Its Not a Date...Right?

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Lucy POV

Natsu dragged me to my car and told me to go drive to Magnolia square. When we did there were a bunch of stores. Places I haven't seen yet.


"C'mon let's go in there."

"The mall?"

"Don't girls love shopping?"

"Pfft. Maybe."

"Or would you prefer there."

"The movies."

"Wanna watch something?"


"Then let's get going."

We walk in, it was kinda crowded there were people everywhere. I didn't notice but Natsu grabbed my hand and dragged me to the ticket booth, he was asking for tickets so calmly. My hand was holding on to his, it was nice.

What am I saying?

"Luce do you want a large popcorn?"

"Um, medium please."

"Okie dokie."

When he asked for the popcorn my hand was still holding to his. Neither did I or him let go. He handed me the popcorn and held on to the drinks. We went inside and watched a horror. Figures.

As we passed by the aisle, a women was sitting. "Look Herb, a nice young couple!"

"Ah no--" I began

"Thank you ma'm" Natsu finished.

"What was that for?"
I whispered
"She's right, Luce"

This fool was making me turn red. Thank the lord, the movie started and the lights went out. He can't see me turn red. Why does my chest ache?!

The movie ended and I woke up on Natsu's shoulder.

"Hey sleepy, you done? Movie ended."

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

"Nah it's cool Luce, you looked cute dozing off." He said getting up, and he reached his hand out.

"It's still crowded out there dummy, you'll get lost so hold on."

"Uhmm o-ok." I say grabbing a hold of his hand.
He walked me out of the movie theatre and then we walked to the car. Afterwards, he told me to drive to Lamia Scale park. It's the biggest park in town and it's like 5mins from magnolia square. When we got there it was so beautiful. There's was a pond in the center with lily pads on it.

"Wow it's gorgeous"

"Right? I come here to think,"

"You think?"

"Haha. I do about stuff."

"What kinds of stuff?" I ask sitting down on the grass,

"School, home, friends, relationships."

"Wow the inner Natsu, sounds sensitive"

"Please I'm hard as rock,"

"Ok then, so when was the last you brought somewhere here?"

"1 year ago, and it was Lisanna."

"You've been dating her for a year? God bless your soul."

"Hah. Yeah"

"How did keep up with that nagging squeaky voice?"

"I have absolutely no idea,"

"Well at least your down with her now right?"

"Yeah, actually I kinda knew she'd cheat on me one day."

"Then why'd you stay with her?"

"I wanted to see if she'd actually do it. If she actually cared."

"I thought you were a heartbreaker?"

"I guess I am. I mean I broke up with her."

"Hah. Your actual human,"

"What you think I'm not?"

"I did until now, until this talk."

"Well your easy to talk to."

"Yeah? Thanks."

"This was a fun date."

"What no, not a date"

"Please you saw movie with me. And did you not notice I was holding your hand the whole time?"

"T-that's cause it was crowded! Baka!"

"Haha Luce your so cute when you get worked up, look your to turning red."

"That's cause your shouting this stuff! Baka!!"

He laughed. I wonder why Natsu would such things so casually, holy mother of pearl! HE'S WAY TO CLOSE TO MY FACE!!! WHEN HE'D GET SO CLOSE?! His nose and mine are touching, so are our foreheads, what exactly does this mean? Is he trying to kiss me? ON THE LIPS?! Ok cheek and forehead are one thing but the Lips?! NO WAY!!! I still haven't had my first kiss! Lame I know, but I can't give it to him! Ahhhh! I'm burning up!!! I'll pull away.

"*Ahem* we should head back."

"Right, what you don't wanna kiss me?"

"Uhm well, it's sorta that but not r-really..."

"Pfft. Ok then. But don't you start acting awkward around me, I'm still Natsu ya know."

"Yeah Natsu the Baka!!"

"There's my Luce!"

"I'm not your anything!"

I dropped Natsu off at his house and it was a nice house, ah the Natsu. I don't understand him. My mind sees him as a stupid friend, but when I think of him or see him, especially after tonight, my stupid heart aches....Damn.

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