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Mother figure-
May the force be with you:

Third person's POV:

"Catch that bounty hunter, you must, Obi-Wan."

"But most importantly, find out who he is working for." Windu pipes it. Adelina coughs a little, trying to change the subject to the security of the former Queen of Naboo.

"What about Senator Amidala?" Anakin asks, understanding the meaning of the cough.

"Handle that, the Padawans will." The best friends exchange a glance before turning to Windu who started talking.

"Anakin, Adelina, you will escort the Senator back to her palace in the Naboo. She'll be safer there. And don't use registered transport." The young girl looks at her master who smiles proudly at her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Padawans, go to the senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her of this manner." The group of four all bow at the same time before leaving the room. Once out, Adelina fist bumped the air happily before coughing and hiding her emotions. Soon afterwards, the apprentices find themselves speaking with the Chancellor. The girl was doing all her possible of not dozing off. Listening isn't her strong point. Talking definitely is, as well as fighting or protecting herself or someone, with the force, her fists, a gun, or her lightsaber.


"Can you believe it, Ana? No master red or master Obi to scowl us, or tell us what to do!" Adelina smiles, taking his hands in hers and making him dance around with her. He finally gives in and together, they jump in circles, laughing as Anakin makes his best friend spin on herself before catching her right before she falls. They look into each other's eyes and just as the man was about to say something, Senator Amidala ruined the moment.

"I do not like this idea of hiding." Padmé's voice rung, making the Padawans stop dancing immediately. The both of them put on a perfect pokerface, hiding their emotions perfectly.

"Don't worry, until the council agreed to lead an investigation, it won't take much time for master Obi-Wan to find this bounty hunter."

"I just don't like not being here-" Adelina scoffs, looking at the former Queen of Naboo.

"Would you like to stay safe, your life no longer at risk? Or would you prefer staying here, knowing each of your breath may be your last?" She asks. Padmé blinks looking at her, and Anakin is quick to save her Adelina's behavior.

"What Angel means is, sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us." The young woman looks at her best friend with a small smile.

"Yes, that's what I meant." She nods, still looking at Anakin.

"You've grown up." Senator Amidala says simply before leaving to take more of her clothes.

"Blame this one on Master Obi-Wan." Adelina chuckles, leaning against the wall, watching the sphere Anakin was making fly with the force.

"Don't get me wrong, he is a great mentor. As wise as master Yoda and... As powerful as master Windu. I am truly thankful to be his apprentice." He admits, catching it, before glancing at his best friend then looking at Padmé. "In some ways," he puts the round on the table he took it from, "a lot of ways, I'm really ahead of him." Adelina snorts nodding.

"That's really true."

"I'm ready for the trials! But he feels that I'm too unpredictable. He won't let me move on." Anakin starts, smiling at his friend's comment.

"That must be frustrating."

"It's worse! He's overly critical, he never listens," the 16 years old woman's eyes widen before she looks out the window. "He doesn't understand! It's not fair!

"All mentors have a way of... Seeing more of our faults than we would like. It's the only way we grow." The young man sighs and sits on the bed.

"I know."

"Anakin... Don't try to grow up too fast." Adelina snorted but covered it up with a cough. 'Look who's talking.' She thought to herself, shaking her head.

"But I am growing up. You said it yourself."

"Please don't look at me like that."

"Why not?"

"It makes me feel uncomfortable." She says rather harshly before going to take some other clothes after a protective best friend glares at her and her restraining back.

"Sorry, milady."

"So... Master Obi-Wan never listens, huh?" The young Padawan asks, still leaning against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. The young man looks at her and slowly walks towards her.

"You might not listen what the others say around or in front of you, Angel, but you listen to me." Anakin whispers, pressing his forehead against her's.


The two Padawans walked behind Padmé with only one difference. One of them, the young man, was listening to what the people around him said, and the other, the young woman, paid attention to the feelings of the people surrounding them.

"Anakin, don't d-" Adelina took that as her cue to leave but once she turned around, her own master was in front of her.


"Master Red." The young woman gulped.

"Control your anger if something happens. Always have your lightsaber on you. And please, please don't do anything without talking to me or Obi-Wan, or the council first. Okay?"

"Yes, master."

"Good." Red sighs. "And don't... Don't do anything you'll regret later or anything you're not aloud to do."

"Yes, master."

"Oh, I'm going to miss you." The master sighs, tucking the hair of her Padawan behind her ear before pulling her into a hug.


"Yes, Lina?"

"I really needed that, thank you." Red pulls away, smiling slightly.

"Anytime, young Padawan learner. Now go due your duty."

"Anakin, Delia,"

"Yes, master?"

"May the force be with you." Both of the masters say at the same time.

"May the force be with you too." Both of the Padawans say at the same time before walking out of the engine.

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