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Lucy POV

Do I have a secret? Maybe one, I kinda like this guy, Loke. But he's dating another girl. What? Did you think I was gonna say I liked him? No no no. That's a stupid pink haired player, I'd never fall for Natsu. I'm sure of it. Absolutely sure......

Why did he do that? Daring me to fall for him? Kissing my forehead like its no big deal? Ugh. His arrogance is so blah. I can't even!!!!
He's so annoying with that stupid pink spiky hair, dark onyx eyes, big warm hands, and he said he'd never let my bulling experience happen to me again... AS A FRIEND STUPID LUCY!! DONT GO FALLING FOR THAT PLAYBOY!!!! UGHHH!!! Why is this my life????

I take a shower and put on a white tank top and baby blue mini skirt with some black converse sneakers. It's a Saturday, time to chill. When I open the fridge is empty, oh yes, I forgot the basketball team raided my fridge last night... Great now I got to go shopping. Hm oh well.

I grab my wallet and my keys and leave. Turn on the radio, and the song "Make me" ~ Brittany Spears was on.

When I arrived at super market I got my stuff, ran into some neighbors, and checked my stuff out. I put everything in trunk of mine and was prepared to leave, until I heard being called out across the parking lot. I know that voice, and you have got to be kidding me.

"Ugh Hey you hear me Lucy?" It was Lisanna....HORRAY.

"What do you want? I want to go home?"

"Yeah yeah hold it. So I heard the basketball teams star players and your little friends held a party last night?"

"What? Yeah it was just a small victory celebration, what's the big deal?"

"Uh, the big deal is, what's a girl having that many guys at her house for?"

"Ok, you have a perverted mind. First of all their were also 5 girls there, myself included, and a college student."

"College Student?!"

"Yes, Erza's boyfriend, and he's an honor student, he was friends with the boys and invited them over, I didn't mind that much so."

"Did you know one of your guests at your little victory party was my boyfriend?" When she said that word boyfriend, what that Natsu said last night to me flashed back to my head.

"Oh you must be talking about Natsu."

"So you knew? Then why didn't kick him out? Do you know how bad it looks having boyfriend go to another girls house?!"

"Personally, I don't even care. If you want to know so bad what your precious Natsu was doing at my house, ask him yourself. Since he's your boyfriend he's probably used to your annoying squeaky ass voice." I say slamming my trunk and heading towards the driving seat. When I check the rear mirror, she is still behind me, I have to back up so....


"Did you just honk at me?!"



I reverse the car a bit scaring her off. Jeez, that's so annoying. Bugging someone on a Saturday during groceries shopping? What a total pain.

She doesn't have to be so worried I'm not gonna take him away from her. Please that guy he's not worthy of me. He's a playboy. He dates girls for fun. I mean a boy who likes playing with feelings like that, why would I ever fall for him?

Well he did assure I wouldn't get bullied because of my money or anything ever again. He said he'd be my friend. No, a friend wouldn't dare me to fall for them. A friend wouldn't act so flirty, so why? Why does every time he does something like that, does my heart skip a beat?

Ah jeez I can't be thinking that now.

sorry that this chapter was short, don't worry keep reading!!!!!

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