Chapter 24

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"Chill, I know we've done good." Lucy laughed as she tried to calm Kim down. It was results day, and they were walking to their school to see the result.

And of course, Kim was really nervous, her face showed it all.

Kim took out her phone from her jeans pocket to see if Iori had messaged her but no, he hasn't.

Along with blue skinny jeans, she was wearing a white and grey stripped sweater and white shoes. Her hair was in a high ponytail as well.

"Yeah, but that's not the only thing!" Kim exclaimed to Lucy and the latter girl smirked. She knew about her date with Iori.

"Yes yes, speaking of Iori, where is he?" Lucy asked her and Kim thought about the date and then replied,

"He has an exam so he'll come directly to the school to see the result."

Lucy nodded at her. "By the way, isn't Kaname going to your house, huh?" Kim was the one who asked this with a smirk on her face.

"Yes he is, now shush." Lucy replied quickly to avoid the embarrassing moment which could've happened if Kim had kept talking.

"Lets get our results from out classrooms now." Lucy said and Kim nodded as the both went separate ways to collect their report cards.

Kim walked out of her classroom with a smile on her face. She had A's in all subjects except Japanese, in which she had a B. Well, you can't really blame her, she ain't good in writing Japanese.

She walked out of the building when,

"Kim!" She turned around to see Iori walking up to her with a smile. He was wearing black jeans and same coloured shoes with a royal blue jacket.

"Hey." Kim said in a low voice as he caught up to her and stood in front of her. He looked at her report card in her hands and smiled.

"How was your result?" He asked her and she grinned happily before passing him her report card. He opened it and smiled before giving it back to her.

"Lets go for our date, then?" He asked her and she nodded with a slight blush on her face. He chuckled before grabbing her right hand in his left and started walking towards who knows where.

In 10 minutes, they reached their destination. Kim had the biggest smile on her face as she realized that Iori had taken her to a bookstore.

"A bookstore? Really?! That's amazing, Iori-kun!" Kim exclaimed before hugging him tightly. He chuckled before hugging her back and pulled away after a few seconds.

"Lets go in, shall we?" He said and she smiled as they walked inside the book store.

They roamed around the bookstore, picking up the books they wanted to buy. They had taken out 7 books in total.

"I want you." Kim whispered to the book which was on the top shelf, Fangirl. She had a sad look on her face as she wasn't tall enough to take the book.

Iori walked towards her and asked, "Do you need help?"

Kim nodded and pointed to the book which she wanted. Iori took it out from the shelf and handed it over to her.

"Thank you!" Kim exclaimed with a smile as she took the book from him and leaned against the wall to read the summary when suddenly her book was taken away and she came face to face with Iori.

"Parks Kimberly." He whispered in a deep voice as he looked into her eyes sincerely. Oh, how he could keep looking into those eyes and never get tired.

"Y-yes?" Kim stuttered as her heart was beating fast from their bodies being so close.

He smiled as he caressed her cheek softly before trailing his fingers to her chin and tilting it upwards.

They kept looking into each other's eyes before Iori's eyes travelled downwards to her lips and he stroked it with his thumb before looking back into her eyes.

"Can I?" He asked in a whispering tone as he leaned closer. Kimberly gulped before nodding with a small smile.

He smiled back before leaning in and closing the gap between their lips. He moved his lips against her in a slow motion, making the kiss more loving and passionate than before.

Kimberly shyly kissed him back and rested her hands on his shoulders as he grabbed her waist by his other hand, the books being abandoned in the basket.

They pulled away after a few seconds and smiled at each other.

"Will you give me a chance to prove that I can be the best boyfriend ever?" He asked her sweetly and she nodded before burying her head in his chest.

Iori chuckled but nonetheless hugged her back tightly and kissed the top of her head.

A bookstore date with the best guy ever? Check.

"You're finally back." Kaname said as Lucy entered her house to see him leaning against the wall of the kitchen, with his arms crossed.

"Well, its not like you gave me a specific time." Lucy shrugged with an innocent smile on her face as she inched closer to him.

"Yeah yeah, my fault. Now, come here." Kaname said and grabbed her by waist before pinning her to the wall and closing the gap between their mouth.

Lucy kissed him back while wrapping her arms around his neck, to pull him closer.

He poked her bottom lip with his tongue but she refused to give him entrance. He squeezed her left ass and she gasped by this unexpected action, giving him a chance to enter her mouth and explore it.

Lucy moaned as he expertly explored her mouth and pleasured her.

He pulled away before trailing his kisses to her jawline and to her neck, making her moan while panting.

He started sucking on her sweet spot and ran his tongue along the skin of her neck, which had been exposed by the over sized sweater she has been wearing.

He pulled away after giving her another hickey and kissed her forehead, making her look at him in confusion.

"So you're stopping it at that?!" She asked him in annoyance. She has been having a good time with Kaname, and now he had stopped.

He chuckled before answering her question, "you're still a minor. We could fuck when you turn 18." She looked at him in disbelief.

"Fuck you."

"When you're older."

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