Chapter 5- muddled love

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I spent the rest of the day at Zayn's house he was going to stay but I really didn't want him to stay after the whole embarrassing shower I honestly wasn't scared if he saw me naked it was all the ugly scars that cover my body.

After convincing him to go to school I ate and was currently flipping threw the TV guide when I looked down at my sweat pants I was wearing and lifted up the cuff a little to reveal my slightly busied and swollen ankle, it wasn't bad I would be ok to go to school tomorrow it didn't really hurt it just was a bit uncomfortable.

Just as I was examining myself there was a loud banging at the door, it set me off so I decided not to answer it. After about ten minutes of hearing the door being pounded on I decided to answer it just to yell at the prick that doesn't have anything better to do other than annoy poor injured girls.

I only opened the door a crack so I could see who it was but as the doors lock unbolted It swung open with such force it pushed me back creating a painful shot run up my leg. I soon was being dragged out the house by A pissed Harry
"Harry your hurting me!"
feeling the bruise that will be on my upper arm being made by his strong hand.

he yelled throwing me into his car.

I struggled to open the doors of the car but they wouldn't budge, he must have put the safety on.

"Damn you!!Harry" I said punching the dashboard as he drive off.

Soon we were at his chosen destination and I yelled at him as he dragged me out of the car and into his house.
He then punch my face leaving me weaker and pass out.

I woke up I was in a dark room and I was naked on the floor when I leaned forward to sit up I felt the wetness of blood under my fingertips.
I felt over myself to see that he has given me new cuts to heal.
I started to hear foot steps come towards the room I was in and the lights came on making my vision go blurry and pain enter through my eyes.

I backed up into one of the corners in the room in fear of what Harry would do next, but instead of feeling the harsh hand of Harry I felt the tip of Zayns rough fingers tip my chin up. I could see little tears in the corners of his eyes begging to fall onto his perfect cheeks. I stared at his soft face turn into a hard expression.
"Your Disgusting" he spat

I jerked awake from the dream I had been having to find myself laying in a bed with Harry next to me his arm snaked around my waist.

When I tried getting up his eyes shot open and his arms tightened making me choke for air.
"What do you want! why are you always hurting me?"
I asked letting a tear roll out of my eye. He gently wiped the tear away looking deep into my eyes.

"I want you Cassey, only you it's always been that way and it always will be, you gave yourself to me and you are not going to be taken back.
Let me love you, I will and I do I always have and I always will....The reason why I hurt you is because you won't just accept my love.
I have To force it on you. I love you"

he said in such a loving tone I wanted to forget all the scars he had left on the inside and out.

"I won't! I can't, how dare you talk to me like that!
After all you have put me threw this year?
I don't even care that you cheated on me for all those years we were together but the fact that you hurt me by the outside as well as the inside makes me realize that people can never Change"
I said begging the tears to soak back into my eyes.

He let a tear fall from his eye show a side to him I've never seen before...Weakness.
I looked strait into his green orbs letting his face inch closer to mine until his lips pressed into mine, I didn't kiss back.


Sorry if its short or it's bad, I don't really know where this is going so please leave a comment and give me your opinion tell me if it stinks!

Difficulty-A Zayn Malik and Harry Styles fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now