Chapter 14

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3rd Person's POV

While everyone was coming downstairs with their luggage and stuff, one particular girl was talking to the eldest brother about her friends.

"So they'll directly come to the vacation house?" Masaomi asked Kim as she nodded while fixing her spectacles. They were going downstairs where everybody should be by now.

"Oh. Okay." He nodded and then they reached where everyone had gathered. The only ones who were present- and were going for the trip- were Masaomi, Ukyo, Tsubaki, Azusa, Natsume, Iori, Wataru, Ema, Amber and Kim. And also Kaname, who had left earlier than the others.

The others had some important thing to do during the vacation time so that's why they were not going.

"Okay so let's split up in 2 groups! We'll take my car and Natsume's car!" Ukyo announced and they split up and the first group consisted of Masaomi, Ukyo, Azusa, Wataru and Ema; the quiet ones in one car and Tsubaki, Natsume, Iori, Amber and Kim in the other.

"Put on some songs, Tsubaki-san!" Amber exclaimed as they all got in the car and Natsume started driving. Tsubaki agreed and put on some Japanese songs from his phone. He was sitting in the passenger seat.

"I want to listen to K-POP." Kim whispered to Amber who giggled at what her best friend but nodded nonetheless. On the backseat, it was Iori on the left, Kim in the middle and Amber on the right.

"Is that some secret language or something?" Natsume asked while keeping his focus on the road and Amber sighed.

"Yes it is but no, we will not tell you guys." Amber said and stuck her tongue out childishly at him who chuckled a little and the others laughed softly.

"Amber-chan is really cute!" Tsubaki complimented her and she thanked him. Tsubaki failed to notice the slight glare that his fraternal twin was giving him.

"But Kim-chan is as beautiful as a rose." Iori complimented Kim out of the blue which made her blush slightly and look down at her lap.

"Well, its Kim-chan after all!" Tsubaki didn't leave the opportunity to fluster the shy girl and he winked at her well.

"N-not really." She shyly said and before anyone had the chance to say anything about her, she quickly put on her headphones which were in a small bag she was carrying with her and started the K-POP playlist.

"Aw, someone is flustered." Amber poked Kim's cheek but she pretended it didn't bother her and closed her eyes.

"Was she always this shy and quiet, Amber-chan?" Iori asked Amber while he unknowingly put his right hand on top of Kim's left hand.

"Well, yeah. She has always been like this. But I won't say anything else because it's not my place to tell you about her." Amber said and then sighed. Her statement made the eldest triplet and the princely brother tensed and confused.

Noticing the tense atmosphere, Natsume suggested a good idea.

"Why don't we play something?"

Tsubaki's eye sparkled but before he could suggest a game, Amber beat him to it.

"Let's play 'Would You Rather'!" Amber exclaimed and others agreed since other games would require to move around which they couldn't do.

"Kim-chan?" Iori tapped her shoulder and she opened her eyes and took off her headphones so that she could listen to what he had to say.

"We're playing 'Would You Rather'!" Tsubaki beat his younger brother to telling spectacled girl about what they were going to play.

"Okay." She said without any emotion. Well, it is not like she was excited or something to play this game.

"So, Natsume. Would you rather be a fisherman or a good-for-nothing guy?" Tsubaki started off easy with the question since he didn't want his 'innocent' sisters' minds to get corrupted.

"A fisherman. I would never be the good-for-nothing kind of person." He answered bluntly and Amber nodded while thinking about how cool that is- no not really she wasn't thinking about anything like that, she just nodded.

"Amber, would you rather, be in your favourite anime or your favourite game?" Natsume asked to figure out if she was a gamer or an otaku or possibly both.

"Well, I don't play games so yeah, anime. Kim, would you rather go on a date with a handsome, good-for-nothing fuck boy or a guy who gets bullied for liking anime and books?" Amber asked Kim as she stared at her with a look that said 'Are You Serious?'

"Of course the bullied guy. Fuckboys aren't even worth it." She looked out the window and then checked the time on her phone to see it an hour had passed since they have left the house.

"Iori, would you rather smell someone's feet or eat a whole lemon?"  Her question was rather strange compared to the other questions.

A somewhat horrified look appeared on Iori's face before his expression turned back to normal and then answered the question.

"Lemon, maybe." Iori answered with slight hesitation which made Amber laugh.

"Why such a strange question, Kim?" Amber asked her and she just smiled a little.

"Well.." Kim started and looked around to see all of them- except Natsume- staring at her in anticipation.

"..because I've done both. As dares." When Kim said that the look on everyone's faces- including Natsume's- were priceless.

All of them had shocked or horrified looks or both which made Kim laugh a little at their actions.

"Stupid." Amber said and poked her side which made her lean into Iori a little as she tried to get away from her best friend's hand.

"Okay okay." She said and went back to her original space after muttering a small apology to Iori.

The rest of the car ride went like this, playing the game and asking stupid and strange questions while listening to Japanese music which was playing from Tsubaki's phone.

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