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"That bitch!"-

Third person's POV:

Once the ship landed, Padmé walked out first then Anakin and Adelina followed, each with a baggage in hand.

"Cmon, Artoo. You gotta keep up." The girl smiles, before turning back her attention to the security of the former queen.

"I wasn't the youngest queen ever elected, but now that I think back on it, I'm not sure I was old enough."

"You can't change the things that already happened, Senator, you can't go back in the past, but you can change the future." Adelina says, looking around. The Senator of Naboo smiles before nodding.

"That is true, but I'm not sure I was ready."

"The people your served thought you did a good job. I heard they even tried to amend the constitution so you could stay in office."

"I was relived when my two terms were up. But when the queen asked me to serve as senator, I couldn't refuse her."

"I agree with her, I think the Republic needs you. I'm glad that you chose to serve." With that said, it was silent till they arrived in front of the queen.

"If the senate votes to create an army, I'm sure it's going to push us into a civil war." Padmé says, once she's seated.

"It's unthinkable. There hasn't been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic." A man says, talking loudly.

"Do you see any through negotiations to bring the separatists back into the republic?" The queen asks the senator of Naboo.

"Not if they feel threatened. My guess is they'll turn the trade Federations or the Commerce Guilds for help." Adelina sighs, cracking her neck. She really was trying to focus, trying to appreciate the work of Senator Amidala, but she found this extremely boring. Anakin glances at his best friend before putting a hand on her shoulder. She smiles to him, nodding before turning back her attention to the conversation.

"It's outrageous, but after four trials in the Supreme Court, Nute Gunray is still the viceroy of the Trade Federation. I fear the senate is powerless to resolve this crisis."

"We must keep our faith in the Republic." The Queen of Naboo says to Padmé before getting up. "The day we stop believing democracy can wok is the day we lose it."

"Let's pray that day never comes."

"In the meantime, we must consider your own safety." At those words, Adelina smirks a bit, flexing her arms under her clothing.

"What are your suggestion master Jedi's?"

"Oh, they aren't master Jedi's yet. They're still Padawan learners. But I was thinking-"

"Hold on a minute." Anakin pipes in as Adelina frowns at the Senator's words.

"excuse me. I was thinking I would stay in the lake country. There are some places up there that are very isolated."

"Excuse me." Both of the Padawans say at the same time. "We're in charge of the security here, milady." Anakin continues.

"And this is my home. I know it very well. That is why we're here." Adelina scoffs at Padmé's words but says nothing. "I think it would be wise if you took advantage of my knowledge in this instance." The girl had had enough, and as she opened her mouth to retort something, Anakin is quick to put a hand on her mouth as he, himself had a hard time holding back.

"Sorry, milady." He says simply, annoyance clearly written on his face. Padmé looks at him for a second before turning back in front of her with an annoyed expression herself. Adelina licks Anakin's hand and he smiles before taking it off of her mouth.

"If she thinks we're here to follow her orders, I will flip. She has no right to talk to us like that. If it wouldn't be for us, she would've died a long time ago." She growls slightly.

"Perfect, it's settled, then." Queen Jamillia says, to the Senator of Naboo. The 16 years old Padawan sighs angrily as she follows them with her best friend by her side.


Adelina steps out of the boat and so does Anakin, they both put a hand out to help her and she takes it without looking at them. She soon leads the way, forcing the Padawans to walk behind her.

"We used to come here for school retreat." Padmé starts. "We would swim to that island everyday."

"Excuse me, Senator Amidala, Ana, I'll be inside." Adelina says, bowing slightly with a glare sent in the Senator's direction before turning away and walking inside the house. As she entered, the girl was awe-struck by the beauty of it all but she quickly regains her pokerface she had mastered years ago. "Pft, of course, a perfect life with a perfect house for a perfect Padmé." She mumbles under her breath, looking everywhere for a threat. It was her duty, and she thought she had to prove herself to her master and to herself also. The young woman is quick to pick a room and scans it before jumping on the bed. Once her face hit the pillow she groaned loudly, before turning it slightly to the side to breath and felt into a dreamless sleep. After a while someone barged into the room, startling Adelina as she was up on her bed, her lightsaber in hand. Once she saw it was Anakin, she groaned before tuning it off and tucking it in her belt. "You scared the living shit out of me, Ana!" But once Anakin did the same thing she had previously done when she entered the room, she sighs, sitting down next to his laying body. "What is it, Ana?" She asks softy, as he rest his head on her laps while she plays in his hair.

"I kissed her." Adelina immediately stops and looks at him right in the eyes.

"And?" She asks excitedly, feeling confused with her own feelings since a part of her was pissed. "Did she kissed you back?"

"For a bit."

"How long was that kiss?" The girl asks, her eyes wide. Anakin let out a chuckle before shacking his head.

"Not long. She said she shouldn't have done that."

"That bitch!" As Adelina was about to get up to confront Padmé, Anakin shook his head.

"I just need you right now." The girl smirks.


"Not like that!" He laughs. "You just make me feel better. You always do." Adelina raised an eyebrow.

"Are you absolutely sure it's not like that that your talking about?" Anakin smiles, nodding.

"I'm pretty sure. But if you wish..." He trailed off, wiggling his eyebrows as he jumped over his best friend. The girl chuckles shaking her head slightly but once he starts to tickle her, she burst out laughter.

"I wasn't talking about that!" She shouts, trying to kick him off but she couldn't since she was laughing to much.

"Oh? Were you talking about... That?" He asks, kissing her forehead, then her nose before moving on to her cheek to finish with the corner of her mouth.

"Nah." She sighs, flipping him over to stand on top. "I was talking about something like," Adelina bents down, her lips brushing his neck before she started tickling him, "that!" The girl shouts over his laughs. After a while, she stops and Anakin's laughter die down slowly. The best friends look at each other, each getting lost in the other's eyes. "You know," Adelina starts softly, "if you would have kissed me, I wouldn't have pulled away. I would've kissed you back as long as you wanted me to. And most of all, I would've never said that it was a mistake." She smiles.

"Your the best, Angel." Anakin says, before cupping her face and kissing her nose. "You really are."

"I know." She smiles, laying down on his chest, slowly falling asleep once more. 

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