Day with no Lucy

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Natsu POV

Ah man, stupid alarm. It's a new day, but Saturday I made a girl cry. Not just any girl though, it was Luce. It's weird, I've made plenty of other girls cry too, but I just moved on from them the next day, so why? Why does my chest burn like hell?

After my shower I dress myself in casual clothes. A red hoodie and black pants with some roshe shoes.

I drive to school, and the song "Wherever I Go" ~ Onerepublic is playing on the radio. What a coincidence.

When I arrive at school, I see Lucy's friends but no Luce.


"Natsu? What do you want?" Erza asks.

"Have any of you girls seen Luce?"

"Come to think of it, she's called said she was sick," levy tells me.

"Why exactly are you asking?" Mira asks

"I borrowed $7 bucks from her, so I was gonna return it."

"Hey Flamebrain!"

"Oi! Don't call me that stripper!"

"What's that? You seem down?"

How could he tell? - thoughts of the girls

"I'm not Baka ice lady"



You knew through out the day I mistook almost every blonde as Lucy.

"Ah Natsu!" A voice said

"Luce?! Mm never mind it's you."

"What's this?! You and the blonde were at the carnival?! My people caught a pic! Explain!!!"

"I broke up with you Lisanna."

"We both know you were joking."

"Well I'm not anymore, I'm sorry but i don't like you so shu shu!"

"Ah?! Excuse you?! I'm your girl friend!!!"

"Ah annoying!!! No I like someone else!!!"

"Uh!! And who might that be?!"

"Lucy you dipshit!"
It hit there that everyone was watching. Including gray and the others. But more importantly, I like Lucy.

"Then go to her you asshat!" Gray yells from across the gate.

I nod and go to her place, Luce I didn't notice until now but I'm in love with you. I'm in too deep.

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