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It wasn't just Kim, the others also woke up like her and were confused about what was happening.

In their homes, in different cities. They all were back in their homes, in their real world, where no time has passed.

Like Kim, they all were woken up by their elder siblings, who were not-so-gentle in waking them up.

Was it all a dream?

Was it just their imagination?

Was it all a fantasy?

On the verge of crying, Amber quickly takes her phone from the side table and messages in the group chat of the four.

'Skype. Now.'

It hasn't been 5 minutes before all had read the message and Kim had called on the skype group chat.

All looked so broken, so depressed. Nancy was crying and so was Lucy and Amber, who had started crying silently; and Kim, ready to cry.

"Hey," Amber said in a cracking voice.

"Hay is for horses!" Lucy chimed with a sad laugh. Even while sad, she just can't stop making poor jokes.

Kim laughed before saying, "cause this is the perfect time to joke, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Amber said, playing along to not let anyone get more depressed than they already were.

"Well...." Lucy started, "it looks like we all have to move on now, isn't it?"

"Hmm." Nancy nodded while looking down. "It'll be hard," Kim said.

"But we'll help each other. After all, this is the sad reality we live in." Lucy added in a serious tone.

They all lived in different places, so it'll be even harder, since, they were the only ones who had a relationship with the guys.

But they tried their best. Going on with their lives, without the guys. Still missing them.

They put on fake smiles and got through days and days without mentioning their stay at the Asahina's, for if they did, who would actually believe them?

Days passed by and so did months, and soon enough a year had passed by and it was the start of their last year of school.


But on a one fine day,

"Nancy! Come down, fast! He is coming over!" Nancy's mother shouted for her and she groaned but still went downstairs so that she won't get yelled at.

He is the person who is supposed to live there, with her family, for his entrance exam for getting a highly paid job there. He was older than her, and probably someone who she'll never see again.

"He is about to come any minute now. Make sure you open the door and welcome him with a smile." Nancy's mother instructed her and she nodded with a forced smile.

Her mom opened her mouth to speak again but was cut off by the ringing of the bell, and she hurriedly went to open the door, unwilling to see the face of the person who'll be living with them for some time.

What she didn't expect was that the person in front of her would be the orange haired, violet eyes person she had loved.

"Diamonds' right? I'm Natsume Asahina, I'm supposed to living here from now on." He smiled his breathtaking smile and all Nancy could do was nod in a daze.

He was here.

Lucy Sparks was coming back from her dance class with earphones in her ears, just listening to music and walking around aimlessly before actually going back to her home.

One Love, One Dream, One Wish (Brothers Conflict Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora