Babysitting Wendy

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Lucy POV

It's Friday, and it's time for babysitting Natsu's sister. Blah Natsu, that guy just thinking about him makes my heart flutter. I'll have to go to his house today, and baby sit his sister. I'll just have make sure I don't turn red as tomato.
I take a shower, and put on Navy blue hoodie-type shirt with the number 82 on it. Why? I don't know, with a white tank top under. I'm also wearing short white shirts, with regular converse shoes.

The door opens and a little girl who looks like she 12 opens the door. She has long dark blue hair. And she has big smile on her face. This is Wendy right?

"Are you Lucy-San?"

"Yes, your Wendy right?"

"Sure am. So, what did Natsu promise you to watch me? A date? A kiss or something?" She says as she signals me to come inside and closes the door.

"Huh? So that's what that idiot does to make others watch you? I'll have to scold him."

"Oh? Your saying he didn't promise you anything?"

"No, I'm his friend, unfortunately, but he said your mom & dad would pay me, but if your a fun kid, i just might do this for $30."

"Yeah? So you don't care for Natsu?"

"W-well I mean he's just a Baka who needs guidance..." Shoot I think I'm blushing.

"Haha, Onee-San, I like you! You seem to better than the mean white haired girl, You have my permission to date my Onii-chan!"

"H-huh?! Wwwait!---"

"Luce you wanna date me?" A voice says behind me, it's Natsu so I turn around to reject it, but I find Natsu in shorts, and with a towel around his neck. Oh and did I mention he's sweating and shirtless? Well yeah...

((A/N: kinda like this--))

"I-I, um w-why exactly are you shirtless?" I ask trying not to explode

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"I-I, um w-why exactly are you shirtless?" I ask trying not to explode.

"There's a gym in the basement, I just finished a workout." He replied.

"Well hurry up and put on a shirt,"

"Hold it, Wendy did you just give her permission to date me?"

"Uh-huh." She replied while walking towards the tv.

"So you wanna date me Luce?"

"N to the O. Now put a shirt on," and without thinking I pushed him with my hand, he caught it.

"Oh what's this you wanna touch me? When did you become so perverted Luce?"

"Agh! Unhand me! Jeez your the perverted playboy here. Baka. :p"

"Haha Luce your so fun to be with."

"Whatever just go put a shirt on."

I walk over to Wendy as he goes up stairs.

"So Wendy what do you wanna do today?"

"Ummm.... Ok he's gone. Onee-San, do you like Onii-chan?"

"Ah not you too."

"What? It's just that Onii-chan would smile girls would come over but not like that."

"How so?"

"Well he's smile, but it'd look fake. When you made him laugh like that just now, it seemed different from those other times."

"You don't say?"

"Yep, that's why you'll be good for Onii-chan! Your different from those other girls Onee-chan!"


"I'm back." Natsu says sneaking up behind me, with a surprise tickling attack,


"Tickle tickle tickle!"

"N-no!! L-L-Let gooo!"

"Hahahaaha, aw jeez Lucy, your a riot."

"Onee-Chan! This is gonna be so fun!"

"Yeah? Well let's try to make it fun."


"That movie was great!" Wendy says as she sniffles.

"I know, what a tearjerker!"

"*snoring*" of course Natsu's sleeping.

"Looks like your brother didn't find it so interesting,"

"Let's draw on his face!" Wendy says.

"Good Idea! Got markers?"

"Hold on, HAPPY! CARLA!! CAN YOU BRING SOME MARKERS!" Suddenly two cats a blue one and a white one. They both had markers in their mouths.

We drew a mustache and a unibrow. He looks so stupid. Baka! But he does look like kinda cute. When sleeping until we drew that stuff on his face.

It was fun watching Wendy & the brother as well I guess.

"Do you really have to leave? Onee-chan?"Wendy asks

"Yeah, but I'll come next time too, so don't worry. Okay?"

"Yeah? For real?"

"For real."

"Thanks again for watching them Ms. Heartfillia." Mrs. Dragneel and Mr. Dragneel had come back and given my pay.

"No problem."

Natsu met me at the door.

"See ya later Luce,"

"Um yeah."

I was gonna walk away to the car, but then he called out.

"Luce, listen."


"Do ya wanna go out sometime?"

"...........Come again?"

"Pfft. Hahaha, Luce that's why. Your so fun to be around. I like you Lucy. Go out with me?"


"Rreally? Then give me your phone."

"Wwhat for ?"

"This....there, you got my number & I have yours."


"Oh & our dates tomorrow, so don't forget." And the he kissed my forehead waved goodbye and walked back into his house...

There are two sides of me. One is going crazy like blood-rushing blushing Tomato. The other is worried how this will all turn out.

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