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Obi-Wan and Red's message-

Third person's POV:

"I brought you something. Are you hungry?" Padmé asks softly, walking into the room.

"I'm building a foot for Angel out of a broken piece of whatever this is" Anakin responds. "Life seems so much simpler wen you're fixing things." Padmé puts the trail down, her back facing his. "I'm good at fixing things. Always was. But I couldn't... Why'd she have to die? Why couldn't I save her? I know I could have!"

"Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all-powerful, Ani."

"Well, I should be! Someday I will be. I will be the most powerful Jedi ever. I promise you. I will even learn to stop people from dying."


"It's all Obi-Wan's fault! He's jealous! He's holding me back!" He shouts, throwing a tool away. "I actually needed that." He mumbles before going to take it.

"What's wrong, Ani?"

"I... No, we... We killed them. I killed them all. They're dead. Every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women... And the children too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!" His lips were trembling but his eyes were dry and no tears escaped as he sat down on the floor.

"To be angry is to be human."

"I'm a Jedi. I know better than this."


"Thank you for the foot, Ana." Adelina smiles, getting up to test her mechanic foot. He put a trembling hand on her cheek where she had gotten rather a few nasty scratches that would soon turn into scars. He then looked at her strong arm only to see the big deep wholes were the beast had bitten. "I'm okay, Ana. I'm perfectly fine." She assures him. "I just need time to get habituated to that foot and I'll be alright."

"You promise, Angel?"

"I promise, Ana." He nods slightly before taking her hand and walking slowly outside where the others were gathered.

"I know wherever you are, it's become a better place." Cliegg starts. "You were the most loving partner a man could have. Goodbye, my darling wife. And thank you." Anakin steps foreword and knees down in front of the grave of his mother as Adelina leaned on Padmé lightly, for support.

"I wasn't strong enough to save you, mom. I wasn't strong enough." Adelina sucks in a breath and walks slowly towards her best friend. She puts a hand on his shoulder before taking him into hug. "But I promise, I won't fail again." He says, getting up and putting an arm around the Padawan next to him as her body was pressed against his side. "I miss you... So much." His voice cracks, making the 16 years old woman snuggle closer to him. Suddenly, Artoo beeps, making all of them turn around.

"R2? What are you doing here?" Padmé asks. The droid beeps, turning its circular head towards 3PO for translation.

"It seems that he is carrying a message from an Obi-Wan Kenobi." The robot says, as Anakin and Adelina make their way to them. "Hmm. Master Ani, does that name mean anything to you?"

"Yeah." But the girls voice cracked so she covered it up with a cough. "Yeah, we do. He's ani's master." The trio looks at each other before running to the ship, Adelina with much more difficulties.

"Anakin, Delia, our long-range transmitter has been knocked out. Retransmit this message to Coruscant." Padmé clicks a button before turning back to Obi-Wan. "We have tracked the bounty hunter, Jango Fett, to the droid foundries on Geonosis. The trade federation is to take a delivery of a droid army here, and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray... Is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala. The commerce guilds and the corporate alliance, have both pledge their armies to Count Dooku and are forming a..."

"Obi! Got a situation here!" Red's voice shouts.

"Wait. Wait." He takes out his lightsaber and dodges and hits bullet coming his way.

"Ha! That bitch missed me!" Was the last thing heard before the message ended. The voice of master red. Adelina smiles slightly, feeling better already. But when they saw a droid shooting angrily, their mouths drops in shock.

"Anakin and Adelina," Windu starts, "we will deal with count Dooku. The most important thing is to stay where you are. Protect the senator at all costs. This is your first priority." Anakin looks down and Adelina bits the inside of her cheek.

"Hey, master Windu, have you seen my new foot?" The girl asks, putting her leg up, trying to deter the conversation of that subject.

"What in the world happened?"

"Got attacked by some wild beast." She shrugs, hiding her pain. "Well, anyways, we got to go. See you all very soon!"


"Yes, master?" She pauses. "You tricked me!" She suddenly exclaims, pointing an accusing finger in Mace Windu's smiling face.

"Understood, master." Anakin nods, biting back a smile at his best friend's childish ways.

"They'll never get there in time to save him. They have to come halfway across the galaxy. Look." Padmé presses another button. "Geonosis is less than a parsec away."

"If they're still alive."

"I will whack you behind the head so heard you won't remember your name if you say something like that again. You hear me, Ana?" The man gulps but nods.

"Are you just gonna sit here and let them die?"

"We have master Windu our word, Paddy. It's not like we have a choice. I'd go if I had one. Trust me, I would already have been there." Adelina admits.

"But they're your friends, your mentors. They're-"

"He's like my father!" Both Padawans shout at the same time. "And she's- she's like my big sister." Adelina continues.

"But you heard master Windu. He gave us strict orders to stay here!"

"He gave both of you strict orders to protect me, and I'm going to help Obi-Wan and Red." She says turning around and pressing a button before facing them both again. "If you plan to protect me, you'll just have to come along." She finishes as the machine powers up.

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