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Padmé trouble-
Sleep talk:

Third person's POV:

"Are you both alright? You seem a little on edge." Obi-Wan talks.

"I'll make a fool out of myself." Adelina whispers only to get laughed at by the masters and Anakin.

"Just like the day you met me, but it'll be alright, I accepted you still, didn't I?" Red teases with a wink. The girl groaned before turning back to her best friend.

"Why are you on edge?" She asks him.

"I'm not."

"I haven't felt you this tense since-" but the teenage Padawan blocked her father figure voice out for a second to concentrate on Anakin's feelings. And he was, indeed, really tense.

"-and I rescued you remember?"

"Oh... Yes." Red and her apprentice looked at each other for a second before laughing. The men soon joined but stopped when Obi-Wan spoke again. "You're sweating."

"Ana, you'll stink!" Adelina whisper/yells, pocking his forehead before wiping it on her complete black uniform.

"I haven't seen her in ten years, master."

"Neither have I but you don't see me sweating do ya?" The 16 years old girl says, crossing her arms over her chest. "Okay what do you know that I don't?" She asks, pointing Obi-Wan's knowing smile.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." Red hides a smile and tries to act innocent.

"You're all acting so weird." The girl whispers to herself before turning her back on them, trying to figure out each emotions. But she got distracted when the door opened and a voice rose.

"Obi? Obi!" It was Jar Jar's.

"Hey, it's Jar Jar!" After hugging the master's he quickly hugged Adelina as well as Anakin. As the Gungan talked loudly the half in his native tongue, the Padawans ignored him and looked around and then at Padmé.

"It's a great pleasure to see you, m'lady." Obi-Wan bowed, followed by Red but the apprentices didn't as their gaze felt on their childhood friend.

"Far too long, Master Obi-Wan." She smiles softly, shacking his hand.

"Umm, hello, Senator." Red starts before turning around and glaring at her Padawan. "I blame my awkwardness on you!" She whispers with a playful glare before turning back to Amidala, shacking her hand as she chuckles softly.

"Ani? Adelina?" They both took a step foreword. "My goodness, you've grown!"

"So have you." Anakin smiles. "Beatifuller." The youngest Padawan in the room burst out laughter, hiding her mouth behind her hand to stop the noise but it didn't help much. "For a senator, I mean." It only made his friend laugh even harder.

"I've rubbed off on all of you!" Adelina exclaims, fist bumping the air. "Master Obi-Wan, it's a sign! We should hang out more! Oh right, umm.. Continue. Don't let me interrupt you." She quickly added, feeling slightly awkward.

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