Truth or Dare

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Lucy POV

"So aren't you, you know, rich?" Levy asks me and all eyes turn towards me. I kinda froze. The reason I moved was braces I was being bullied. Because everyone thought that I was showing off my money. They bullied my family and my body. I had no friends. I was always alone. My dad agreed that if I moved away and tried to live on my own to forget about that.
Now I have friends, would they think that I think that I'm better than them? Will it all start over again?"

"Y-yeah." I decided the truth is better than them finding out for their own.

Everybody's jaw dropped, "WAIT FOR REAL?!" They all yelled in Union.

"Yeah well it's a long story why I'm living here..."

After I explained my self, they all had this look on their faces, they look of shock mixed with pity. I hate that look. But what else are you gonna feel after hearing that?

"Lucy, I'm so sorry that happened to you." Loke says resting his hand on my shoulder, I sorta blush a bit. Only a bit.

"Luce. We won't ever let something like that happen to you ever again." Natsu says kneeling in front of me taking my hand. It was big, rough, but still warm.

"R-really?" I ask him and everyone else around me. They all nodded.

"We're your friends now Lucy." Gray says

"Damn straight blondie." Gajeel and Laxus say together.

"Don't you worry Lucy!" Levy says smiling so bright. I can't believe that they really don't hate me. Is this real? Yes it is. I refrain myself from crying.
After all of that, we decided to watch a movie. It got a little boring so some suggested we'd play a game. Of course, it was truth or dare.

"D-do we really have to play that game?" I ask in my whining voice. Everybody knows that truth or dare will always reveal something.

"Aw c'mon Lucy! It'll be fun!" Mira exclaims, didn't I tell you? She suggested this game.

"Everyone in a circle!" Mira says clapping her hands.
Everyone does so and wait for next instructions. "Ok so since there's a bunch of us, we'll play by spinning bottle!" You could as she said this some people smirked or smiled or straight up turned red.

"I'll go get one from the kitchen," I say standing up and getting a Coca Cola bottle from yesterday. I wash it, the dry it and head back. I place it in the middle.

"Ok, the person spins the bottle is the person asking the truth or dare. The person the bottle lands on, is the answering the truth or completing the dare." Mira says as she spins the bottle. "I go first!" She exclaims as the bottle spins and spins, landing itself on Gray.

"Ah gray! Truth or dare!"

"Pff. Dare."

"Good choice. I dare you to kiss Juvia on the cheek!"
Gray was silent. Everyone was smirking and Juvia was red. "Wwwhhaa??" She was saying. Gray stood up and sat next to the young Juvia, and did the dare. Oh my gosh... Juvia turned so red, she kinda fainted for a bit.

"H-hey? Are you alright?!" Gray asks with concern after completing Mira's dare. Mira snickers and tells she'd be in ok two more seconds. Juvia sat back up and thanked gray. I don't know why, but it was too cute to watch!

Gray spun the bottle. It landed on Loke. "Truth or dare, pretty boy?"

"Truth my friend."

"Is it true your dating Aries?" That questioned had me frozen. What? Loke was seeing someone? I kinda liked him, he didn't seem so bad, ah darn. Why me?

"Yeah, is that it?"

"Just wanted to know, you go."

Loke spun the bottle, it landed on levy.
"Truth or dare, pretty lady?" Levy blushed a bit, and someone grunted.


"Hmm, ah! I know! Do you have crush on somebody?" When asked, she was silent.

"Y-y-yes, but you didn't ask who so I'm not saying!!!" She blurted out. She was so red. Some of us giggled at the shyness. It was Levy's turn and when spun that bottle it landed on Me.

"Lu, Truth or Dare?"


"Is it true you have a crush on someone in this room?" Oh my gosh! What was that girl thinking!!!! Everyone was staring waiting for my answer. I don't want them to know!! Wait do I even like anyone? Well, I thought Loke was...ugh! Darn you levy.

"Yes. MY TURN." I say trying avoid the conversation. Fate is cruel. The bottle landed on Natsu. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." He says.

"Hmm, I dare you to go up and down the street, 3 times, yelling: 'WE WON! THE FIGHTING FAIRES KICK ASS!' That's your dare."

"Jeez Luce you don't hold back do ya?"

"Complete it already."


We watched him do as I say, he did so and was scolded by an older neighbor of mine. Everyone laughed along side with me. It was fun having my friends over. Soon the game ended and they all had to take off. I said bye to the guys and the girls.

But as I was closing the door, a foot was in my way. "Luce." It was Natsu

"What do you want?"

"You didn't take a dare."

"Well who cares?"

"I dare you to fall in love with me." He wasn't kidding by the time of his voice. He winked kissed my forehead and left in his red mustang.
*Skips a beat*

What? No, did my heart just flutter? Over a guy like him? Who dared me to fall for him?? Seriously?! Pfft. That dummy, I'll never fall for the likes of him, never.
Ugh my heart aches a bit.. Control yourself you damn heart.

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