Chapter 12

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"Okay, Kaname-san, can you please leave so that we girls can talk?" Amber politely asked Kaname since he was flirting with Lucy continuously which was getting irritating.

"Okay okay, I'll be taking my leave now but I'll come back later." He said and winked at Lucy and then walked away.

"Seriously, Lu? Don't flirt this much when we're around." I told her and sighed. And I also saw Nancy glancing at the door in every few minutes.

Masaomi, huh?

"He'll be back later, no need to keep looking at the door." I told her with a laugh and Amber and Lucy laughed as well while Nancy looked at me with a glare.

"Shut up, Kim." Nancy said with a harsh voice and I laughed at her. "And you too, Amber and Lucy." Both of them tried to prevent themselves from laughing but did so anyway.

"But admit it, you like him." Amber told and Nancy blushed a little while looking away. Well, its confirmed that she likes him.

"And where is he, huh? That 'singer' guy?" Nancy retorted with a smirk on her face. "Okay dude. Its fine." Amber replied with a light blush on her face and crossed her arms.

"And then we have no idea about who Kim likes." Lucy said with a smirk.

Why, Lucy, why?!

"Yeah! Who do you like, Kim?!" Nancy asked rather loudly that we didn't hear someone coming in the living room.

"I didn't know your friends were here. I'm Iori, nice to meet you." Iori suddenly said with a smile as he went towards the kitchen. Probably to eat some food.

Oh wait, didn't Masaomi and Ukyo went shopping for food? Well, I better tell Iori before he starts searching for food and be disappointed later on.

"That guy is really cute." Lucy whispered to us but I was still looking towards the kitchen. I stood up from my spot and walked towards there leaving my best friends confused.

"Iori, there's not much food so Masaomi and Ukyo have gone shopping for it." I told him when I saw he was looking inside the refrigerator. He closed it and then looked back at me.

"Thanks for telling me. Otherwise I would have been spending a lot more time searching for the non-existing food." He said as he walked towards me and patted my head softly before walking away leaving me blushing slightly and confused.

"U-uh okay? Wait what just happened?" I said out loud to myself before walking back and sitting on my spot.

"Do you like him?" Nancy questioned as soon as I came back and I shook my head. "But it looked like you do, since you went behind him and all." Lucy said giving me a 'I-know-you-like-him' look.

"No, I don't like him like that and I went there to inform him that there's no food left since he might have been- and was -searching for food." I said giving her an annoyed look and she started laughing at that.

"Then who do you like?" Nancy asked again and before I could answer, Amber beat me to it. "Tsu~baki!" She said in a singing tone before showing them a picture of Tsubaki on her phone.

"Nice~!" Nancy said while poking my arm repeatedly which was annoying, If I say.

"Okay dude, since when did we started talking about the guy I like? And no, I don't like Tsubaki, or I do, I do NOT know." I said to them in annoyance and Lucy came closer to me and pinched my cheeks while saying, "She's so cute~!" And then after a few seconds of doing it, she finally let go of my cheeks.

After that, we talked some more about the Asahina brother's and about the guy we like plus Iori. Seriously, I don't like Iori in that way so why are they even teasing me about him? Hmph, idiots.

We talked about some random and stupid things, our schools, and our studies as well which was not really a problem since I had good grades because of last minute studying, Amber had good grades because of her regular studying and Nancy had good grades because of regular studying as well and Lucy was like me, studying at the last minute but we all managed to get good, above-average grades and we were proud of it.

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