Chapter 22-peaceful road

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I was almost expecting to see a A familiar tan skinned man in the crowded room.
I scanned the room, looking at each individuals face But, he wasn't there He probably was nowhere near the club that I was at preparing for my performance.

I shouldn't feel this stabbing pain, I should feel the need to cry my eyes out every time I think of him. The aching in my chest needs to be shut up because its good Zayn isn't here or else he would be in a large amount of danger.

I was picking out every face that was in the crowd and spotted the man That had been here before anyone else, Connor I think his name was.

His eyes where plastered onto me, He was smirking slightly and I could tell his eyes were looking everywhere else but my face.
I felt self conscious thinking about how many eyes were picking my body apart in their heads.
I diverted my gaze from the mans striking gray orbs but I could still feel his heavy gaze on me, I could still feel his searching eyes wondering my barely clothed body and I couldn't help from my curiosity wondering what everyones drunken minds where thinking about.

My daydreaming was snapped As the loud music started thumping throughout the building.
Suddenly my throat got extremely dry and my feet felt as if they were weighed down and wouldn't move.

I slowly looked to My father currently with a bottle in his hands gulping the contents, He gave me a sharp hateful look which lightened my feet from the floor boards and twisted around the pole with such speed I could see the look of shock on the mens faces as they crowded around the stage.
The more I was twisting up and dropping down the pole the the faster the music seemed to increase in volume, I gasped in the humid air which was to be thickly concentrated with the smell of alcohol.

"Takeeee it offfff!" one of the men yelled from the crowd I paused and time seemed to slow as I realized I've taken a step back, I have gone back to exactly what I was and what I wanted to escape from.
I Need To Get Out.

I jumped off the stage heading towards the exit as fast as I could, pushing past the hot and sweaty bodies thats hands kept finding places where I did not wish them to be.

I smacked their hands away hearing curses being thrown at me

"You bittttch I just wanted to Havvve fun buttt you have ruined it!"

"Yourrrr a fuckinggg party pooper bittttcchh"

I pushed the exit door open and breaking into a sprint taking the deepest breaths of the early afternoon air as possible, Feeling refreshed as the feeling of strong drinks and smoke was gone out of my lungs.

I ran down a little dirt road that was out of sight and completely unexpected.

I slowed down to walk examining the beautiful sun lit road.
I scuffed my feet in the dirt as I walked,
there wasn't even one house that sat on the road it was secluded and peaceful Like it was made as a resting place for me.

I've lived in this city all my life and never have seen this road, I wandered down it and a small smile creeped onto my lips as I saw the road ended but at the end was a river.

The peaceful feeling left me and a deep feeling of fear shook through my bones as I heard a scream, I hid behind a large bush and My heart started to break as I watched, I saw the young boy That I saw at the bar running, but soon I saw three men chasing him.

They caught up to him, Pushing him roughly to the ground.
Their dark skin were covered in tattoos and The biggest one took the boy by the collar shaking him and yelling in his little face.


I stepped out from behind the bush feeling a certainty pumping through my veins circulating within my body.
"What the Hell Are you doing!"
I said striding up to the man and shaking the boy from his grip.

As I looked at each of the Men one by one I can tell you they were a Hell of a lot scarier up close than they were from a distance.

They all when extremely muscular looking as if they could break me in half between their fingers.

One of them quickly got hold of my arm holding me until pain shot up my arm.

I yelled before letting a small smile creep onto my face.

"I'm Cassey Heart"

I laughed as they all jumped back a few steps, I could see an exreame fear in their eyes it was amusing that just a name could scare guys this tough shitless

"Damn She's Boss's!"

"Yes thats right my father is Adam Heart. AND YOUR GOING TO DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT YOU TO DO!" I yelled acting the part of what the daughter of a greatly feared man should act.

"I Want you to work for me now My Daddy will be so proud if I take some responsibility and shit like that."
I said in my best bitchy whiny annoying voice as possible and I could tell they didn't look to pleased that they will have to start 'working' for me.

Hey guys! Ok so I want to say thank you to the people who Leave comments I read every single one, I even go back and check all my chapters for comments just in case someone new reads it and leaves a comment <3
I hope this chapter wasn't confusing.
I have been trying to update a frequently as possible its so hard though I just want to have an really good book.

Difficulty-A Zayn Malik and Harry Styles fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now