Date Time

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Lucy POV

My date with Natsu is today. He'll show up anytime now. Damn. Why did he have get me to act like this? Every time I see that doof, my heart skips a beat and it aches. My skin burns up, and I can't help feeling happy with him. To be honest, I'm sorta happy that idiot asked me out, he's not so bad right?

I dress myself into regular clothes after my bath. ((A/N: I'm too lazy to explain so just imagine this))

 ((A/N: I'm too lazy to explain so just imagine this))

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I walk into my living room only to find Natsu there.

"What are doing here?" I ask

"Oh hey Luce, did you forget our date?"

"Oh right. No I didn't not really."

"Great least go."

"Um ok."
Natsu's car is a red mustang. It's real cool, I can't believe he has this car, though I think my dad has this car too.

"So where are we going?"

"The carnival."

"This early?"

"Duh we're spending the whole day there!"

"Of course we are,"

The carnival was taking place in Lamia S park, there were already so many people. The first stand we went to was a basketball stand. Natsu won on the first try, and he won me a huge panda bear.

"This feels cliché."


"Lemme try!"
1. 2. 3. 4. Boom

"Bam! Beat that,"

"I didn't know you could play basketball,"

"Well besides Erza, I'm a really good player for the girls team. What I ain't just some girl,"

"Yeah? Let's go on the teacups, c'mon!"

He's doing it again, he's holding my hand, this time, I'll hold back. It's an official date right? And I really like him.

We went on all the rides and we got Cotten candy, he got me another prize it was pumpkin guy, and I got him a huge dragon stuffed animal.

Before I knew it was sunset, we had all these treats and prizes. But Natsu took me back to the pond. We sat under the tree.


"Luce I had fun today,"

"Me too dumdum."


"So what now?"

"..this dumdum."

Without warning, Natsu pressed his lips into mine. They were warm and his hands cupped my face. I closed my eyes and accepted the kiss, and returned it too. He stopped and I quickly realized what I've just done, what I'd just do??? He just broke up with Lisanna, but he broke with her. Then why'd he kiss me?!

"I'm sorry," Natsu said.


When I picked up Lucy, she was dressed and to be honest she looked real cute. Oh I have to focus.
Lisanna posted on Twitter she'd be at the carnival, I'll just take Luce there.

When we arrived I automatically won Luce a present like they do on tv. But she ended up getting me a prize too. Hah that's what I love about her, she's so different. Like! I mean like!

After we spent time on rides and carnival games I'd always look at her and her eyes, they sparkled like a chocolate diamonds. Her smile was so bright, she'd laugh like... I don't know I can't explain it. It turned out she liked most of what I did. She was so happy, and seeing her face tonight, it makes my chest ache. Like the times is see her at school, but that's when she'd talk to others. It's also like when we went to the movies. I think I like her....((A/N: there at the pond right now))

Shit what am I doing?! Kissing Luce?!
This is too far to get back Lisanna?! I can't anymore. If I keep it up, and she finds out somehow she'd hate me.
Well I'm not gonna do what the do on cheesy movies and shows and lie, I'll tell her straight up.

Lucy POV

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have."

There was a long silent pause. Agh!!! It's so awkward!!!!!!

"It's getting late, I'll drive you back Kay?"

"Ok then."

When we go to my house when I was gonna say goodbye. Natsu stopped me.

"What is it Natsu?"

"Listen I have to tell you the truth, Cause you deserve it,"

"What are you talking about?"

"I wanted to get back at Lisanna, so I took you on this date."

"You what?"

"Luce I'm sorry, I was so wro--"

"You used me? To get back at her? Am I an object to you?"

"What?! No! Listen durning this date I realized---"

"Natsu. You made me real happy today, I-I gave you my first---" I touch my lips. I gave my first kiss to a guy who used me. Shoot I'm crying aren't I?

"Natsu I had fun, I don't how you felt, but it doesn't matter right? That was just an act right? That kiss didn't mean any thing right?"

"Luce hear me ou---"

"I got to go. Night Natsu." I go in and shit the door. I take a bath.

Natsu Natsu Natsu that's all my head is thinking about!!! Argh! Even my heart trembles at the sound of that name, why???? I hate him for what he did to me!! He used me!!! But I still don't hate him!! No I do! No I don't! Why not? He used me! But for some reason that date it didn't feel fake, I thought he was serious, I was wrong.

Playboy for life right?

"Damn tears getting in my bath water"

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