6:00 pm
Miramar, Fighter Town

I had gotten up early to fly with our vets and hot shots letting Mav sleep in since she didn't have too. I signaled to flight control I was ready. Looking around I noticed everyone else was also.
'Ready to go boys?' I say around my mask.
'10-4 Iceman.'
'Ready when you are fearless leader.'
'Smoke to Iceman. Pattern is full. Let's do this!'
I chuckled at smokes answer back.
'Lucky strikes to Iceman. Whats the hold up? Lets go.'
'Ok guys. The trophy is still up for grabs.' I say and we were lined up to go. I flew away first as everyone else followed.
'Everyone ok?' I ask.
'Good to go.'
'Green light.'
'Fueled and ready to go Ice!'
Looking up a Mig flew overhead causing me to smile.
"Alright Ice, lets teach em somethin." I say to myself.
I smiled as I pushed the lever forward keeping an eye on fuel. I did a barrel roll around the Mig to see if it had a shadow. And it did!!!
'Okay boys lets send these guys home crying to their mommys.' I say snarky.
I heard shouts of excitement over my mask smiling back. I looked at my meters and then my firing target.
"Too close for missiles. Switching to guns!" I say through my mask.
'Ice theres a Mig on your tail!'
That warning was too late. I heard the sounds of aircraft guns firing hitting my plane. I felt a jolt keeping calm. I looked at the picture of Mav Rafe and I at the beach. I had to do this and make it back. I couldn't leave them behind. Kicking myself into gear I shoved the lever forward dropping back getting a lock on the Mig. I flipped the cap off the missile button and pressed it after hearing the tone sound.
"Got'em!!" I say proudly.
Suddenly, I got into a Mig's jet wash and began to manually shut off my engines. I flipped the switch but they wouldn't come back on!
Stay calm Ice your engines are stalling give them a sec.
I flipped the switch again as I did a hard tailspin unable to keep the joystick straight now. I kept flipping the switch in panic as I looked up.
Ejection ties!
I pulled them as hard as I could and waited. The canopy flew off to the side as I was thrown up my parachute popping out. I slowly floated to the water when the green color expanded around me. I tore off my parachute and our special life jacket came out. Mine somehow had a hole in it, so I had to work just as hard to keep my head above water. And the waves weren't helping either. I got drug under and fought to keep up as waves tossed me around in a circle. I treaded water naturally as I heard a helicopter. Feeling the water get rougher as the copter got closer I went under again coming up soaking wet, the cold water taking my breath away.
"Sir?" Said the Coast guard diver, "Is there anyone eles with you?"
I coughed to the side shaking my head.
"No. Its just me." I say.
"Here take this and I will take you the rest of the way." The man said.
"Okay." I say grabbing the float device and he took me to the pull up device. It hooked onto my punctured lifejacket bringing me up to the helicopter.

The Forbidden Legacy (#2 In TheTom Kazansky Series)Where stories live. Discover now