Chapter 17-broken Promises

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I pulled Faith over to the bathroom running cold tap water over her wrists to slow the bleeding.

"What's wrong?" I asked
pulling her into a hug letting her tears soak the shoulder of my shirt.

"I-I c-can't tell you" she cried sounding like a little girl having a hard time breathing since she was crying so hard.

"You can tell me anything" I tried convincing her,
"I-It's personal and I don't w-want you to f-feel weird"

"Oh Faith I want to help please tell me. please" I finished

"It's Z-Zayn! he-he won't, you night he likes to go down stairs and watch TV, He usually falls asleep down there. I don't think he wants with me at night."

She was right this did make me feel weird, but I didn't let it show on my face.
What was I suppose to tell her though?

Oh I think you should go and suduce him right now?!

No I couldn't say that.

"ME and him never have had sex together" she said starting to cry again.

"I don't know what to say" I said honestly
"Tell me it w-will be ok" she pleaded

"I can't that would be making a promise and if.......and if it ends up not being ok then I would be breaking a promise and when people break a promises it will tear you apart."

She started to cry harder
"Shhhh don't cry this isn't the end of the world if it doesn't all work out-" she cut me off with words I know she meant with all of her heart because at one time I felt the same way she does.

"It will be the end of my world! It will be the end of me, of my life. Because if I can't get the love I need from him I will end all my pain and suffering with a single bullet or a million cuts."
My face dropped as I thought of what to do. After a while She yawned and she walked over to the bedroom.

I sat in the bathroom for ten minutes until I knew she was asleep, I tried to be quiet as I tip toed down the squeaky wooden steps.

I made my way towards the couch slipping into the blankets next to Zayn who was outstretched on it.
His arm wrapped around me
"I missed you Cassey" he whispered

"How did you know it was me?" I questioned wanting this moment to last for the rest of my life
"Your different, you sweeter and softer than Faith is." He said kissing my neck softly.

"I can't be with you" I blurted feeling my heart shrivel as His arms no longer held me tightly but fell limply around me as if he had no strength

"You promised me" he whispered
"I know but that's a promise that I have to break and not for my own good" I said trying to keep my voice monotonous
"what?!" he said grasping at my body flipping me around so that I was facing him.

"What do you mean!" I could hear the fiery burning the words he spoke.

"She doesn't want to live without love from the person she loves more than anything else in the world, she said she won't live. Doesn't that make you feel-"

"I told you when we first met, I don't have a heart and the only little bit of feeling I have has been taken up by you. Nobody else can work me up like you can." he said gently pulling me into a hug.

"Stay with me, don't leave we'll find a way around this." I started to cry shaking in his arms.

"Please say you will stay." he whispered pressing his lips to mine, I felt sparks of affection bursting in the kissed and when we parted I spilled my heart in very few words knowing that he will treat it kindly and treasure it.

"I Love You" I let the words that I have been feeling come out.
"I Love you too and you know I do, I always have since the first day we kissed. I will love you forever and Always."

He then again pleaded me to stay
"Yes I-I'll stay" I said snuggling into him closing my eyes but not falling asleep.

After a while I heard him snore slightly, I looked up at him making his face be plastered into my mind.
His messy hair that's usually styled into a perfect quiff, small stubble covering his cheeks. The only thing that I'm missing is his dark chocolate eyes that never fails to have me hypnotized.

I climbed out of his arms without waking him and quietly walked upstairs quickly getting out of my Pajamas and into a pair of jeans along with a shirt and my dark leather jacket.

I watched Zayn sleeping on the couch as I slipped on my shoes expecting him to open the eyes I wanted to see so badly, but he never did.

I knelt down looking at him
"Zayn?" I whispered almost wanting for him to hear me but he didn't.
"I love you with all my heart...Im sorry for all the promises I have broken but it's for the better." I whispered

I stood up and walked towards the door I twisted the handle shutting the door quietly and breathing in the cold morning air that chilled the tears that I had stained on my cheeks.

"Goodbye" I whispered once more before quickly walking away not wanting to look back at the fear of me going back climbing into Zayns warm arms again and hurting an unlucky girl.

Hey! Thank you guys so much for reading this I love you all and please message me comment and vote❤️ you all make me laugh so hard I love chatting with you 😀

Difficulty-A Zayn Malik and Harry Styles fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now