The Blue Peg Café

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Lucy POV

After school we decide to head to the blue peg café. Erza and Cana head there with Mira, Juvia and levy head with me.

The place look really nice, and there are even kids from school from here. We sit at a booth. We all order some coffee except Cana who order some beer. I can't believe the sell that here.

We've spent so much time laughing and talking, until Juvia gasped. It seems that guy the Juvia likes and his pals walked in and sat at the booth next to us. From where I was sitting I could see them or more specifically the person sitting were Juvia was sitting which right across from me. I was facing the that Loke guy. I couldn't help but look at him, he was a bit closer, so I could see him better. He wasn't cute, he was hot. He saw me and faced me, I couldn't help but blush and look at the menu.

Ok, I can do this! It's just a guy Lucy! I look up at him, only it's not him anymore, it's a guy with pink spiky hair in a navy blue zipped hoodie. He was looking at the menu, with a toothpick in his mouth, and then he looked up and saw me, and oh lord, when I faced his onyx eyes, he was smoking. Damn, I pretty sure I blushed and faces the menu again.

It was until then I heard levy, who was sitting in the middle, calling out to me.

"Yoo-hoo! Lucy! Earth to Lu-chan!"

As she said this I could her that pink haired guy snicker. Oh shoot he was watching me! Uh! So embarrassing!

"Uh? Yeah levy?"

"Who you staring at lu-chan?" Levy whispered.


"Oh? Levy it's like you weren't staring at Gajeel?" Erza said and levy quickly shushed her.

"Oh? Who's Gajeel?"

"The guy with the piercings." Juvia said pointing at that spiky haired man. Jeez he looked way too tough. He looked way to manly, perfect match for levy!

"Well Erza you must be upset the Jellal ain't here right??" Cana asked

"Erza? Who's Jellal?"

"My boyfriend." Erza replied blushing.

"Boyfriend? Have I seen him anywhere?"

"No, he's a freshman in college."

"Wow Erza! Dating a college student!"

We all laughed and had fun that day. After that the girls decided to leave and I kinda wanted to stay and finish some homework here. I sat a small table near the window and brought my laptop out started.

An hour passed and I finished work on my laptop, "Woo! Done."

"Yeah? So can you chat with me?" A voice spoke to me. It was the pink haired guy!

"Huh? Um well, I uh got to--"

"Ah c'mon, just a little chat with me."

"Um o-ok."

"Jeez are you always red when you talk to someone?"

"Um, n-no."

"Haha your so nervous, it's sorta cute."


"Jeez talk girly, c'mon let me hear your voice more."

"Um ok then what do you want to talk about?"

"Let's talk about you, what your name blondie?"


"Lucy huh? Wow cute name for a cute girl," he says as he touches a strand of my hair.

"Oh my, your turning more red,"

"Um, so what's your name?"

"Me? No no, not yet, I want to no more about you cutie."

"Um do you talk to all the girls like this?" I don't know why but that word is getting old.

"Huh? No not really."

"Liar. Your some sort player right?"

"Mm? You saw through me?"

"Your very easy to read."

"But then why were you staring at me?"

"I was... Curious, yeah curious."

"Hmph, your funny."

"Yeah well I gotta get back home. See you later... Uh..."

"Natsu, it's Natsu Dragneel."

An alarm wrung in my head. He's Lisanna's, oh crap. Damn what I'd get myself into?

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