The Basketball Game

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Lucy POV

"Lucy hurry it up!!!!" Mira shouts at me as I run towards them with the tickets. Levy & Cana are already inside. Erza, Juvia & Mira are coming inside with me.

"Ugh, jeez can Jellal be anymore late!?" Erza chants while stomping in place. Suddenly a blue BMW convertible pulled up, with a guy with blue hair and a tattoo on his face and black sunglasses pulls up. This is Jellal? Wow he looks cool.

"Sorry I was running late sweetie, traffic." He responds heading for a hug from Erza. She hugs him and quickly begins shouting.

"What the fudge Jellal! Why didn't you get here sooner?!"

"Did I not just say traffic?"

"Uh, never mind. Any ways, you've met Mira, this is Lucy. She's new."

"Oh? Hiya Lucy. I'm Erza's Boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you."

"C'mon slow pokes!!!! The games starting!" Mira shouts.

We enter the gym. It's completely packed from what I'm guessing is kids from our school in left side of gym and the right of the gym was packed with the apposing school.

We're the fighting fairies. Cana and levy, saved us very good seats near the benches.

"Yo levy," I say.

"Lu-chan hey! Came to watch Natsu?"

"No the whole team so we win, duh. Jeez I told you I don't like that Baka in that way."

"I know just teasing Lu."

"Anyways the boys are starting! GO KICK THEIR ASS FAIRES!!!!!" Cana shouts.

"Gooooo Fairies!!"


"Go win!"

When the game started, Natsu got the ball and passed it to gray who passed it Loke and made a shot already. Then next sting and rogue, the basketballs skilled twins, kept making passes to each other until rogue passed it to Gajeel who made the shot. Gray got the ball once again and dribbled pass all the defenses and then finally passed it to Natsu who made a slam dunk.

And when he did so, he looked towards me and winked. I stuck my tongue out and shouted out "FOCUS BAKA!!!" I could tell he laughed at my comment and counties the game.

Soon the other team made scores too. There was only 12 seconds on the clock and gray got the ball. He passed it to the only person near the net. Natsu. Unfortunately , a guy from the team, stole the ball. Then Natsu swiftly stole it and turned around and perfectly made a shot as the clock countdown from 3. And when the clock hit 2, ball went in and we won! 28:16!

As the team heads towards the benches, they high five every single one of us. I high five everyone on the team including Natsu.

After the game Levy & the girls wanted to hang at my place as a victory. Jellal wanted to come along with Erza and spend more time with her. Of course coming along with other girls would look weird. I guess that's why he decided to invite Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Gajeel, and Loke. Turns out they were friends, but he was a year older.

Great 9 people coming over to my small apartment. At least Cana had to stay. One less person.

"Nice place, Lucy." Gray says.

"Yeah well please don't leave a mess everybody,"

"Hey where's Natsu?" Laxus asks

"That Flamebrain, wonder where he is." Gray says

"Maybe he's running late." Mira says.

"Oi! Here he comes." Gajeel exclaims

"What took you so long?" Erza asked

"Ah nothing....So let's party! We won!" Natsu exclaims. They all start chanting and automatically head to my living room like they live here... Ah jeez.

"Ah, Lucy I was wondering," levy begins. I sit down on a chair next to sofa, since it's being taken by Gajeel, Natsu and gray. Everyone else is sitting on floor comfortably.

"Yeah levy?"

"Your last name. Isn't it Heartfillia?"

"Um. Y-yeah. What of it?"

"So aren't you, you know, rich?"

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