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No, you don't stink-
Master Red:

Windu held a device in which had images in front of him, a simple human wouldn't have been able to see what these images were, but Anakin did, just like Adelina had done previously.

"A ship. A cup. A ship. A speeder." Windu looks at Master Yoda as Adelina frowns. He had gotten all the answers right since she could see through it too. She smiles at Anakin, giving him a thumbs up from besides Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

"How feel you?" Master Yoda asks.

"Cold, sir." Adelina smiles. Tatooine definitely was a hot planet. She could understand Anakin's feeling.

"Afraid, are you?"

"No, sir."

"See through you, we can."

"Your thoughts dwell on your mother."

"That's not any of your business, long forehead." Adelina growls to low for anyone to hear. Obi-Wan bit back a smile, as he tried to glare at her. It didn't quite work and he grins. She immediately smiles back.

"I miss her." Anakin admits.

"Afraid to loose her, you are? Mhm."

"What's that got to do with anything?" Anakin asks, looking bored. Adelina smiles, nodding as she approves her friend's thoughts. Why did it matter? Master Yoda looks offend as he advance his head a tiny bit.

"Everything." He starts. "Fear is the path to the dark side." Adelina gulps. She feared her father and his master. "Myia." The girl bit her cheek to stop herself from laughing at the weird sound that Master Yoda made but that envy to laugh vanished as she listened to next words. "I sense much fear in you." The small group were asked to leave the room. Anakin sat on the floor, closing his eyes.

"Who or what are you imagining?" Adelina asks, sitting down next to him.

"My mom. She would've known what to say. What to do." He sighs.

"Well, I never met her, but I'm sure she'd say not to worry. That a way will be found for you to train, because it is your path." Anakin looks up to her, his eyes now open.

"You kind of remind me of her." He admits, tilting his head to the side, with a small smile.

"What? She also had horns?" Adelina jokes. Anakin snorts, shacking his head.

"We have to head back in." Obi-Wan says to them. Anakin got up first and gave his hand to the young girl. She smiles as he helped her get up.

"The council has made a decision." One speaks, as the small group forms a circle in the middle of the room.

"He will not be trained." Adelina gasps.

"Excuse me?" She asks, her eyebrows raised. "I think I have misunderstood."

"No, he will not me trained."

"No?" Qui-gon asks, his hands now on his hips. Anakin looks sad as he keeps his eyes down.

"He is too old." Windu says simply.

"He is the chosen one, you must see!"

"Clouded, this boys future is." Master Yoda says, opening his eyes after a brief moment.

"I will train him then." Adelina saw hope in her friend's eyes. She then looked up to Obi-Wan, and smiled at him excitedly. "I'll take Anakin as my Padawan."

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