Identity Discovered

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Lucy POV

I wake up to one thought. I was flirting with Lisanna's boyfriend yesterday. Ok well I wasn't, but he was. Rather I was still making goo goo eyes at him!!! Oh my gosh! If that white hair she devil ever found out, I'd moved for no reason! I'll be bullied again!!!! Ugh why life???!!

I take a shower hoping my thought would rush away with the water but the don't. I dress my self in a white sleeveless shirt with Jean short shorts. At least their not booty shorts. I put on some red converse shoes.

I grab an apple and head to the car. This time the radio is playing "Too Good" ~ Drake . As I drive to school I sing along and then park into my same spot. So far a regular school day.

Levy and Erza run over to me and drag me away to history. I take notes and talk with friends. Then it's time for lunch.

"Yo Mira! Cana! Juvia!" Erza chants as we walk towards the table under the tree. Right when I sit down, a hand leans over me. I look above me and its Natsu.

"Hey Lucy." He says a gives me a small peck on my forehead. All of my friends have their jaws opened, wide open. Including me.

"Eh?! W-what you do that for????"

"Chill out it was just a small kiss Luce."

"Luce?! Since when did you make such good friends with me?!"

"Huh? But I wanna give you a nickname,"

"One talk doesn't make it ok for you to act so friendly!!"

"Haha Luce your so adorable, well I'm gonna head on my way, by the way I hear we have gym together, see ya there." He says rustling my hair. And walks away CASUALLY!!!!!!!!


"Since when did you get so casual with Natsu Dragneel!?" Levy asks

"Never! I just spoke to him for a little while after finished homework and then we started talking to me!"

"Well apparently that Natsu thinks your close buds," Mira says

"Or more than that." Erza says.

"But isn't Natsu-Kun dating Lisanna?" Juvia asks.

"Exactly! That stupid player! What is he doing?" I yell out.


After playing my round of basketball, the girls decided to sit with me on the benches. It turns out Erza has gym with us too, but the past 2 days she's been doing something for the school committee.

"So Lucy, aren't you going talk with Natsu? And clear everything up?" Erza asks.

"What? No way! If I do that, he won't take me seriously. And then he'll keep bugging me."

"Then your just gonna let him act friendly with you, you know that type of friendly." Mira asks

"No, I'll just ignore him, he's so stupid acting like that."

"Well then prepare yourself, he's on his way here, loook!~"

"W-what?!" I yell out blushing a bit.

"Yo Luce!" Natsu says, climbing onto the bleachers sitting right next to me, Mira, Juvia, and levy have surrounded us.

"W-what do you think your doing?!"

"Sitting next you, what's the big idea?" He says as he places his head on my lap. I can hear Erza and Mira snickering, juvia and levy are giggling and I can see Natsu's friends snickering as well. WHY???? WHY MEEEE??!!!

"G-g-get of me!!"

Natsu gets up and gets a bit close to my face. By that I mean he's way to close to my nose.

"Chill Luce, is it really so bad?"

"It's a little to close for comfort, so back off." I say pushing his face back. His reaction is a bit stunned.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask to his face.

"Ah shiz, I do. Too bad..." He says with a smirk on his face. He tilts his head and looks at me.

"Sorry I haven't been here for the past two days."

"I don't care Natsu."

"I've been getting super ready for a game on Friday."


"You coming?"

"....I don't feel like going so...."

"Ah c'mon, don't be such an outcast. Erza you going?"

"As a matter of fact yes, and for your information with Jellal." Erza replies

"Oh and you girls?"

"I'm coming with Mira-San." Juvia replies.

"I've got to go and help Cana and her dad help coach you guys." Levy replies.

"Ya see Luce? If you won't go for me, go with your friends, what do ya say?"

"...............fine, but not for you. Ya here? So don't get any ideas!" I inform the pink playboy.

"Ok, but you know you don't have to treat me with such rudeness, Luce~" he says in a seductive voice.

"Yeah? Well maybe I won't if you quit acting like this since you a girlfriend already."

"So what I'm hearing is if I didn't have girlfriend, you'd be interested?"

"Hmph! As if pinky! I hate playboys like you, and if you do leave your girl for another one, I will never give you the light of day, be it me or some other girl."

"Wow. Your feisty Luce, I like that!" He cracked a smile and my heart skipped a beat. Hell no heart! Stop that skipping! I would never fall for playboy like this jerk!

"Anyways don't worry, I kinda like Lisanna. So don't worry, okay?" He said patting my head.

"Good! Maybe your not so bad." I say smiling.

"*ahem* I-I wouldn't say that yet Luce, you still don't know me..."

"Well then I'd be happy to, as a friend though, alright?" When I say this everyone's watching including Natsu's pals, I don't even know when they got here.

"Okie dokie Luce... See ya at the game?"

"Yeah ok."

"Ha, you finally done flirting?" Gray asks

"You can say that now let's get back to practicing." Natsu says.

When they walk away at a distance where they are unable to here me... Mira suddenly jumps towards me.

"Oh Lucy! You and Natsu are so cute together!!! Way better then my sister and Natsu!"

"I don't know what your talking about Mira, There's no way me and that flirtatious playboy can ever get along as boyfriend & girlfriend! Not in a million years!" I squint towards Natsu play ball with the others. There's no way. Absolutely positively no way, right? What am I saying.... Of course I'm right. No way. No way. No way.

Oh how I hope I'm right....

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