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Third person's POV:

Back in the engine, the Padawans and the Senator sat at a small table.

"Nobody recognized you, Senator. So we're good." Padmé nodded gratefully.

"Thank you, Artoo." She says to R2D2 once he gave her a cup. "Must be difficult, having sworn your life to the Jedi, not able to visit the places you like or do the things you like." She tells to Anakin.

"Or be with the people that I love." The man responds.

"Are you aloud to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi." Anakin smiles.

"Attachments are forbidden. Possession is forbidden." He explains. "Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi'a life. So, you might say, we are encouraged to love."

"You've changed so much."

"Ah, you haven't changed a bit. You're exactly the way I remember in my dreams." Adelina gets up, feeling uncomfortable.

"Scuse me." She says simply before leaving the table. Anakin gives her a strange look but she doesn't even glance his way as she leaves the cafeteria. Once out, she slides down a wall, her head in her hands. There she was, alone with her thoughts and feelings. She didn't like the way she felt. She didn't like it at all. But what she didn't like the most was how Anakin had never paid attention to her until she got up. Yes, she got that they hadn't seen each other in 10 years and that they were close to each other, more then she and Padmé, but she simply didn't like being left out since in her opinion, it was much worse then being alone.

"Can I join you?" A voice she had never heard before asks softly. Her hand immediately flies to her lightsaber in her belt but once she had quickly looked through the strangers feeling, still looking down, and she hasn't felt danger, fear, anger or anything else, she nodded slightly.

"Go on."

"My name is Yale."

"Hello, Yale. I'm," she pauses for a second before looking up, "I'm Deliana." The man besides of her smiles and she was shocked to see how handsome he looked. He has brown gentle eyes, flashy red hair and slightly pumped lips. They didn't look as kissable as Anakin's though. The girl shakes her head, weird out by her own thoughts.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Deliana." Yale says, putting his hand out.

"You too." Adelina says, shaking it, with no smile as she hid all traces of her having any sort of emotions. They fell into an awkward silence for a while before the Padawan decides to break it. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was in a situation very much like your own."

"What does that mean?"

"Third wheel." He shrugs.

"And that is..?"

"Oh you know, when there's two people who likes each other and your there... Completely left out."

"Oh. Well then I guess we pretty much are. But I'm not sure she likes him like that."

"Let's hope not."

"Why would you say that?"

"He wouldn't be free if that was so."

"Oh, Ana's not gay." Adelina says, shaking her head before chuckling slightly.

"I was talking about you, Deliana."

"Who- oh. Right. Me."

"Well that was easy." He smiles to himself. What Yale didn't know was that she wasn't talking about her feelings but about her name.

"I don't like him like that. He's my best friend that's all."

"If you say so."

"You have no proof that I like him, so shut it, Yale, will you?"

"I've got no proof that you don't like him, so you shut it, Deliana." He mocks. Adelina groans, banging the back of her head against the wall.

"It wouldn't be of your business even if I did like him which I don't." The man besides her shrugs.

"True." The two of them look at each other before chuckling slightly. And at that precise moment, Anakin leaves the cafeteria only to see his best friend and someone he didn't know, laugh together, their faces awfully close to each other. He felt something snap inside of him. He felt anger being pumped into his blood.

"Angel? What are you doing?"

"I thought your name was Deliana?" Yale asks, an eyebrow raised.

"Oh but it is, it's only a nickname." The young woman says to her new acquaintance, looking at him in the eyes.

"Hello, I'm Yale."

"He's the best friend. Ana." Adelina says quickly, not trusting Yale.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ana." He then turns towards the 16 years old and whispers: "not as much as pleasure as meeting you, of course." Anakin wanted the man's head. He didn't like the way he talked to his best friend. He didn't like it at all.

"We've got to go, now, Angel."

"Bye, Yale. I was glad to meet you."

"Glad to have met you too, Deliana." She smiles slightly before following Anakin inside the room they were previously in.

"Yes, I think she and the boy were Jedi's." Yale says, once he was sure they had left, talking into a device on his ear.


"Why were you talking to that guy?"

"Because I wanted to."

"Well, he could have hurt you."

"But he didn't!"

"But he could've!"

"Yeah, well he didn't!"

"I don't even care."

"Then why are you even talking to me?"

"Because he could've hurt you!"

"So you do care!"

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

"Of course I do your my best friend, but I don't!"

"You just said that you did, Ana."

"Your confusing me!"

"Me?! I'm the one confusing you? Your confusing me!" Anakin and Adelina look at each other for a second before bursting out laughter. He took her into a hug, his arms over her shoulder as her's slithered around his waste. He quickly bent down to kiss the top of her head before they continued to walk, still looking at each other with small smiles.

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