Chapter 20- Daddy I'm Home

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Cassey's Pov the day she left

Sadness was hovering around my heart like a cloud.
All the good times I have had with Zayn were passing through my mind.
I blinked rapidly making the tears dry, I promised myself I wouldn't Cry over anything or anyone anymore, it's just a waist of time and it makes you feel worse than you felt before you even start to cry.

There was only one other place I could go, My parents.
Maybe if I told them it was all a mistake and I regret going back to Harry.

Altho they seemed pretty pissed when I left.
They said it broke their hearts seeing me being hurt over and over again, My heart Has been broken before but not just by Harry.
They only notice when he hurts me, all the other boys and other people in my life that made me running home locking myself in my room for Days.

Harry was my first heart break, and I was so young, fourteen years old I had practically just started puberty and I was confused, We had been dating steadily for two years from the age of fourteen to sixteen.

I thought he was the love of my life until I caught him cheating on me for what seemed like the hundredth time since we had started dating.
He was my whole world and the hardest thing for me to do was break up with him.

I walked until I stood in front of the familiar house located next to an abandoned apartment building.
I thought back to all the things I had to do to make money in the past just to make a little money.

It was hard work and it was hard to do, Back then I didn't know it was wrong I didn't know what I was doing I just did what I was told.
I was an ignorant little girl and as I kept doing all the things I was told.
The more I did them the more I thought it was okay, normal and everyone did it.

I knocked on the door and soon it was answered by Marko my little adopted brother.

"Hey Marko!" I said picking him up and hugging him tightly, When my parents were gone I would take care of him.
I felt more like I was more of a mother to him than our actual mother was.

My Mom walked in wearing her normal slutty mostly black clothes on and her bright red stiletto heels

"Hey Mom!" I sat Marko down waiting for a reaction

"Cassey! Your...Your Back!"

She rushed in giving me a tight hug and kissing my cheek.

"I'm so glad your back...Now it can be like old times."

She held me at arms length brushing a small piece of hair out of my eyes
"Wouldn't that be nice hun if it could be Exactly like old times?"

I smiled falsely I hated the way we used to live.
I hated all the things we did and how neglected I was whenever I was left alone or forced to do things.

"Where's Dad?"
I changed the subject making her spin around calling my Dads name until I heard the thuds of his heavy shoes on the wooden floor.
Before He appeared I wondered if He would take me in with open arms or turn me out hating me for the rest of his life like he promises he would last time he saw me.

When I saw him last he called me a Slutty Whore but I think that description would fit my Mom more than.....What am I saying? Only a Bitch would say that sort of thing about her own Mother, maybe he had good reasons for calling me that.

He just stood there completely motionless his stern face as cold as ice.

But the Ice began to melt before my eyes and turn into a warm smile and I felt me laugh as he opened his arms.

I jumped into a bear hug my Dad usually gave me
"I knew my princess would come back and now it can all be like old times the three of us working together forming the perfect team."

My smile faded thinking of the "old times"

But I snapped out of it once his phone rang loudly and he set me down his smiling growing even more as he looked at the screen and pushed it to his ear.

"Hey! What up?"
"Tonight? Say...Two hours. Yeah great, Alright bye."

He turned towards me again
"Seems like we can pick up were we left off at exactly eight o'clock"

He flicked his wrist looking at his watch and settling his eyes back on mine.
"What's wrong Cassy?"

"I-I Don't want things t-to go back to the way they were. I just want to be normal and not have to avoid certain people for different reasons.
I want to be happy and I know I never was, that's why I left."

His face practically turned to stone right before my eyes
"You Will Do As I Say."
It scarred me at how fast he could change, one moment he would be Caring and Lovable but the next He would scare the living Shit out of me.

"And we will be happy go get changed. We'll be waiting for you."

He turned flopping down on the couch followed by my Mother

"It'll get better honey now go get changed please?"

"Dad I Just can't"
Before I knew it my Dad had moved at top speed and was standing in font of me roughly grabbing my shoulders

"LOOK CASSEY! You are who you are and you can't change that, This is what you were meant to do, because this is what I am.
And you don't have a decision.
I am Adam Heart! You are Cassey Heart. After I'm gone you will most likely become Cassey Styles but not before I'm gone I don't want you going after Harry anymore he puts thoughts in your head making you think you can be whatever you want to be."

His grip on my shoulders tightened

"BUT! You only do what I say and what I say only, no matter how hard that Boy tries to turn you against me and make you work for him before I'm gone Resist him.
His time will come."

His grip loosened and I opened my mouth once more

"Why are you giving Harry your property after your...gone?"
I rubbed my shoulders trying to convince myself that the pain I felt didn't really hurt.

"He's smart and he will be powerful"

He directed me to the steps pushing me towards them encouraging me to get changed into my old clothes


I climbed up the steps hoping that I would have a happy ending, But most of the time life doesn't have a happy ending does it?




ok so here's a question.
If you were you own a reality Tv show what would it be called and what would it be about?
I know its random but Idk I think its ab interesting question.

Difficulty-A Zayn Malik and Harry Styles fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now