Chapter 21-A Job

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I walked down the steps once again avoiding all mirrors incase I would see myself for who I am forced to be, what I've been from the moments I could walk and talk.

It started just when I was little I would do small jobs such as deliver drugs from My Dads house to another.
My Dad was known as the 'Boss' of this area and I was his worst victim.

As I got older I would deliver more and more drugs, sell more stolen cars and pass along information that could eventually get someone killed.

But one day I was only fourteen and so involved with Harry I finally snapped, I screamed and yelled in my fathers face, he would get violent as a comeback.

I told him I wanted to quit but He punished me by bumping up my jobs, so now I didn't just do the small things but I also had to start.....dancing and other things that are too painful for me to think about.

I tried running away but he caught up with me he would punish me more and more every time I retaliated.

It might be a weird thing to think or to say but I truly do love my father at least I love half of him.

The half of him that likes to spend time with me.
The half that if I'm hungry instead of ordering a pizza he will cook up what he claims is his
"world famous pasta"

Its really just sticking noodles in boiling water and opening a jar of spaghetti sauce but it shows that he does care.

At least that side of him cares, His other side the angry and hurtful side will beat me senseless if I didn't do a job or if I didn't put all of my effort into it.
The side of him that would tear the house apart just to intimidate and most likely hurt me.

Harry and him were at lot alike if You think about it, Half of them love me unconditionally but the other half want to hurt me so badly they would go out of their way breaking down every thing that stood in there way just to get to me.

But we see how that ended with Harry, He only pretended to be in love with me at first to piss my father off and then he wanted to get to Zayn, At first I thought he wanted to hurt Zayn because he loved me and he knew deep down I had feelings for Zayn.
But Harry didn't love me so he had a different reason for hurting him,
What does Harry have against Zayn?

Harry never really Loved me and since Harry and my Dad are so alike does that mean my Father doesn't love me either?

Could all of the times he called me his special little girl just a way to piss someone off?
Was he using me like Harry was?

I pushed the thoughts out of my brain, I Am going to live this painful life if it kills me, I have to Keep Zayn safe.

If I stay with him he will be the opposite of safe, He would be in danger and his life every second he spends with me his life would be on the line.
But is Love...True Love worth risking your life for?

Is spending one day being completely and utterly Happy with the one Your so in Love with worth it, if your dead the next day?
No its not worth it.
I wish I could say it is, God knows but you can find happiness thinking of the memories you've made with that one special person.
As long as you have memories you have that person with you for forever.


"I'm here Dad! is this ok?" I walked up to him a smile tracing my lips but not my eyes

"Yeah thats perfect pumpkin"
He said with the polar opposite expression lacing through his voice than before.

I looked down at myself loathing the look of the leather bra and matching skirt that was plastered onto my skin.

He grabbed my chin between his thumb and index finger harshly looking my face over.

I ran up the stairs and applied heavy eye makeup and bright lipstick on before slipping on my Heels and jacket walking back down the steps again.

"You look beautiful Angel, we have to put our best foot forward this time.
They are paying us a lot just to show them a good time."

He wrapped me in a quick hug before walking out of the house and
hopping unto the rusty car that was out of date even when I was little.

"We haven't got all day Cassey!" my Mom said out the window of the passenger seat.

climbing into the back seat of the car
I looked my parents over.
My Mom was such a slut, nobody should go around dressed like that especially a Mom.

"I know you remember how to work the stage still" My Mom turned in her seat looking back at me.

"I was at the bar you were at, remember when you put that little show on?"

My mind flickered back to the club I had danced at, my drunk mind was hazed over and I didn't even know that the man I slept with was Zayn.

"We need you to do a little of that today."
My father said swerving in between cars on the busy street we were now traveling on, earning car horns blaring from all directions and people screaming at him from the tops of their lungs.

We took a sharp turn down a ally Feeling the sun beaming through the windows and. burning my thigh I shifted slightly looking out the windshield window.

We abruptly came to a stop.
Climbing out of the car I could now see we were going through the back exit into an empty club.

We were met by a small boy who only looked about the age of nine or ten.

"Is everything set?" asked my father gruffly

"Yes 'Boss' they are waiting for you over there" Said the boy pointing a door located on the right side of the room.

We entered the room leaving the boy alone

"Get on the stage!" my Dad pointed to the platform with a single pole on it.

"Hey Connor! when will we start?"
My dad said approaching a man that sat at the other end of the room in the shadows.

"When everyone shows up so about a half hour."

There was a small silence, I could feel his eyes burning a hole into me as I sat on the platform.

"She a young one" He had rough foreign voice shocking me and making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

He stood up walking over to me letting the dim lights hit his face, His tall figure intimidated me as he stood in front of me, even though I was on a tall platform he still towered over me.

The gray streaks waving throughout his black hair and the small wrinkles around the corners of his eyes showed he was in his mid forties.
But the muscles bulging from the dark button down shirt made him look younger.

He held a cigaret between his lips as he lit it up, He took a puff of the white stick, parting his lips as he let the smoke escape from his mouth.

His intense gray orbs search my face for any emotion, I lowered my eyelids slightly and smiled seductively.

I took the cigaret from his mouth and took a slow breath of it in, and letting the smoke exit my lips.

"thanks" I said handing it back to him.
He smirked turning away
"She'll do" He said in my father's
direction, I smiled feeling as if I made my father proud judging by the small smile tracing his features.

I AM SO SORRY! I have such bad writers block this story is getting harder to write but I think That this chapter was just a little difficult so I will try to update soon!
Im feeling like nobodies reading this so it would mean a lot if you guys left a comment <3
If you guys want any small event to happen in this story just message me or something I'll give you the credit so yeah I'm just trying to make this book really good but I feel like I'm failing. :-(
Love you guys


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Difficulty-A Zayn Malik and Harry Styles fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now