girl takes a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

"Why would you say so?" She asks trough gritted teeth.

"He just is. One glance at his face and it ruins my day."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I really don't know how you do to stay with him. I would've left at the first chance I got." The master continues, doing it on purpose to annoy her Padawan. Finally, Adelina looses it and hits the lightsaber of her master with force, getting angry. "Don't loose your temper. I was saying this to see if you were going to loose it or not, Lina."

"You didn't mean all those things?"

"Of course not!" Red closes her lightsaber once more and touches the side of her apprentice's neck. "What did I say before?"

"No distractions, no loosing temper." The girl recited.

"Good. Now again!"


"Angel, hold up!" Adelina heard a voice she knew to well yell from behind her.

"Hello, Ana." She smiles.

"Had a nice training session?" The girl shook her head slightly.

"Apparently, your my distraction and the reason why I loose my temper." Anakin smirks.

"Is that so?" The young girl laughed, shaking her head as she did so.

"Shut it, Ana." She says, pushing him away with a smile. He smiles back and as soon as he did, Adelina jumped on his back. "See? I'm your distraction too!"

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