Chapter 20

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"She totally skipped." Amber said as she walked home with Nancy. They were talking about Lucy's message to them which informed them about Kim skipping the day with Iori.

"And that too without telling us." Nancy said with an annoyed tone. She was annoyed at Kim for not telling them about her plan.

"Well, maybe it was Iori's idea?" Nancy nodded slightly at Amber's words. She could be right. It might have been Iori's idea all along.

"By the way, she likes Iori or Tsubaki?" Nancy questioned. Well, her question was valid. Kim did like Tsubaki in the starting, but now, she isn't sure herself.

"After what Tsubaki did, I don't think she'll like him and even if she did, I won't approve of him." Amber said and Nancy nodded. Both of them along with Lucy, would do anything for their Kim.

"Well, lets know what happened!" Amber exclaimed as they reached the mansion and both quickly went to Amber's and Kim's room to see Kim just get out of the bathroom, probably changing to casual clothes.

"What happened?!" Both of her best friends asked her simultaneously and she just smiled happily before the three of them sat down on the bed and she started telling them about what had happened.

Kim was engulfed in a hug by both them when she finished talking. "That is so cute!" Amber squealed and Nancy agreed with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go to the main room? I'm a lil hungry for noodles!" Kim said with a pout which nobody can resist and so the trio went to the main room to eat some noodles.

"Wait. Who's gonna make the noodles?" Nancy asked as they reached the kitchen. Amber and Kim turned to her with puppy eyes and a cute smile on their faces.

Well, she was the only one along with Lucy who could cook. The rest two just used their cuteness to get them to make food.

"Okay fine." Nancy said before walking inside the kitchen and started making noodles for them and a little bit for her. She didn't really like the brand of the noodles they ate so she made just a bit for herself.

She was so engrossed in making the noodles that she didn't hear the footsteps approach her.

"Oh? Are you making something for your friends?" Nancy turned around to see that it was Masaomi who had asked her the question. With a shy smile, she nodded.

Masaomi came closer to her and patted her on the head. "You're such a good friend. Like a little sister to me." Even though he said those with good intentions, he didn't know what he did.

Looking down with a sad face, she nodded and turned her attention back to the noodles which were cooked. While putting them in bowls, the only thing she could think of was 'why am I the heartbroken one always?'

"Here." Nancy said quickly before trying to walk off but, "Wait!" Amber shouted and the trio came in for a group hug as they both kissed Nancy's cheeks.

"We love you. Remember? What happened?" Kim said in a comforting tone and all Nancy did was smile bitterly. "I just want to be alone for a while," she said and both of them nodded while she walked off.

She walked out of the mansion with her head down and tears threatening to come out. But she wouldn't cry just now. She can't.

Nancy found a park without any people nearby and sat on a bench before putting her head on the palms of her hands as she sobbed quietly.

The guy she started to like had just said she was like a sister. A sister. Anyone would get sad by that. And Nancy was no exception.

'A guy can't break me. I shouldn't cry because of a guy. I-'


Her thoughts were interrupted when the familiar deep voice called out her name and she looked up from her hands to see.....

......Back to when Nancy left the mansion.

"Where did Nancy go?" Masaomi asked the girls and they both shrugged. They were worried, yes. But they knew she was a strong girl and could take care of herself.

With a nod, Masaomi left the room and just when they finished eating the noodles in silence, two males; Fuuto and Azusa to be precise, came into the room.

Fuuto smirked as he saw Amber was sitting there. She interested him, and being the spoiled brat he is, he always got what he wanted.

"Hello, Kim-chan." Azusa politely greeted her and she returned his greeting with a smile. Before he could greet the other girl,

"Nee-san, come with me to this shop~!" Fuuto asked Amber with a flirty tone and a smirk which could melt any fangirl- or a girl.

"Sure? I'm bored too." Amber said with a shrug and saw Kim smirking a bit at her so she quickly gave her a smile which meant 'Don't or else....'

With another smirk, Fuuto grabbed her hand and started leading Amber out of the room and soon out of the mansion while Kim was left behind.

"Kim-chan? Do you mind if I say something?" Azusa asked her because the thing he was going to say might get her upset- heck, it will obviously get her upset.

She hummed as a response and Azusa gave her a small smile before speaking, "I'm sorry for what Tsubaki did that day. I know it should be him saying this, but I wanted to apologise to you as well."

Kim looked down at her hands and took a deep breath before smiling at him and replying, "It's okay, you don't have to say sorry."

Before Azusa could say anything else, she quickly changed the conversation topic to something they both loved.

"Also, I saw this new anime in which you are featuring as the main character! It was......" And so the conversation about anime went on.

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